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US imposes sanctions on key allies, EU + Mexico + Canada


Jul 9, 2010
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The US is to impose tariffs on steel and aluminium imports from allies in Europe and North America.

The US said a 25% tax on steel and 10% tax on aluminium from the EU, Mexico and Canada will start at midnight.

The move immediately triggered vows of retaliation from Mexico and the EU, which called the tariffs "protectionism, pure and simple".

The UK said it was "deeply disappointed" by the US decision, which followed weeks of negotiations.

EU trade commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said it was a "bad day for world trade", while European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker said the move was "totally unacceptable.

The EU had "no choice" but to bring a case before the World Trade Organization and impose duties on US imports, he added.

Europe had previously outlined a list of items, including US bourbon, cranberries and jeans, as potential targets for retaliation.

Mexico's Economy Ministry said it would place tariffs on items such as steel, pork legs and shoulders, apples, grapes, blueberries and cheese.

Canada called the US tariffs "totally unacceptable" and said it would levy tariffs on American products starting 1 July. It is also planning a challenge at the World Trade Organization.


The USA can't seem to win the normal way, their trade deficit is ballooning despite already being the worst in the whole world to begin with.
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Excellent decision by DT... Americans will remain indebted to what he has done to make America great again till the end of times..
Trump is declaring economic war on everybody against both friend and foe.
Trump is declaring economic war on everybody against both friend and foe.

Did you mean, "The USA is declaring economic war on everybody against both friend and foe"?

After all, the US foreign policy is not run on the whims of a single man, they are not a tin-pot dicatorship like North Korea right, who threatens nuclear war against other countries at the drop of a hat?

Right... ?

Or is it the other way around? Who was it that was constantly boasting about the size of his nuclear weapons and the size of his nuclear button...

Actually given current events in the world, North Korea is actually looking like the sane one, even after Trump provocatively cancelled the meeting, Kim still went ahead and met the SK President as well as shutting down a nuclear test site. What a world we live in, when North Korea behaves with more maturity and with more dignity than the USA.

@TaiShang @Cybernetics @rott @Beast
Sanctions or Tariffs?

From the article:

"US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross announced the sanctions from Paris, where he had been negotiating with EU leaders who were trying to avert the tariffs.

Mr Ross said talks had not made enough progress to warrant a further reprieve either for Europe or for Canada and Mexico, which are in negotiations with the US over North America's free trade agreement."

For the record, three of the most common types of trade sanctions are quotas, tariffs, and non-tariff barriers.
Did you mean, "The USA is declaring economic war on everybody against both friend and foe"?

After all, the US foreign policy is not run on the whims of a single man, they are not a tin-pot dicatorship like North Korea right, who threatens nuclear war against other countries at the drop of a hat?

Right... ?

Or is it the other way around? Who was it that was constantly boasting about the size of his nuclear weapons and the size of his nuclear button...

Actually given current events in the world, North Korea is actually looking like the sane one, even after Trump provocatively cancelled the meeting, Kim still went ahead and met the SK President as well as shutting down a nuclear test site. What a world we live in, when North Korea behaves with more maturity and with more dignity than the USA.

@TaiShang @Cybernetics @rott @Beast
Wow, I didn't get the tag. I came across this thread by accident. Thanks!
On topic:

Truly, the USA is getting stupider day by day under Trump. Do they even know what they are up to?
I understand if they sanction North Korea, Mexico or China or even Iran. Lol, Canada? EU?
Excuse me while I Lmao...
Trump is declaring economic war on everybody against both friend and foe.
Nah according to PDF only India is on the list rest of it is nonsense. We had already had a thread on only India being on the list. This news is fake at the best.
Nah according to PDF only India is on the list rest of it is nonsense. We had already had a thread on only India being on the list. This news is fake at the best.

India is being targeted because the USA wants to stop Russian weapon sales, and India is the biggest customer of Russian weapons.
Europe had previously outlined a list of items US bourbon, cranberries and jeans.

Yep that's going to show them lol. :p:

They say they will match the US trade sanctions dollar for dollar.

US bourbon and American jeans are interesting choices for sanctions, since they are very "American" exports.

Frankly the American trade deficit is so bad (the worst in the world by miles) that the USA thinks they don't have anything more to lose. But they are wrong, American exports support millions of jobs in the US.

The US is to impose tariffs on steel and aluminium imports from allies in Europe and North America.

The US said a 25% tax on steel and 10% tax on aluminium from the EU, Mexico and Canada will start at midnight.

The move immediately triggered vows of retaliation from Mexico and the EU, which called the tariffs "protectionism, pure and simple".

The UK said it was "deeply disappointed" by the US decision, which followed weeks of negotiations.

EU trade commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said it was a "bad day for world trade", while European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker said the move was "totally unacceptable.

The EU had "no choice" but to bring a case before the World Trade Organization and impose duties on US imports, he added.

Europe had previously outlined a list of items, including US bourbon, cranberries and jeans, as potential targets for retaliation.

Mexico's Economy Ministry said it would place tariffs on items such as steel, pork legs and shoulders, apples, grapes, blueberries and cheese.

Canada called the US tariffs "totally unacceptable" and said it would levy tariffs on American products starting 1 July. It is also planning a challenge at the World Trade Organization.


The USA can't seem to win the normal way, their trade deficit is ballooning despite already being the worst in the whole world to begin with.

The US was being squeezed by their allies and their foes.
They have no choice but to engage in a trade-war.

often, the best way to adjust a trade-deficit is to just make it felt in the prices of people's favorite brands.
The US was being squeezed by their allies and their foes.
They have no choice but to engage in a trade-war.

often, the best way to adjust a trade-deficit is to just make it felt in the prices of people's favorite brands.

You don't have to make excuses for the USA, nobody forced them to sanction Europe.

often, the best way to adjust a trade-deficit is to just make it felt in the prices of people's favorite brands.

According to basic economic theory, trade wars end up badly for both sides.
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