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US House drops A.Q. Khan, India clauses from aid bill

it was a big topi drama being played by some of the lobbyists.
there was no way US could keep such conditions attached to the bill without annoyin pakistani establishment which is that last thing they would want now. may be when US will leave afghanistan, then we might see such conditions becomin a reality.
U.S.-India Relations Strained under Obama

NEW DELHI -- U.S.-India relations have experienced a period of strain under the presidency of Barack Obama, with India increasingly unhappy about how the new administration is shaping its policy in the South Asian region.

It is not just one or two matters that have raised concerns for New Delhi, but rather the gathering impression over the last few months that some of the closeness in relations enjoyed under the Bush administration, exemplified by the U.S.-India civilian nuclear deal, is dissipating under Obama.

Some observers say that under Bush, Washington was more concerned about propping up India as a counterweight to China in the region. The diversion of the "war on terror" from Afghanistan to Iraq, too, effectively sidelined Pakistan, despite it being a long-time U.S. partner.

With Obama, the focus is back on uprooting jihadi terror in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and the administration's sizable five-year military and civilian aid package designed to help Islamabad play a central role in this fight has particularly irked India.

New Delhi has always been concerned that U.S.-supplied arms and money can easily be deployed against India. The Obama administration's insistence that any reference to India be removed from a legislative clause designed to ensure against Pakistani misuse of the aid package served as another indication of Washington's new leanings.

Other perceived slights include:

- The recent U.S. embassy's advisory warning to U.S. travelers about the threat of terrorism in the country. The alert was not appreciated in New Delhi, given India's ambition to emerge as a major tourist destination

- Under Secretary of State William Burns' comments on the disputed state of Kashmir, where state elections have been successfully held and widely recognized as free and fair. On a visit to India last week, Burns said that the "wishes" of the people of the state need to be considered to resolve the issues, implicitly endorsing Pakistani and separatist calls for a plebiscite.

- Washington's stated intention to pursue its policy of non-proliferation aggressively, including the ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). India considers treaties such as the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) and CTBT as biased in favor of nuclear-weapon possessing countries (Britain, France, China, Russia and the U.S.). India is willing to be on board, provided the "elite" nations also agree not to stockpile and test nuclear weapons. Bush circumvented the NPT and CTBT in order to push India's case as the "nuclear exception," resulting in its present access to international civilian atomic technology transfers.

- Obama's remarks last month, widely perceived as "anti-India," about the need to reform America's tax code. Obama rejected the current tax code "that says you should pay lower taxes if you create a job in Bangalore, India, than if you create one in Buffalo, New York." His tax proposals alarmed India's export-oriented software sector, which generates the bulk of its business from America. Meanwhile his stimulus plans for the U.S. economy make it increasingly difficult for U.S. companies to hire foreigners on temporary skilled worker permits and visas, often used by Indian software professionals to work on-site in America. Obama's policies are also making it harder for U.S. companies that send jobs overseas to enjoy tax benefits, with obvious effects on Indian outsourcing firms.

There is, however, one legacy of the Bush administration that looks set to continue: defense cooperation, underlining Washington's perceived willingness to pursue contacts that obviously benefit U.S. businesses.

In March, the Obama administration approved a $2 billion sale of eight Boeing P-8I maritime patrol aircraft, the biggest U.S. arms sale to India to date. The State Department said in a statement that it had cleared the direct commercial sale, having factored in "political, military, economic, human rights and arms control considerations."

Observers also believe that another Bush legacy that should endure is nuclear trade, despite grumblings about the NPT and CTBT. Since July 2005, when India and the U.S. signed the landmark "1-2-3 Agreement," the removal of the 35-year international embargo on nuclear trade with India has been a slow and arduous path.

India is now looking to import at least eight new nuclear reactors by 2012. Between five and seven sites for sizable nuclear power plants are being blueprinted for nuclear capacity additions by 2020. American businesses have estimated the potential foreign direct investment at more than $100 billion in India's nuclear power sector over the next decade, with several U.S. firms in the running to win contracts.

The strategic depth of U.S.-India relations, though, is set to be different under Obama, whose focus on battling terrorist networks in Pakistan and Afghanistan will make the U.S. a more difficult partner for India than it was under Bush.

WPR Article | U.S.-India Relations Strained under Obama
I think both Obama and Hillary Clinton are realizing that Pakistan has suffered enough with this War on Terror and Pakistan had to deal with Taliban after Soviet War when US turned its backs on us after the war. The US is trying to make up for that.

Pakistan suffered the most with this war on terror and none of the 9/11 hijackers were Pakistanis.
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USA cannot do much in Kashmir , India has been building good relationship with Russia to help any kind of move against India in UN, Russia is the only reason stopping US from moving against India , Even if they try anything on Kashmir this would end up like another Palestine and India - Pakistan has to fight for ever.

Tell me something. What is Russia going to do with the internal movement for independance that is on going in Kashmir as we speak. If you forget the Pakistan india Scenario and look at kashmir as a isolated sector of land , what are your feelings going to be? Will yo still disregard the thousands of lost lives as a fair and worth while event.(Iknow you did not make this statement but you know where i am coming from). The problem that you guys fail to see is that kashmir needs to be resolved in order to have peace in the region. Even if Pakistan were to stop interferring in kashmir, it would still be an internal problem eating at the inner fabric of indian society, and will eventually wear you out.
My 2 paisas worth
When would Pakistani politicians have finesse it takes to tackle problems faced by Pakistan of uncalled for foreign pressures about matters that other countries get away with, and mimic those who are accusing Pakistan of all sorts of self concocted blames.

No one will help Pakistan but Pakistan it self. so Dr. Qadir Khan had done what he felt was necessary to do for his country.Therefore Pakistan should negotiate saying that we will allow Dr. Qadir to present himself in front of a world court, if all those who supplied nuke materials to others will do the same.

The world court will only be a world court if it is held in China, the most populous country on the face of this earth, And the judges should be from the whole world, not from one continent.

It will be a giant step forward if we as humans can rid this planet of such destructive weapons all at the same time.
It's a very tough situation. If we give aid to Pakistan, India complains. If we give India aid, Pakistan complains. If we give aid to Israel, the whole middle east complains. How do we make everybody happy?:coffee:
It's a very tough situation. If we give aid to Pakistan, India complains. If we give India aid, Pakistan complains. If we give aid to Israel, the whole middle east complains. How do we make everybody happy?:coffee:

Easy. Know who stood by you for all the times and know who is acting like a rogue state and killing innocents.

In other words go by what your constitution clearly says.

Help the oppressed, the needy and those who have proved historically to be your friends and not those who are not following rules per constitution of yours.

I can elaborate further, but I know that you got the point.
It's a very tough situation. If we give aid to Pakistan, India complains. If we give India aid, Pakistan complains. If we give aid to Israel, the whole middle east complains. How do we make everybody happy?:coffee:

Does America want everybody happy ?

If your answer is yes. Then America would no longer be a superpower.
Time has come for a super power to dispense the traits to convince countries of the world that it believes in human rights, freedom of speech, freedom of expressions and believes in friendship and in rights not wrongs.

The main reason for this is that even though super power has the Army, but these day army means nothing when many country have and can built atomic weapons easily, the only thing a super power can try is to win hearts and minds of people by morally good actions.

As the interests of a nation are similar to the interests of all other Nations so long as they are moral and it is not interests but morality will be the winner of hearts and minds and not force.
Tell me something. What is Russia going to do with the internal movement for independance that is on going in Kashmir as we speak. If you forget the Pakistan india Scenario and look at kashmir as a isolated sector of land , what are your feelings going to be? Will yo still disregard the thousands of lost lives as a fair and worth while event.(Iknow you did not make this statement but you know where i am coming from). The problem that you guys fail to see is that kashmir needs to be resolved in order to have peace in the region. Even if Pakistan were to stop interferring in kashmir, it would still be an internal problem eating at the inner fabric of indian society, and will eventually wear you out.
My 2 paisas worth

I totally agree with what you say mate, Kashmir problem has to be resolved.But it can only be resolved if pakistan stops sponsoring terrorism in the name of kashmiri liberation. I once heard that one of your leaders said that india has to bleed with a thousand cuts or whatever.Now see who is bleeding?Lemme remind you one thing, kashmir is a part of India. The only reason you are claiming it is because it is a muslim dominated state. No matter what you do or what you say or whoever supports you,we have been fighting for almost 60 years , lost a lot of our brave souls, fought wars and u think we will give kashmir to U? heheheh funny... NEVER AND EVER
Let it be our INTERNAL problem... please dont step inside it... :yahoo:
I totally agree with what you say mate, Kashmir problem has to be resolved.But it can only be resolved if pakistan stops sponsoring terrorism in the name of kashmiri liberation. I once heard that one of your leaders said that india has to bleed with a thousand cuts or whatever.Now see who is bleeding?Lemme remind you one thing, kashmir is a part of India. The only reason you are claiming it is because it is a muslim dominated state. No matter what you do or what you say or whoever supports you,we have been fighting for almost 60 years , lost a lot of our brave souls, fought wars and u think we will give kashmir to U? heheheh funny... NEVER AND EVER
Let it be our INTERNAL problem... please dont step inside it... :yahoo:

1. Pakistan never supported terrorism in Kashmir - we supported the globally recognized right of a people to fight against occupation.

2. Pakistan has played a very significant role in almost eliminating the cross-LoC infiltration and subsequently the insurgency in Kashmir, and this has been recognized by both international and Indian defence and military officials.

Pakistan started this new approach in 2002, so that 'dialog' would be given a chance.

3. Kashmir is not a part of India since its is still recognized internationally and in the UN as Disputed Territory. That is why there is a Line of Control, and not an actual border between Idia and Pakistan along Kashmir. Just because Indians claim that Kashmir is theirs and include something in their constitution declaring so, in contravention of international commitments and resolutions, does not make it so. By that yardstick you might as well include California in your constitution and claim its an 'Indian State'.

So long as J&K is disputed, it is not 'India's internal problem', no matter how much you rant about it.

Lastly, please don't flame. Araz made a very civilized point, just because you don't like it does not mean you get to rant on this forum.

Back to topic please - lest this become another Kashmir thread.
Tell me something. What is Russia going to do with the internal movement for independance that is on going in Kashmir as we speak. If you forget the Pakistan india Scenario and look at kashmir as a isolated sector of land , what are your feelings going to be? Will yo still disregard the thousands of lost lives as a fair and worth while event.(Iknow you did not make this statement but you know where i am coming from). The problem that you guys fail to see is that kashmir needs to be resolved in order to have peace in the region. Even if Pakistan were to stop interferring in kashmir, it would still be an internal problem eating at the inner fabric of indian society, and will eventually wear you out.
My 2 paisas worth
Very well said sir, If india doesn't help herself it will be devestating for India since this movement will get agggressive and will result in all out support of Arab nations along with Pakistan and in that case India is not Israel which is the only reginal power, Pakistan sitting right next to India will make the progress and defence of India weak, " My statment is not a threat by any means so please don't try to take it wrong" its just my prospective. :pakistan::china::usflag:
Tell me something. What is Russia going to do with the internal movement for independance that is on going in Kashmir as we speak. If you forget the Pakistan india Scenario and look at kashmir as a isolated sector of land , what are your feelings going to be? Will yo still disregard the thousands of lost lives as a fair and worth while event.(Iknow you did not make this statement but you know where i am coming from). The problem that you guys fail to see is that kashmir needs to be resolved in order to have peace in the region. Even if Pakistan were to stop interferring in kashmir, it would still be an internal problem eating at the inner fabric of indian society, and will eventually wear you out.
My 2 paisas worth

See for both of our countries I could not see any strong single major political party forming government at least in short term , any move on Kashmir right now by any political party will result in nothing but loosing the government thats it ,nothing much. Both of use will not allow to resolve the issue politically.

US Role on Kashmir issue may be important for Pakistan but leaves no impact on India. For India , USA is just a important trading partner , If any such statement comes from Russia this definitely has some big impact on India.

If Kashmir is a isolated land my aim as an Indian would be either Annex it with India or make a puppet regime , Because our life line (water ) is there !!!

For India we do not need to resolve the Kashmir issue and its not eating anything inside except by a few bomb blasts by blood thirsty animals . Its not a big issue for us.
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