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'US has now an ally in India, enemy in Islamabad'

@Cheetah786 The major difference between India and Pakistan regarding anything internal or external issues, is the democracy. There is always a chance politicians can be made to pay for their failures via ballot.

I think it's Equal Right/Justice Producing Secular "Constitution" , Democracy comes with it for free.....
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The Indian strategic planners are one clever group of people. They know that it is in there best interest to keep the US at an arms length. While India has happily expanded trade and commercial ties with the US but has refused to toe the line with the US on political issues. Despite several overtures from the US with carrots, India has refused to take the bait and has refused to join an American led alliance. In fact, India has gone one step further, it has proceeded to diversify its relations with other developed and developing countries reducing her reliance on the US much to the disappointment of Uncle Sam. I must say, the Indian strategic planners have played there cards exceptionally well.

That's but natural - after enduring the British rule and going through a tumultuous and bitter freedom struggle where millions of our citizens died we were in no big hurry to embrace the west.
Tells you what a tabloid piece of trash HT is, can't even get a headline right. Ally in India, enemy is Islamabad should have been Ally in New Delhi, enemy in Islamabad by any editor worth its salt.
Tells you what a tabloid piece of trash HT is, can't even get a headline right. Ally in India, enemy is Islamabad should have been Ally in New Delhi, enemy in Islamabad by any editor worth its salt.

I guess Enemy in Pakistan must have been too strong a sentence to be incorporated, might ruffle a few feathers unnecessarily.

HT is one of the best newspapers in India
The Indian strategic planners are one clever group of people. They know that it is in there best interest to keep the US at an arms length. While India has happily expanded trade and commercial ties with the US but has refused to toe the line with the US on political issues. Despite several overtures from the US with carrots, India has refused to take the bait and has refused to join an American led alliance. In fact, India has gone one step further, it has proceeded to diversify its relations with other developed and developing countries reducing her reliance on the US much to the disappointment of Uncle Sam. I must say, the Indian strategic planners have played there cards exceptionally well.


Not like Pakistani Military & Govt (Laeet he jaoo begeeratoon ke tarhan.... na kuch loo bas detay he jaooo aur agla aap ke lay b aur opar say double ****** b karay)
our effective and independent foreign policy wont allow us to become someone's puppet.
India do not see this way, It might be someone's personal opinion. Things are not that simple for people who try to keep India independent, the best possible.

We know USA has interests in Pakistan.
America has no perminent friends or enemies.....but only interests:Henry kissinger.Dont forgotten dis
All the Independence will go out the door the day yanks want some thing and you refuse.

Oh and I thought u had grown up.. :woot:

ffs read '71 history from neutral sources.. US navy sent it's largest battleship of that time ( the 7th fleet ) to force india to withdraw it's forces.. the end result we all know what happened..

And now if u are going to say that russians saved our ***** then you will be right but at the same time dismissive of the way India played it's card. Indira knew the reality.. metaphorically to say.. India knew that "ghulam ko Ikke se hi kata jat hai " hence we made sure that we have the appropriate card ( russian sub force ) up our sleeves before we jumped in the fire.

What was planned for over an year was executed in 15 days with swiftness and without mercy. !
Oh ! ya you got Dumped and Ditched by America now you getting wet dreams of " co-operation among themselves"

well any way we r already in co-operation India,Sri-Lanka ,Bangladesh , Bhutan, Nepal ......It just your Fanatic Islamic country is out of league . your country is taboo , i don't know which country really interested full Co-operation with pak ...........


Idiot, am I suppose to reply to this?

We protected our interests even by going against U.S ... I can also rant that your interests are being f*cked in Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Indian Ocean etc etc, as we speak.

Stop this idiocy, please...

We ALL must co-operate more, India, Pak, China, KSA, Gulf, Russia, Egypt, Iran, Japan etc etc etc....its better for all of us...
He's the most rabidly anti Pakistan politician in DC.

And if that's the case I'm not too worried. His influence is negligible. He's also a flip flopper on so many issues the guy is such a fraud.

He supported Iraq invasion and then now bitches that soldiers died and USA supported "thugs" in Baghdad. He supported the mujahideen efforts enthusiastically - but then bitches about the existence of taleban. He claims to speak for Baloch rights and lanbasts the feudal nature of the country but the groups he proposes support for are terrorist in nature and more feudal than anything else.

He should first talk about the rights of Native American indians who were driven out and whose rights were violated centuries ago.

He's an irritant but I certainly wouldn't take him too seriously.
That is merely Mr. Rohrabacher's opinion. And can only be taken with a pinch of salt.

Appears to have a habit of spewing plenty of hot air too...

I read it before lol. Just confirms what US wants as they are desperately looking for a permanent base of operation in south asian region after the disaster of Afghanistan. Secondly just wait for the big dogs to come. 7th fleet commander is just a Popeye and would be a real shame if just a 7th fleet commander is enough to convince BD to change its policies.

They'd still have a small contingent in Afghanistan after withdrawal. And the country would have its own military. It'd be too early to term it a complete failure.

No reason for them to be desperate either. Their interests in the middle east are secured for the most part. For Asia, it still needs some fine-tuning.

And it is too early to conclude if there'd be any base in BD. Remember, the country is a politically highly unstable one. So not anytime soon.
USA is cerainl;y alot closer to india now.

i often wonder how effective the PAF F16s really wil be in a war if used against INDIA
The Indian strategic planners are one clever group of people. They know that it is in there best interest to keep the US at an arms length. While India has happily expanded trade and commercial ties with the US but has refused to toe the line with the US on political issues. Despite several overtures from the US with carrots, India has refused to take the bait and has refused to join an American led alliance. In fact, India has gone one step further, it has proceeded to diversify its relations with other developed and developing countries reducing her reliance on the US much to the disappointment of Uncle Sam. I must say, the Indian strategic planners have played there cards exceptionally well.

India has been rather consistent in this matter. Friendship is fine: Alliances (esp of the Military kind) is not kosher. When interests coincide; that is nice. But when they do not; then its "Sam, its nice to know you; however my call on this matter is different from yours-ok".

Even with China; India has had a prickly relationship for long, but that is not turning into a war. In case of actual conflicts, e.g. 1965, 1971 and 1999 where India was involved in; China just avoided getting drawn in. Even though China knew that how much of a problem it could've been. Now that risk has abated even further and India and China have understood and accepted each others strengths; while still remaining somewhat wary of each other. While constantly ratcheting up bilateral trade.

Russia is another country that India has kept on a favorable side while steadily improving relations with USA. Little wonder that USA will use India's good offices going into the future to seek to stabilise Afghanistan. That is where USA will take Indian help to mend fences with Iran. Just as India helped USA to re-enter Myanmar.

The bottom-line is India will not subserve its interests to any other interests. That was the basis of Non-Alignment. It was not always easy, but India persisted. What we are seeing now, is NAM ver 2.0; with India's clout much bigger than before.
This guys is at the brink of getting his passport revoked. Supreme court ordered him to show himself and he refused so probably he is never coming back. He has a deadline after that he can make himself comfortable in US. Depends if he gets asylum.

Does Hussain Haqqani even need to apply for asylum in USA? He is already an American Citizen, Citizens do not ever need to apply for asylum! Pakistan (and its Supreme Court) cannot touch him.

Now see the down-side of allowing "Dual Citizenship". With an American Passport and Pakistani Passport; he represented Pakistan in the USA. Then he lost that job and he is now able to show Pakistan "the finger".
He seems to have the Cake and eat it too.
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