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'US has now an ally in India, enemy in Islamabad'

Can the relationship with US actually be salvaged, can Pakistan ever be treated as an equal partner in the war on terror. I do not think so. Pakistan will continue yeilding to pressure and we Pakistanis will continue suffering as a result. Our country means a lot to us and it is our job to ensure its best interests are taken into account.

Question is why have we failed to pick China and Russia as allies rather than the Americans who I must say are very untrustworthy. The Taliban are already blowing us up-we want another problem. Lets let Dana Rohrabachers dream come true and leave the US war. Lets see what happens then.
WASHINGTON: Washington and Islamabad should give up the fiction of being allies and acknowledge that their interests simply do not converge enough to make them strong partners, Pakistan's recent envoy to the US, who is now a hunted man in his home country, has advised both sides in a searing examination of tortured relationship between the two countries.

Instead, says HussainHaqqani, till recently Pakistan's ambassador to the US, Washington should leave Pakistan to its own devices so that it can discover for itself how weak it is without American aid and support, eventually enabling it to return to the mainstream suitably chastened about its limitations.

"By coming to terms with this reality, Washington would be freer to explore new ways of pressuring Pakistan and achieving its own goals in the region. Islamabad, meanwhile, could finally pursue its regional ambitions, which would either succeed once and for all or, more likely, teach Pakistani officials the limitations of their country's power," Haqqani writes about the broken relationship in the latest issue of Foreign Affairs journal.

"Once Pakistan's national security elites recognize the limits of their power, the country might eventually seek a renewed partnership with the United States -- but this time with greater humility and an awareness of what it can and cannot get," says Haqqani who was ousted by Pakistan's security establishment because he was seen to be working with Washington to contain the overarching influence of the military on Pakistan.

US should dump Islamabad, Pakistan diplomat says - The Times of India

Wow what a honorable man Hussain Haqqani he should be given 20 guns salute preferably guns pointed at him.As far as his rant is concerned he is bitter cause he got fired.

Can the relationship with US actually be salvaged, can Pakistan ever be treated as an equal partner in the war on terror. I do not think so. Pakistan will continue yeilding to pressure and we Pakistanis will continue suffering as a result. Our country means a lot to us and it is our job to ensure its best interests are taken into account.

Question is why have we failed to pick China and Russia as allies rather than the Americans who I must say are very untrustworthy. The Taliban are already blowing us up-we want another problem. Lets let Dana Rohrabachers dream come true and leave the US war. Lets see what happens then.

The more and more civilian governments we have further we are going to go from Americans.
Hold a minute, India is not ally of USA. Our relation is purely business one.

We don't play into some one lap.. Keep USA as your ally.

India will follow non alignment policy. We will neither jump in American camp nor Chinese camp..

Good luck Pakistan..
Wow what a honorable man Hussain Haqqani he should be given 20 guns salute preferably guns pointed at him.As far as his rant is concerned he is bitter cause he got fired.

It also means that All Pakistani mails pertaining to diplomatic maneuvers between both are laid bare!
A little historical fact not taught in Pakistan is that USA initial plan was to ally with India against Soviet Union but after Indian refusal Pakistan came at hand to play the role of ally. Despite Indian denial to be part of any alliance against Soviet Union, USA still flourished it with military aid which was later to be used against Pakistan.

Thats a nice confession now the yankees should pack their bags and leave!! :flame::flame:

We Refuse...no no refusal would come from a position of weakness. We have always rejected the Americans.
Cry me a river

Rohrabacher is an extreme right-wing, fringe nut-job.

If you want to really know what the Americans think of us, you would need to listen to John Kerry (Secretary of State) and Chuck Hagel (Defense secretary), who are appointed by the Obama administration and confirmed by both sides of the aisle unlike this nut-job.

To show neutrality, I will be quoting the Indian reports on the issue but will not be quoting their biased and chauvinistic analysis.

Chuck Hagel on India: "India finances trouble for Pakistan from Afghanistan"

India financed problems for Pakistan in Afghanistan: Chuck Hagel - Economic Times

Only people in disagreement with this, have reported against this or criticized him were Indians.

Secondly, John Kerry is pro-Pakistan, as India Times, reports. He allowed the aid to Pakistan to flow again - the other recipients of American aid in this fashion are the Middle Eastern powerhouses like Egypt and Israel (who Pakistan should have diplomatic ties with).

Backed by John Kerry, US aid to Pakistan flows again - Times Of India

Indian comedians are often seen resorting to stupidity to prove nonsensical points like this one whilst using their own national media to do so.

Using your own media to prove your own foreign policy point is like saying, I judged my performance in the talent show and gave myself a medal.

Maybe, Indians find it prideful but the real world calls it living in delusion.

Rohrabacher has as much credibility in the United States as Alex Jones.

He is only elected in his constituency of Long Beach, California because the African Americans and Mexicans are not empowered enough to vote and a few hillbillies and closed-minded minute-men vote him in to continue their imaginary "supremacy".

Pakistan's position in the world stage has just recently far surpassed India's, as I had told you people before but no one believed me.

America and Pakistan will be friends for years to come and China, too (given Pakistan's geographical and economic relations). America also has deep-rooted relations with China.

US, China and Pakistan participate in Naval Drills.

US, China participate in Pakistan naval drills

Two global powerhouses with one regional powerhouse. India, being an insignificant and unimportant country, was rightly ignored.
Hold a minute, India is not ally of USA. Our relation is purely business one.

We don't play into some one lap.. Keep USA as your ally.

India will follow non alignment policy. We will neither jump in American camp nor Chinese camp..

Good luck Pakistan..

Well all i can say to you is Good luck.

We Refuse...no no refusal would come from a position of weakness. We have always rejected the Americans.
Cry me a river

Dear US, Don't think we fall for your words. No matter what you say, we will have an Independent Foreign Policy.

Just business, don't expect we will be like Global Lieutenant of yours like UK.

Pakistan Searching for New Master this time (look like small eye Kug fu Master this time).......

Is this the same kind of racist bigotry that you grant the poor, oppressed and occupied peoples of the North East?

No wonder the Nepalese hate you and find your discrimination against their emigrants to be the worst of its kind.
Is this the same kind of racist bigotry that you grant the poor, oppressed and occupied peoples of the North East?

No wonder the Nepalese hate you and find your discrimination against their emigrants to be the worst of its kind.

Election participation in north east is more than 85 % all time. Your 1st argument fail.
There is no visa between India- Nepal and Nepalese gurkha are part of IA. your 2nd argument fail again.
He is referring to aid and weapons US gave to India after 1962

The aid given was non lethal variety. mountaineering equipment , jackets , boots and such . they did not supply us weapons.
The day he can pronounce Baluchistan without making it out to be Balock-istan despite advocating for it tooth & nail, is the day I'd think he was being serious ! :tup:
Dear US, Don't think we fall for your words. No matter what you say, we will have an Independent Foreign Policy.

Just business, don't expect we will be like Global Lieutenant of yours like UK.

All the Independence will go out the door the day yanks want some thing and you refuse.
Blame it on yr corrupt government. But the money was provided by the Americans, something that is the crux of the matter here. And not the Utilization of funds in fraudulent manner.

Pakistan can not deny the aid it received.
Thats the issuie here.

Most of the aid that you call was recieved under CSF which was purely for the logistics routes given by Pakistan. Secondly why are you so hell bent on blaming pakistan for everything. Every single post from you represents negativity for pakistan. At least get the flag right. Seriously the lengths people go to.
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