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US has always used Pakistan, while China stood the test of time: PM Imran Khan

PM Imran Khan's monthly anti-American rants, moaning and whinning because he hasn't received his phone call yet.

He wasn't like this when President Donald Trump was in power. Back then, he felt as though he had won the World Cup.

Why is he wasting his time regularly criticising the US which may invite unnecessary sanctions on Pakistan? Would it not be wiser to remain off the US's radar?
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PM Imran Khan's monthly anti-American rants, moaning and whinning because he hasn't received his phone call yet.

He wasn't like this when President Donald Trump was in power. Back then, he felt as though he had won the World Cup.

Why is the he wasting his time regularly criticising the US which may invite unnecessary sanctions on Pakistan? Would it not be wiser to remain off the US's radar?
He's taking it personally.

This world is a strange place, if he was an American or a European leader and with this track record of building cancer hospitals, universities, climate activism and a top athlete would give him a nobel prize and global coverage.

The reputation of Pakistan has held him back and I am sure he is frustrated by the cucks, incompetents and corrupts that surround him.

I know he finds even going to China emasculating. He spent the majority of his tenure going around the world asking for money for a bunch of lazy incompetents, instead he should have been image building, narrative forming and having constructive trade talks which would have illuminated his life achievements in front of the world.

Someone like him if he was ruling a 1st world Pakistan, we would be the toast of the world and countries lining up to agree FTA's.
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Somebody need to control this guy. Please ban him from giving interviews. He has no political future and is on a suicidal path with Pakistan’s foreign relations. I feel bad for the MoF and establishment, he is making their job tougher. Isn’t mentally stable to continue.

Please for the love of the country.

What he is doing, is trying to act like a big leader on the world stage, this is all publicity stunts to cover for domestic failures. Any sensible leader does not do this.

You know I use to hold him in high regard, but he doesn’t have the maturity to be a PM.
What are your achievements for your country. I must say zero. A no body talking shit. Who know nothing about world politics.
What are your achievements for your country. I must say zero. A no body talking shit. Who know nothing about world politics.
I majored in IR with focus on conflict studies. Been a silent observer on this forum for past decade.
Never thought I’d join, but felt compelled to with the emerging presence of retards such as yourself.
Ask anybody from MoFA, whether such statements are hurting Pakistan’s attempts to improve our relationship with the US after Afghan pull out. And apply your head- are such persistent statements of any benefit to Pakistan? Do you think a sentence from the PM carries no weightage. Such senior figures need to choose their words wisely, waffling isn’t wise.
I majored in IR with focus on conflict studies. Been a silent observer on this forum for past decade.
Never thought I’d join, but felt compelled to with the emerging presence of retards such as yourself.
Oky toit, So you mean to say your achievements are bigger then Ik's achievements for Pakistan. Tell me what you got after attaching yourself with usa for many years. Betrayal after Betrayal. You may got some bribes from tyem to run your fucking idiotic shit there in Pakistan. I mean people like you when get control on matters. Things happens when you pay money for f16 and return you get soybeans with personal gains likes of house somewhere in usa.And I am not against good relations with usa. I just want someone talk bravely to them on equal terms.i am not slave like you who lecture us slavery on the name of good relations with usa. Usa gona realize. I have many friends from usa and they are slowly realizeing what blunders they have committed while dealing with Pakistan. They have feelings that they have lost a key player who was pivot point for their global ambitions.Pakistani fought with soviet n who got the most profit after all that situation. What Pakistan got in exchange for so many Sacrifices. Betrayal and sanctions. So keep that shit to yourself. When they will take Pakistan on equal level, Ik will talk to them. simple is that. You are a atomic power with 230 millions population. Dont lower your fucking grade
Oky toit, So you mean to say your achievements are bigger then Ik's achievements for Pakistan. Tell me what you got after attaching yourself with usa for many years. Betrayal after Betrayal. You may got some bribes from tyem to run your fucking idiotic shit there in Pakistan. I mean people like you when get control on matters. Things happens when you pay money for f16 and return you get soybeans with personal gains likes of house somewhere in usa.And I am not against good relations with usa. I just want someone talk bravely to them on equal terms.i am not slave like you who lecture us slavery on the name of good relations with usa. Usa gona realize. I have many friends from usa and they are slowly realizeing what blunders they have committed while dealing with Pakistan. They have feelings that they have lost a key player who was pivot point for their global ambitions.Pakistani fought with soviet n who got the most profit after all that situation. What Pakistan got in exchange for so many Sacrifices. Betrayal and sanctions. So keep that shit to yourself. When they will take Pakistan on equal level, Ik will talk to them. simple is that. You are a atomic power with 230 millions population. Dont lower your fucking grade
I never said that USA was a good ally. I totally agree with IK’s statement, China has been a far more dependable ally.

However sitting in China and bashing US isn’t a good idea, one can further Pak China relations without bringing US in the equation.

Such statements rarely brings any tangible benefits.

I’d rather see Pakistan talk softly, but our intentions demonstrated through our actions.
Additionally, Pakistan does not want to be dragged into a specific camp either China or Us.

It wants independent relations with both of them, whether it be good relations with China and bad relations with US.

And even if Pakistan continues to have bad relations with US it doesn’t want it relationship with China to be based as an anti- US partnership.

Pakistan relations with China are India centric.

The above is an important calculus in Pakistan’s strategic objectives. But when our PM disparages the Us in Chinese media it takes us one step closer to where we don’t want to go. For China this is favourable.

Also IR is a game of steps. Countries can take a few steps and end up at unintended destinations. That’s why IK needs to tread carefully.
I never said that USA was a good ally. I totally agree with IK’s statement, China has been a far more dependable ally.

However sitting in China and bashing US isn’t a good idea, one can further Pak China relations without bringing US in the equation.

Such statements rarely brings any tangible benefits.

I’d rather see Pakistan talk softly, but our intentions demonstrated through our actions.
As student of history. Good or bad relations with usa will never give befit to Pakistan. As Indian n Isreali lobbyists are very strong there in US power corridors. Some times I feel USA has become proxy for those two countries. Just look at one thing Biden n Ik did not speak to each other yet. Two atomic powers with almost same numbers of population. No conversation yet . So I am not expecting good relations in near future. Ego in usa is destroying world order which was set by usa itself . China is new star of new world order. Most importantly both countries have share borders. It will be disaster for usa policy makers to bully Pakistan way it used to be. Only sensible thing for US policy maker is convince Pakistan in right full manners. For Pakistan get everything written no verbal premises. Way Putin is asking nato members for written n sign documents on expansion of nato.
Additionally, Pakistan does not want to be dragged into a specific camp either China or Us.

It wants independent relations with both of them, whether it be good relations with China and bad relations with US.

And even if Pakistan continues to have bad relations with US it doesn’t want it relationship with China to be based as an anti- US partnership.

Pakistan relations with China are India centric.

The above is an important calculus in Pakistan’s strategic objectives. But when our PM disparages the Us in Chinese media it takes us one step closer to where we don’t want to go. For China this is favourable.

Also IR is a game of steps. Countries can take a few steps and end up at unintended destinations. That’s why IK needs to tread carefully.
Question is what usa can give to Pakistan. Usa economy has 60 trillions unpaid bill as per elen musk claims. Usa is puting lots of pressure on pakistan via imf n FATF. Then top of that Pakistan got 2.8 millions refugees. This is worse situation you can be. This is all Pak got from your so called friend USA There is no lower level then this.it is natural to be angry when your so called friend allowed indian proxies from Afghanistan to kill 80 thousands Pakistanis. It is logical to understand the anger of Pakistani Primer
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As student of history. Good or bad relations with usa will never give befit to Pakistan. As Indian n Isreali lobbyists are very strong there in US power corridors. Some times I feel USA has become proxy for those two countries. Just look at one thing Biden n Ik did not speak to each other yet. Two atomic powers with almost same numbers of population. No conversation yet . So I am not expecting good relations in near future. Ego in usa is destroying world order which was set by usa itself . China is new star of new world order. Most importantly both countries have share borders. It will be disaster for usa policy makers to bully Pakistan way it used to be. Only sensible thing for US policy maker is convince Pakistan in right full manners. For Pakistan get everything written no verbal premises. Way Putin is asking nato members for written n sign documents on expansion of nato.
Israeli lobbyist are too busy countering Iran nuclear deal to bother about Pakistan. Pakistan and Israel have a working relationship. Pakistan even maintains contacts with the primary Israeli lobby ADL.

Israel sells arms to India primarily for commercial gain. They would have sold them to us too if we have relations (not saying we should).

US isn’t friendly with Pak nowadays because they believe we played a significant role in their failure in Afghanistan. They see twenty years of blood, and treasure gone down the drain. Plus the international humiliation from the Kabul hastily withdrawal brought back Vietnam memories and they were mocked the world over. So give them some reprieve. The relationship will improve over time. Just don’t keep trying to force it.

Also a convergence with the US is about to take place on Afghan issues. I hope they work in tandem to sort it out as it would be beneficial to both the countries. If the politicians don’t come in the way, the establishment will do what’s necessary, because such cooperation will be in our national interest too.
PM Imran Khan's monthly anti-American rants, moaning and whinning because he hasn't received his phone call yet.

He wasn't like this when President Donald Trump was in power. Back then, he felt as though he had won the World Cup.

Why is he wasting his time regularly criticising the US which may invite unnecessary sanctions on Pakistan? Would it not be wiser to remain off the US's radar?
People like you don't value 80 thousands Pakistani deaths. Losing so many lives. It is natural to be angry. Mr genius you deserve chapal award
Question is what usa can give to Pakistan. Usa economy has 60 trillions unpaid bill as per elen musk claims. Usa is puting lots of pressure on pakistan via imf n FATF. Then top of that Pakistan got 2.8 millions refuses. This is worse situation you can be. This is all Pak got from your so called friend USA There is no lower level then this.it is natural to be angry when your so called friend allowed indian proxies from Afghanistan to kill 80 thousands Pakistanis. It is logical to understand the anger of Pakistani Primer
FATF’s actions against Pakistan are lead by France on the behest of India. Albeit the US plays a role as well.
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