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US has already lost to China in AI fight, says ex-Pentagon software chief

Sure, companies around the world happily have China build stuff we designed. Having thousands of Chinese people happily working for a few bucks an hour on a high speed assembly line can make financial sense. You are just the current low-bidder for the world's manufacturing needs.
Isn't this the same way US overtook UK and became the dominant power in the world 100 years ago? History is repeated itself, some industries, once you lose them, they lose them forever, they'll never come back, how does "bringing jobs back to US" slogan shouted by several previous US presidents during their election campaigns go so far?
Sure, companies around the world happily have China build stuff we designed. Having thousands of Chinese people happily working for a few bucks an hour on a high speed assembly line can make financial sense. You are just the current low-bidder for the world's manufacturing needs.
Well,at least we are above world average,and we are growing like crazy. In the other hand, USA is likely become a black and latino majority country which sadly is doomed to become another latino country. Rome didn't fall in a day,wait for a decade,you will see who is right. The miserble fate of the united states will make the fall of rome seems like a lucky event.
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lol some people are getting very frustrated and desperate already. Not even started running and this is lap 1 of 100.
lol as if USA makes display technologies. Just because in the past they made CRT they think they invent everything. So much of modern American technology is thanks for Jews, Germans, Soviets, and nowadays immigrants from Asia.

I said already this is just lap 1 or only 1% of a marathon. Americans celebrate only because they are ahead overall in technology and economy because they get to print free money and demand everyone else give them real resources and products in exchange for paper. They will kill and invade anyone who tries to go against this but cannot do it to Europe and China and allowing some leeway. Export inflation and devalue debt through inflation either way USA always benefits until capital can be better controlled by rest of the world.

If we look at trends, USA's lead is narrowing and narrowing faster than any other time in history.
..and your very much alive 1.4B population have given what new technologies to the world in the last 25 years?

Give us some notable examples..

Smartphones..tablets..electric cars..wifi..lcd/OLED flat screen..LED bulbs...computer vision..self driving cars?
Modern inventions and innovations require huge amounts of capital.
The US have it from CHEATING, LYING, ROBBING their colonies and working to death their SLAVES.
Only major power that is unscathed from WW2 and with their wealth, they stole talents from the rest of the world to help the US in their inventions and innovations but without crediting them until a century later.

The Chinese Birdman Who Got U.S. Aircraft Giant Boeing Flying
Sep 24, 2015

It isn't well known outside aviation circles that the first engineer at U.S. aircraft maker Boeing almost a century ago was a man from China, Wong Tsu – and his story is one that doesn’t sound possible in the current era of distrust between the two nations.
Mr. Wong’s hiring by Boeing produced almost immediate results.

March 1, 2017
Chien-Shiung Wu Is the Manhattan Project Physicist Who Succeeded Where Fermi Failed

In 1944, she joined the Manhattan Project, the famed research program conceived by Albert Einstein and Enrico Fermi to develop an atomic bomb. Wu actually made a breakthrough where Fermi himself had struggled, she developed a way to enrich uranium ore that helped create large quantities of fuel for the atomic bomb.
That wasn't the last time she gave Fermi a helping hand. She also was responsible for the first confirmation of his theory of beta decay, where a neutron or proton changes into the other and creates a different element.

Now that China have the capital, let the competition begin.
But panicky and scared stiff US is resorting to DIRTY TRICKS.
Couldn’t disagree more:

Hypersonic- the US has already successfully demonstrated a near ICBM range HGV at Mach 17 and hypersonic scramjet over Mach 5 at 350 miles. I haven’t seen any evidence China has overmatch in hypersonic capability.

AI- The only area China has surpassed the US is in facial recognition and that’s because the US has little interest in pursuing facial recognition. All the cutting edge AI research is being done at US research institutions. And I see no evidence the average Chinese consumer has a superior AI experience than the average American. AI is already being integrated with US targeting and battle networks.

Quantum- the US has already achieved quantum supremacy, and deployed commercial quantum computers. US companies are heavily investing in quantum computing.

In terms of quantum Internet-

Oct. 7, 2021 — A team from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Stanford University and Purdue University developed and demonstrated a novel, fully functional quantum local area network, or QLAN, to enable real-time adjustments to information shared with geographically isolated systems at ORNL using entangled photons passing through optical fiber.

This network exemplifies how experts might routinely connect quantum computers and sensors at a practical scale, thereby realizing the full potential of these next-generation technologies on the path toward the highly anticipated quantum internet. The team’s results, which are published in PRX Quantum, mark the culmination of years of related research.


5g- The US has already deployed 5g networks across the country. 5g killer apps do not exist, therefore the average Chinese consumer does not have a superior experience to the average American.

Rail gun- The US Navy has already determined that rail guns are not practical weapon systems. Their range is to short, fire rate is too slow, and they degrade to easily over time. They aren’t useful in real world applications.

The US has produced over 210+ private unicorn companies in 2021 alone. While China has produced only 30. The US private sector is far more innovative and vibrant than China’s.
BAE systems is currently developing a railgun system for American Navy.

I agree with the limitations you listed but as the technology improves there will be solutions found to address the system reliability and efficiency issues currently faced.
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