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US has already lost to China in AI fight, says ex-Pentagon software chief


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US has already lost to China in AI fight, says ex-Pentagon software chief
“We have no competing fighting chance against China in 15 to 20 years. Right now, it’s already a done deal; it is already over in my opinion,” the 37-year-old first chief software office for the US Air Force said.

Published on Oct 10, 2021 06:33 PM IST


Beijing is heading for global dominance because of its advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning and cyber capabilities, Nicolas Chaillan said.(REUTERS)

Pentagon's former chief software officer Nicolas Chaillan who announced his resignation on Linkedin last month has told Financial Times that his resignation was a protest at the slow pace of technological transformation in the US military. China has already overtaken theUS in the AI fight, he said, adding that he could not stand to watch China overtake America.

“We have no competing fighting chance against China in 15 to 20 years. Right now, it’s already a done deal; it is already over in my opinion,” the 37-year-old first chief software office for the US Air Force said.

Beijing is heading for global dominance because of its advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning and cyber capabilities, he said. Compared to China's advancement, US cyber defences in some government departments were at the kindergarten level.

Chaillan blamed the reluctance of Goggle to work with the US defence department on AI. Chinese companies, on the other hand, are obliged to work with Beijing, and were making “massive investment” into AI without regard to ethics, he said to Financial Times.

Though the US spends at least three times more than China on defence, this is not being translated into any result as the US is spending in the wrong areas and "bureaucracy and overregulation" stand in the way of change that the Pentagon needs.

In his resignation announcement, too, he did not reveal his disappointment with the way Pentagon functions. "Please stop putting a Major or Lt Col. (despite their devotion, exceptional attitude, and culture) in charge of ICAM, Zero Trust or Cloud for 1 to 4 million users when they have no previous experience in that field – we are setting up critical infrastructure to fail. We would not put a pilot in the cockpit without extensive flight training; why would we expect someone with no IT experience to be close to successful? They do not know what to execute on or what to prioritize which leads to endless risk reduction efforts and diluted focus," he had written.

US has already lost to China in AI fight, says ex-Pentagon software chief
“We have no competing fighting chance against China in 15 to 20 years. Right now, it’s already a done deal; it is already over in my opinion,” the 37-year-old first chief software office for the US Air Force said.

Published on Oct 10, 2021 06:33 PM IST


Beijing is heading for global dominance because of its advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning and cyber capabilities, Nicolas Chaillan said.(REUTERS)

Pentagon's former chief software officer Nicolas Chaillan who announced his resignation on Linkedin last month has told Financial Times that his resignation was a protest at the slow pace of technological transformation in the US military. China has already overtaken theUS in the AI fight, he said, adding that he could not stand to watch China overtake America.

“We have no competing fighting chance against China in 15 to 20 years. Right now, it’s already a done deal; it is already over in my opinion,” the 37-year-old first chief software office for the US Air Force said.

Beijing is heading for global dominance because of its advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning and cyber capabilities, he said. Compared to China's advancement, US cyber defences in some government departments were at the kindergarten level.

Chaillan blamed the reluctance of Goggle to work with the US defence department on AI. Chinese companies, on the other hand, are obliged to work with Beijing, and were making “massive investment” into AI without regard to ethics, he said to Financial Times.

Though the US spends at least three times more than China on defence, this is not being translated into any result as the US is spending in the wrong areas and "bureaucracy and overregulation" stand in the way of change that the Pentagon needs.

In his resignation announcement, too, he did not reveal his disappointment with the way Pentagon functions. "Please stop putting a Major or Lt Col. (despite their devotion, exceptional attitude, and culture) in charge of ICAM, Zero Trust or Cloud for 1 to 4 million users when they have no previous experience in that field – we are setting up critical infrastructure to fail. We would not put a pilot in the cockpit without extensive flight training; why would we expect someone with no IT experience to be close to successful? They do not know what to execute on or what to prioritize which leads to endless risk reduction efforts and diluted focus," he had written.

Here's another article.
USA still has advantages over China in traditional science and technology, but China is almost all ahead of the USA in emerging science and technology. For example, hypersonic technology, artificial intelligence, face recognition, quantum science, genetic engineering, inheritance engineering, big data, 5g, electromagnetic gun, etc. USA has fallen behind in these areas, and the gap is growing.
USA still has advantages over China in traditional science and technology, but China is almost all ahead of the USA in emerging science and technology. For example, hypersonic technology, artificial intelligence, face recognition, quantum science, genetic engineering, inheritance engineering, big data, 5g, electromagnetic gun, etc. USA has fallen behind in these areas, and the gap is growing.
In a lot of sectors, China have had significant progress.
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USA still has advantages over China in traditional science and technology, but China is almost all ahead of the USA in emerging science and technology. For example, hypersonic technology, artificial intelligence, face recognition, quantum science, genetic engineering, inheritance engineering, big data, 5g, electromagnetic gun, etc. USA has fallen behind in these areas, and the gap is growing.

Couldn’t disagree more:

Hypersonic- the US has already successfully demonstrated a near ICBM range HGV at Mach 17 and hypersonic scramjet over Mach 5 at 350 miles. I haven’t seen any evidence China has overmatch in hypersonic capability.

AI- The only area China has surpassed the US is in facial recognition and that’s because the US has little interest in pursuing facial recognition. All the cutting edge AI research is being done at US research institutions. And I see no evidence the average Chinese consumer has a superior AI experience than the average American. AI is already being integrated with US targeting and battle networks.

Quantum- the US has already achieved quantum supremacy, and deployed commercial quantum computers. US companies are heavily investing in quantum computing.

In terms of quantum Internet-

Oct. 7, 2021 — A team from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Stanford University and Purdue University developed and demonstrated a novel, fully functional quantum local area network, or QLAN, to enable real-time adjustments to information shared with geographically isolated systems at ORNL using entangled photons passing through optical fiber.

This network exemplifies how experts might routinely connect quantum computers and sensors at a practical scale, thereby realizing the full potential of these next-generation technologies on the path toward the highly anticipated quantum internet. The team’s results, which are published in PRX Quantum, mark the culmination of years of related research.


5g- The US has already deployed 5g networks across the country. 5g killer apps do not exist, therefore the average Chinese consumer does not have a superior experience to the average American.

Rail gun- The US Navy has already determined that rail guns are not practical weapon systems. Their range is to short, fire rate is too slow, and they degrade to easily over time. They aren’t useful in real world applications.

The US has produced over 210+ private unicorn companies in 2021 alone. While China has produced only 30. The US private sector is far more innovative and vibrant than China’s.
Couldn’t disagree more:

Hypersonic- the US has already successfully demonstrated a near ICBM range HGV at Mach 17 and hypersonic scramjet over Mach 5 at 350 miles. I haven’t seen any evidence China has overmatch in hypersonic capability.

AI- The only area China has surpassed the US is in facial recognition and that’s because the US has little interest in pursuing facial recognition. All the cutting edge AI research is being done at US research institutions. And I see no evidence the average Chinese consumer has a superior AI experience than the average American. AI is already being integrated with US targeting and battle networks.

Quantum- the US has already achieved quantum supremacy, and deployed commercial quantum computers. US companies are heavily investing in quantum computing.

In terms of quantum Internet-

Oct. 7, 2021 — A team from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Stanford University and Purdue University developed and demonstrated a novel, fully functional quantum local area network, or QLAN, to enable real-time adjustments to information shared with geographically isolated systems at ORNL using entangled photons passing through optical fiber.

This network exemplifies how experts might routinely connect quantum computers and sensors at a practical scale, thereby realizing the full potential of these next-generation technologies on the path toward the highly anticipated quantum internet. The team’s results, which are published in PRX Quantum, mark the culmination of years of related research.


5g- The US has already deployed 5g networks across the country. 5g killer apps do not exist, therefore the average Chinese consumer does not have a superior experience to the average American.

Rail gun- The US Navy has already determined that rail guns are not practical weapon systems. Their range is to short, fire rate is too slow, and they degrade to easily over time. They aren’t useful in real world applications.

The US has produced over 210+ private unicorn companies in 2021 alone. While China has produced only 30. The US private sector is far more innovative and vibrant than China’s.

Quantum hegemony? The USA lags behind China in quantum communication, encryption and other fields for at least 10 years, and the USA is only equivalent to China in the field of quantum precision measurement. What about American quantum satellites? What about quantum radar?

The USA abandoned the electromagnetic gun, but China's electromagnetic gun has hit a target 200 kilometers away at a speed of 2575 meters.

Yes, now you also have 5g, hypersonic weapons and so on, but how many years later than China?

Being backward but refusing to admit it is a lack of self-confidence. America is more and more like India.
Quantum hegemony? The USA lags behind China in quantum communication, encryption and other fields for at least 10 years, and the USA is only equivalent to China in the field of quantum precision measurement. What about American quantum satellites? What about quantum radar?

The USA abandoned the electromagnetic gun, but China's electromagnetic gun has hit a target 200 kilometers away at a speed of 2575 meters.

Yes, now you also have 5g, hypersonic weapons and so on, but how many years later than China?

Being backward but refusing to admit it is a lack of self-confidence. America is more and more like India.


The US military has already determined quantum radars will NOT provide upgraded capability.Therefore it’s insignificant.


The NSA has also determined Quantum Key Distribution is not a practical solution to safeguarding national secrets.

The most relevant near term practical solution sets are in quantum sensing then computing. In both areas, the US excels.

Rail gun- The US Navy also tested its rail gun out to similar ranges, yet it’s still impractical in real world military operations due to its fire rate and barrel degradation. And 200 km range is impractical considering the US has deployed 300-1000 mile antiship weapons.

The US has been conducting hypersonic research for decades and set to have a triad of hypersonic strike capabilities across the glide and scramjet spectrum.

You are hopelessly naive. The US private sector has produced over 200+ unicorn companies this year alone. China only 30. The US private sector is far more vibrant than Chinas.
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The US military has already determined quantum radars will NOT provide upgraded capability.Therefore it’s insignificant.

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The NSA has also determined Quantum Key Distribution is not a practical solution to safeguarding national secrets.

The most relevant near term practical solution sets are in quantum sensing then computing. In both areas, the US excels.

Rail gun- The US Navy also tested its rail gun out to similar ranges, yet it’s still impractical in real world military operations due to its fire rate and barrel degradation. And 200 km range is impractical considering the US has deployed 300-1000 mile antiship weapons.

The US has been conducting hypersonic research for decades and set to have a triad of hypersonic strike capabilities across the glide and scramjet spectrum.

You are hopelessly naive. The US private sector has produced over 200+ unicorn companies this year alone. China only 30. The US private sector is far more vibrant than Chinas.

The fact that you are trying so hard to convince everyone, speaks volumes, as Ali said to Dick Sadler in the "rumble in the jungle" shut up old man, it's all over.
Fear mongering to secure more funding. We all know the US is decades ahead of China in this field.

Ever notice how Americans also call the Communist Party of China (CPC) "CCP"? It's to make it sound similar to the CCCP (Soviet Union). The US government is trying to make China look like Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, committing genocide and making rapid advances in military technology, effectively "colonising" poor countries (while ironically ignoring the genocide and warmongering by India, and the fact that the IMF sticks its nose into every country's policies.)
The fact that you are trying so hard to convince everyone, speaks volumes, as Ali said to Dick Sadler in the "rumble in the jungle" shut up old man, it's all over.

Emotional response as expected. I enjoy educating the ignorant.
There again, the anger LoL, calm down bud, America is still a great country, but alas all empires end.

The only emotional one here is you.

The US private sector has created over 210+ unicorns this year alone. China 30….

The US has the far more vibrant and innovative private sector. That’s why you see so much money flowing into these companies.

Your ignorance is for all to see.
The only emotional one here is you.

The US private sector has created over 210+ unicorns this year alone. China 30….

The US has the far more vibrant and innovative private sector. That’s why you see so much money flowing into these companies.

Your ignorance is for all to see.

You really are desperate lol, are you trying to convince me or yourself.
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