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US General Dempsey: Our Arab Allies Funded ISIS

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
US Top Military Official Admits that Some Arab Allies Fund ISIL
During an US Senate Armed Services Committee meeting on Tuesday, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) asked General Dempsey about getting an Arab coalition together with the US to fight the Islamic State terrorist group, which is formerly known as ISIL or ISIS.

“It really comes down to building a coalition, so that what the Arab Muslim world see is them rejecting ISIS, not us,” claimed General Dempsey.

“They already reject ISIL,” Sen. Graham stated. “Do you know any major Arab ally that embraces ISIL?”

“I know major Arab allies who fund them,” replied General Dempsey.

Sen. Graham ignored the shocking admission and wanted a specific answer about "embracing" ISIS.

“Yeah, but do they embrace them?” asked Sen. Graham. “They fund them because the Free Syrian Army couldn’t fight Assad. They were trying to beat Assad. I think they realized the folly of their ways.”

Why would they allow their allies to fund terrorists? funding terrorism = supporting terrorism.. and they still do fund those terrorists​

oops just realized the title is wrong, it says funded, however it is supposed to be fund, since they still do
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US has been funding terrorists for decades. If it advances US foreign policy interests, then the US will fund and arm terrorists.
of course, another reason to invade countries and keeping the ME unstable, the US allows other to fund terrorists to keep GCC countries afraid of them thus making their puppets buy more weapons from them...
of course, another reason to invade countries and keeping the ME unstable, the US allows other to fund terrorists to keep GCC countries afraid of them thus making their puppets buy more weapons from them...

Very true.
Good to see you around this forum again. Haven't seen you for a while. :cheers:
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