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US “fully prepared” for any confrontation with Iran over Strait of Hormu

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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US “fully prepared” for any confrontation with Iran over Strait of Hormuz

United States is “fully prepared” for any confrontation with Iran over the strategic Strait of Hormuz, but hopes a dispute would be resolved peacefully, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Jan. 18.

“We obviously always continue to make preparations to be prepared for any contingency, but we are not making any special steps ... because we’re fully prepared to deal with that situation now,” Panetta told reporters.

Tehran threatened to close the strait — a chokepoint for one-fifth of the world’s traded oil — late last month, in the event of a military strike or severe tightening of international sanctions over its disputed nuclear program.

Washington is beefing up its naval presence in waters just outside the Gulf in response to the threats.

“We have always maintained a very strong presence in that region. We have a Navy fleet located there,” Panetta said.

“We have a military presence in that region ... to make very clear that we were going to do everything possible to help secure the peace in that part of the world.”

The defense chief said Washington has been clear on its effort to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon and from closing the Strait of Hormuz.

“Our goal has always been to make very clear that we would hope that any differences that we have, any concerns we have can be peacefully resolved and done through international laws and international rules,” he said.

“We abide by those international laws and international rules. We would hope that Iran would do the same.”

U.S. Prepared for Hormuz Strait Action: Panetta | Gannett Government Media | defensenews.com

---------- Post added at 11:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 AM ----------

When was it not prepared? After all, the illegitimate child of the US has been at it for decades now! These will be the last days for the US as a global hegemonic power.
Meanwhile China is growing at 8.5 %-9.5 %+ per year :lol:

Oh by the way , with the current debt to GDP ratio of 99.3 % or so ....yanks are looking for another war? with Iran? :lol:
forget about China, the chinese will eclipse us economically one day. We are indebted, it doesn't mean we can't go to war with Iran. We have been indebted forever,our lifestyles haven't changed much. Most importantly, we are the one who is printing the money at least for now. If Iran dared to close the strait of Hormuz, we would obliterate her within a month.
forget about China, the chinese will eclipse us economically one day. We are indebted, it doesn't mean we can't go to war with Iran. We have been indebted forever,our lifestyles haven't changed much. Most importantly, we are the one who is printing the money at least for now. If Iran dared to close the strait of Hormuz, we would obliterate her within a month.
Good! Looking forward to see U.S soldiers in action.
When was it not prepared? After all, the illegitimate child of the US has been at it for decades now! These will be the last days for the US as a global hegemonic power.

These will be the last days of the Persian Empire. Arab nations will unite to prevent Iran from preventing Arab nations exporting oil.
These will be the last days of the Persian Empire. Arab nations will unite to prevent Iran from preventing Arab nations exporting oil.

Oh stop your bs Oldman. US never does anything when it makes threats. US goes to war without anyone knowing wtf is happening. Take for example Iraq. Out of the blue US is in Iraq.
I am sure Americans were also "fully prepared" when they went into Vietnam. Being prepared does not mean they will have outcomes that they desire.

LOL yeah they are always 'prepared'. have these people actually ever won a war? the are making the same mistakes persia did 2500 years ago, they think sheer number can overcome the will of the people. but the persians have learnt their lesson now, and we are ready for the yanks and the wahabis.
LOL yeah they are always 'prepared'. have these people actually ever won a war? the are making the same mistakes persia did 2500 years ago, they think sheer number can overcome the will of the people. but the persians have learnt their lesson now, and we are ready for the yanks and the wahabis.

Well this may be the longest preparation in history its already been over 30 years lol
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