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US fighter jets intrude into Sri Lanka Air space: Breaking News

US fighter jets intrude into Sri Lanka Air space: Breaking News

F-18 jets to be from the Seventh Fleet

Sri Lankan government will protest to the United States over the intrusion of Sri Lanka’s air space by a squadron of ten fighter jets.

The protest will be handed over to the US Embassy in Colombo by the Ministry of External Affairs.

“What we are trying to establish is whether the US fighter jets had violated the oceanic air space or the territorial part of it,” Civil Aviation Director Genera H. M. C. Nimalsiri told the Sunday Times yesterday.

“In terms of accepted international norms, anyone wanting to use the country’s air space is required to file flight plans and obtain prior approval,” he said.

A senior Sri Lanka Air Force official speaking on grounds of anonymity admitted that there were periodic incursions by US fighter jets into Sri Lanka’s air space. “There were occasions where we had to tell them to move out,” he said.

“We have communication intercepts to confirm that they were carrier-based aircraft. In this instance we have reason to believe that the jet squadron was from the US Seventh Fleet,” he said.

The tracking station from Pidurutalagala -- the tallest point in Sri Lanka -- was the first to identify the intruding US aircraft. Officials there immediately conveyed it to the Civil Aviation Authority and the Sri Lanka Air Force.

The tracking station with modern radar equipment with a range of 200 nautical miles and covers 380 kilometres of airspace.

A US embassy spokesperson declined to comment yesterday.

US fighter jets intrude into Lankan air space

What could be the reason for the US to violate SL airspace?

They must have some strategic interest in SL.

Does not auger well for SL.
Sri Lanka to protest US intrusion of airspace: Report

Colombo, Aug 7 (PTI) Sri Lanka has alleged that a squadron of ten US fighter jets violated its airspace and will register its protest with the American Embassy here over the issue.

The government will register its protest with the US over the intrusion of its air space, ''Sunday Times'' said today.

The External Affairs Ministry will be handing over its written protest to the US embassy here, the paper said.

The director of civil aviation H M C Nimalasiri is quoted as saying that they were trying to establish if the US jets had violated the oceanic air space or the territory.

A senior Airforce official has said that there have been periodic incursions by US combat aircraft.

Sri Lanka to protest US intrusion of airspace: Report -  
Sri Lankan clam down USA is not gonna attack Sri Lanka.They probably were training in that area and entered your air space by mistake.
'We believe is a procedural violation not a deliberate intrusion,' a senior air force official who declined to be named told AFP. 'There were instances where we told them to move out of our airspace.'

The Sunday Times said the External Affairs Ministry planned to hand a protest note to the US embassy in Colombo.

Sri Lanka to protest over US fighter jets 'intrusion'
Okay on serious part, they were riding SH. Those jets are fast and most likely to have zipped in accidentally. Diplomatic protests are launched usually if this happens. For instance, they were carrying a cargo plane with a CIV code rather than a MIL code, that they changed last moment to the latter when they were about to enter Pakistan about 2 years back. IAF simply asked them to follow conventions and land at the nearest military airport in Gujarat.

Everything was normal, discussions were carried out and that's it. Why are you guys making a hue and cry about it? I know it is wrong, but neither you're in a condition to retaliate them nor it would be wise to do so unless it is diplomatic gesture. Just make sure you don't have oil under SL land to get them curious though.
The tracking station atop Pidurutalagala -- the tallest point in Sri Lanka -- was the first to identify the intruding US aircraft. Officials there immediately conveyed it to the Civil Aviation Authority and the Sri Lanka Air Force.

The tracking station with modern radar equipment with a range of 200 nautical miles and covers 380 kilometres of airspace. A US embassy spokesperson declined to comment yesterday.

US fighter jets intrude into Lankan air space

Oil ?
I saw this news yesterday, I don't have idea how much oil we have.

August 6, 2011 04:36 pm

Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa stated that oil exploration in the Mannar basin in the North Western Coast commenced today (06). The country will gain several economic advantages as a result of this, he said.

The Minister made these statements during an observation visit to several road development projects in the Puttalam area.

He however added that with the start of oil exploration in the country the threat posed from foreign nations could further increase and it is vital that all Sri Lankans unite and work as one.

Sri Lanka News-Adaderana-Truth First - Oil exploration in Mannar basin begins
after 2+ years it's not there target, they came to some other issues, the news we got is US eyeing Sri Lanka.

UN restricted your aid ~last month. Further inquiry is pending and SL's protest and counter arguments are yet unheard by council.

Case in making.

~Out of Topic:

and don't ask any assistance from India against USA (if that is the case), we are have no appetite to join the same block you are plunging into. Its a matter of just few years when elections will be held in India and many of us will vote against Congress dynasty responsible for genocide of SL tamils.

As far joining a group thingy is concern then it's going to be SL's call only where she will have no excuse that they are doing it because of no cordial gestures from India like the one you are immaturely asking. We have done enough for you and its time for you to come out in open and gain your reputation in front of civilized world who has already warned you against Tamil's genocide.

Multi polar world is good SL and can make her prosperous within few years. But since you are sounding confronting heck with USA now, like Pakistan started after 1962 Indo-China war; felling into China's untrue propaganda when China lost the war but won the propaganda and encouraged Pakistan to attack India and then never came into her rescue.

The same will be the fate of any country who will try to confront with a bigger state. SL is most welcome to confront with others and make wrong choices. This is what a mean businessmen in India would like to see. At the end of the day what matters is how much hard earned/self earned money(not aid/assistance) you have in your pocket. You know what I mean. So stop act like cry baby its boring, confronting and dangerous.
don't worry they make same with us daily look we are still happy lolz
Siri Lanka has no need to wory... They wont destabilize an almost stable country..it brings India's boundary into question ..and America doesn't not want India looking at them with suspicion ...
Talk it over dont make a fuss over such a matter ... these are times when a country need to show its diplomatic caliber,..... don't play paranoid and make Knee-jerk accusations and push the whole Neighborhood into futile speculation ...

Knee Jerking is Pakistan's forte .. dont fall into the same situation.
Not a smart thing to do when you are looking for a friendly Asia.
All Lanka needs to do is grow independent and not have U.S stooges manning your Government like here and then they will think before violating another country's sovereignty(Like Iran).
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