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US facing stiff competition from India: Obama


Feb 11, 2010
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For the second time in two days, President Barack Obama has said the US is facing stiff competition from India and cannot succeed if the country continues to produce more scientists and engineers than America.

"I said this during the State of the Union (address), I repeated it today in Henderson in my town hall: Other countries are not playing for second. They're playing for first," he told the Las Vegas-Area Chambers of Commerce and the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority on Friday.

Why is it that every other country was promoting its tourist industry and America was not doing enough for its own? Obama asked "That's just one example of the competition that we're facing on everything," he said.

If China's producing 40 high-speed rail lines and we're producing one, we're not going to have the infrastructure of the future," Obama said

"If India or South Korea are producing more scientists and engineers than we are, we will not succeed," said the US President in his Las Vegas speech.

This was for the second time in two days Obama told people to gear up as countries like India, China and Germany were marching ahead in various fields, including clean energy technologies.

"So I hope that all of us -- Democrats, Republicans, public servants and leaders in the business community - can keep alive a sense of seriousness, a sense of common purpose," Obama said.

"That's how we can rise to this moment and transcend the failures of the past, tackle the challenges before us and leave behind a nation that is more prosperous than ever before."

On Thursday, the President had said the US, being the world leader, cannot afford to lag behind in clean energy technologies amid the fast growth of India, China and Germany in the field and sought efforts to prevent any country from "out-competing" America in future.

"We know that whoever leads the clean energy revolution is going to lead the 21st century economy... And we can't wait. Because China is not waiting. India is not waiting. Germany is not waiting. We can't afford to wait," he said at a grassroots fundraiser for Senator Michael Bennet in Denver, Colorado.

"We can't continue to spin our wheels in old education debates -- the stale debates, they pit teachers against reformers -- meanwhile kids are trailing their counterparts all around the world," Obama said.

The President said there was a need to bring people together and build consensus around reforms. "Because we know that the country that out-educates us today is going to out-compete us tomorrow. And we don't want that future for our young people. We're not going to sentence them to a lifetime of lower wages and unfulfilled dreams".

:victory::victory::chilli::chilli::chilli: :victory: :victory:

US facing stiff competition from India: Obama

mod. plz move if it is in a wrong section
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"Hum honge kamyab ,
hum honge kamyab ek din,
mann me hain vishvash,
pora hian vishwash hum honge kamyab ek din"


"We shall overcome, we shall overcome
We shall overcome some day
Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe
We shall overcome some day
:chilli::chilli::chilli::chilli::chilli::chilli: :chilli:
this is just a boosting...
Obama has long term visions for US but congress politics/lobbys handicaps him
it's boosting but looking at china and germany,i doubt we will catch them soon
These comments are not necessarily Good for china or India i would not be celebrating as this clearly shows what white house thinks. white house is finally starting to take notice on loosing there manufacturing base.
For the second time in two days, President Barack Obama has said the US is facing stiff competition from India and cannot succeed if the country continues to produce more scientists and engineers than America.

US facing stiff competition from India: Obama

mod. plz move if it is in a wrong section

Obama is such a wicked guy. He mentions India, S Korea, China in the same breath but forgets his best friends and partners in WOT.

That must hurt some people here.

I hope they don't blame his speech writers being controlled by the Zionists.

Obama is a good speaker nothing more. More than 50 % of Americans have lost faith in him. He is one of the most criticised Presidents in the history of America.

Culture and motivation plays an important role in the development of the country. China has worlds largest hard working population, and Americans are just watching too much hollywood flicks now a days.

Though still, America is out of reach for any country in the world at least for coming 50 years.

The future is Asia. Believe it or Not.

BRIC+ natural resources rich countries like Gulf, Pakistan etc.

What is the need of hour is we stop boosting or pulling each others leg and work toward common goal. For eg European Union.

We are driven by too many fundamental crap which hampers our progress. Eg Shiv Sena, MNS (Other countries have their own). Though I think our world is also improving. May God Bless Asia.
This is indeed a danger sign of all three India, China and Germany.
I wish Obama could have skipped India's name.
I could not find any mention of this in the American media, but anyways... everyone knows that the number of Americans graduating from the US universities is increasingly decreasing, although the ones who manage to graduate are a notch above the rest. Obama needs to actively pursue and encourage higher education amongst the masses.. the way the cost of education has grown, it is unreachable for the masses. Cutting financial aids and budget will only aggravate the situation, the effect of which won't be noticed until next 3-4 years. If the economy has revived by then (most likely), then the US will need the most manpower to be able to stay competitive.

Now India on the other hand still lacks behind US and Germany in terms of true world changing innovations, but with the change in tides in the global economy and with some significant encouragement for the R&D in India from both govt and private sectors, who knows...
No need for India or China to worry. The multinational corporations are run by an elite group of people who have no loyalty to any country. If/when the US empire crumbles, these elites will just move to the next country.

Money can buy you any country's citizenship.
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