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US exempts 11 nations from Iran sanctions; China, India exposed

We'll find a way. And until then, we can barter (imports for exports) and use Gold.

You consider the Iranian government to be terrorists? Even the US Government doesn't say that. :cheesy:

Quick write to your dear leader- he has not figured out the gold route and work around you proposed. If only they had your insight. :D
It's time to take certain risks...it will provide us the gateway to A'stan and central asia while creating a system to pay Iran for its oil....double win-win for both India and Iran..

While I respect the Israeli right to existence, other countries cant be made to share their burden especially developing countries where these things are of great consequence.

I don't think the existence of Israel even comes into the picture.

Firstly, Israel has got one of the most advanced nuclear arsenals on the planet, they can look after themselves just fine.

Secondly, the USA (General MacArthur specifically) threatened to nuke us during the 1950 Korean war, and the USSR had most of their nukes pointing towards us as well, during the Sino-Soviet split.

Every nuclear-armed nation has nuclear weapons pointed at them. If the rest of us can handle it, then Israel can handle it as well.
^^^ oh boy there starts the off topic rants. It was good and on topic till CD walked in and started trolling
I don't think the existence of Israel even comes into the picture.

Firstly, Israel has got one of the most advanced nuclear arsenals on the planet, they can look after themselves just fine.

Secondly, the USA (General MacArthur specifically) threatened to nuke us during the 1950 Korean war, and the USSR had most of their nukes pointing towards us as well, during the Sino-Soviet split.

Every nuclear-armed nation has nuclear weapons pointed at them. If the rest of us can handle it, then Israel can handle it as well.

I dont trust the Mullahs to have that much common sense as the US-USSR leaders....and the land mass of Israel is so tiny that it would be completely annihilated in a nuclear first strike which is not possible in case of the other 7 nuke weapon states..anyway that is for another debate.

The thing here is even though Israelis have a valid concern, it is not the job of other countries to sacrifice their interests for their sake, especially developing countries which themselves have huge amount of people BPL.
I don't know where you are getting not trusting the US out of this. India voluntary removed the IPI pipe line if you remember. No darn F16/ F18 not being bought is going make too much a of difference. They only have NATO countries that buy them. Plus India is buying boat load of other military stuff from the US.

No you were arguing that US will not sanction India anytime in the future unless we test a nuclear weapon..we have not tested one..so why these sanctions ? Why should any country care about the insecurites of USA and Israel other than themselves ?

I don't know what these other forms of " work around" payments you think are reality based and timely, but I know " you can't work around sanctions". If all others in civilized countries are adhering to this , I think India ( AS IT IS!) should. I get the feeling that Indians want to be considered global power but can't come to terms that means you take global stances. Iran not having nuclear weapons is a global power like stance. You want to play with the big boys? then act as a responsible one..

The "civilized world", if you are referring to the european countries plundered our resources so bad for about couple of centuries that we now have 350 million people BPL...so I dont think the "civilized countries" should mind about India importing their stuff where they get the best deal..right ?

We are acting like a big boy..Iran is our gateway to the resource rich Central Asia and Afghanistan where we have legitimate interests and hence it is in our interests to stay out of this Iran-bashing episode.
I dont trust the Mullahs to have that much common sense as the US-USSR leaders....

As a side note: Everyone thought that Kim Jong-Il was insane, and for good reason.

But at the end of the day, he did not bring an apocalypse. In fact, he did everything he could to save his own skin and his own dynasty. I.e. He acted logically to preserve his own interests.

Insane people don't care about their lives, they are willing to throw it away for no reason at all.

That doesn't describe the Iranian leadership, they in fact seem to be quite clever and rational in their own way.
No you were arguing that US will not sanction India anytime in the future unless we test a nuclear weapon..we have not tested one..so why these sanctions ? Why should any country care about the insecurites of USA and Israel other than themselves ?

The "civilized world", if you are referring to the european countries plundered our resources so bad for about couple of centuries that we now have 350 million people BPL...so I dont thing the "civilized countries" should mind about India importing their stuff where they get the best deal..right ?

We are acting like a big boy..Iran is our gateway to the resource rich Central Asia and Afghanistan where we have legitimate interests and hence it is in our interests to stay out of this Iran-bashing episode.

you are making rhetorical remarks , dramatizing the conversation with platitudes. I can't debate ' Europeans plundered us 100 years ago , and so why should we trust them' rant


that lord knows where you got the opinion that I said ( Quote " No you were arguing that US will not sanction India anytime in the future unless we test a nuclear weapon...we have not tested one.." )

This is foreign policy debate and you are going off in some obscure tangent. These include UN sanctions and US ones.
you are making rhetorical remarks , dramatizing the conversation with platitudes. I can't debate ' Europeans plundered us 100 years ago , and so why should we trust them' rant

Sorry..I thought you have enough comprehension skills to grasp my point....I'm just saying that we have 350 million people BPL and an equally big middle class whose life line is oil and we cannot do anything that will cause even a slight rise in petrol prices, which btw are already high. Iran is offering a very good deal and it is in our interest to take it with both hands.

Also iran is our gateway to Central asia and A'stan and it makes absolutely no sense in closing the only door we have to those landlocked regions.

The "civilized world" can go suck an egg.


that lord knows where you got the opinion that I said ( Quote " No you were arguing that US will not sanction India anytime in the future unless we test a nuclear weapon...we have not tested one.." )

You know you said it...Here or elsewhere.
Basically the US cannot place sanctions if India and China both remain steadfast in opposing Iran sanctions. If one of them caves, the other would automatically have to cave as well.

A united declarative statement must be issued, then US plans are toast. Otherwise once again US would win.

Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka should all back such a move.
Religion - the opium that can make you do crazy stuff. And religion is what the Mullahs have in abundance.

I don't know about that, but at the end of the day, the chances of one country nuking another is the chance that all nuclear-armed nations have to face equally.

Nobody gets special privileges for that, we just have to hope it doesn't happen to us.

Kim was an atheist, No ?

I think he was.
Sorry..I thought you have enough comprehension skills to grasp my point....I'm just saying that we have 350 million people BPL and an equally big middle class whose life line is oil and we cannot do anything that will cause even a slight rise in petrol prices, which btw are already high. Iran is offering a very good deal and it is in our interest to take it with both hands.

The "civilized world" can go suck an egg.

You know you said it...Here or elsewhere.

NO I don't grasp how a potential of blown up Iran with one refinery is not effecting your prices- it is effecting world prices. I don't grasp how oil being substituted by KSA that you lose from Iran at same prices , means you will not have OIL period.

it's all moot anyways. India is doing what I said it was doing and that is waning off Iran OIL slowly

BTW a heads up: Most people don't think Iran will hand off a nuclear weapon to someone. just nuclear fissile material to it's favorite terror group(s) it supports. You saw how their basij planned an act in friendly India / Delhi. They will hand off fissile material make dirty bombs plus proliferate the tech to other rogue countries. But then again!~ never know when the ayatollah wakes up one day and decides martyrdom for all Iranians and nukes Israel.
NO I don't grasp how a potential of blown up Iran with one refinery is not effecting your prices- it is effecting world prices. I don't grasp how oil being substituted by KSA that you lose from Iran at same prices , means you will not have OIL period.

it's all moot anyways. India is doing what I said it was doing and that is waning off Iran OIL slowly

Iran is under pressure and they are selling oil for unimaginable diwali deals...# buy it.

Also our interests in Iran are much much bigger than just buying oil...its basically geography and unless KSA can guarentee us a land route to central asia or afghanistan, logic dictates we continue engaging with Iran.
Basically the US cannot place sanctions if India and China both remain steadfast in opposing Iran sanctions. If one of them caves, the other would automatically have to cave as well.

A united declarative statement must be issued, then US plans are toast. Otherwise once again US would win.

Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka should all back such a move.

Read posting no 22 plz. The show is ended on someone! The news is all over the places.
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