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US engaging in gunboat diplomacy: China

Now I do notice that the Chinese govenment actually make less noice than PLA. Looks like the PLA is playing the same game as the US military (lobby for money from US congress), trying to get more budget funds by citing threat to China, using the same scaring tactic.

They may be trying to get hold of some of the large foreign exchange to fund future weapon development, after all if US dollar depreciate against RMB, future value of Chinese investment in US debts will decrease with time.

Yeah. When the 2010 military budget was announced everyone seemed to think the unexpected slowdown in budget growth was about projecting an image of 'peaceful rise' or even about the financial crisis. But maybe, just maybe, the government was trying to tell PLA to 'know its place'? And now PLA is on a counterattack to secure a major budget increase next year.
To China's south, a senior Indian Air Force official recently disclosed that his government is upgrading another air base near the Chinese border to accommodate warplanes. According to the U.S. Defense News website, "The moves are part of the effort to strengthen India's defenses against China."

In June India approved a $3.3 billion deal to purchase 42 more Su-30 air-to-air and air-to-surface jet fighters, bringing the planned total to 272 by 2018.

Regarding a joint Russian-Indian long-range multirole jet fighter/strike fighter adaptation of the Su-30, the same Indian official said "a nuclear-armed Su-30MKI could fly deep inside China with midair refueling."

U.S.-China Conflict: From War Of Words To Talk Of War
China paper warns military thinking outmoded | Reuters





Careful. It is india which is using USA to contain China and the vice versa may be. The blue print of invasion has been drawn in New Delhi. Covey this message to the appropriate place.
I'm afraid we're in very muddy waters at the moment. There has been talks of a civilian-military split in China, even Robert Gates mentioned that once or twice.

The recent anti-American outbursts were mostly coming from PLA instead of the civilian leadership. It's quite clear now the military want more influence in the next leadership. Chinese government at this moment is tied down in domestic and its own succession problems, PLA may take this as a chance to play a more substantial role in China's foreign policy.

Another recent example is the Pakistani flood and Chinese aid to Pakistan. The Chinese government gave about 1.5 million aid and PLA decided to match the amount and gave its own aid of 1.5 million. Quite a daring thing to do.

The heavily factionalized political landscape in China also gives opportunities for the PLA. As chauism mentioned in another thread, the fact Xi Jinping wasn't promoted to CMC vice-chairmanship may signal the PLA is not betting on a single candidate at this time, but try to extract concessions from both camps.

We're entering a period of great uncertainties. I hope we'll see a successful leadership transition in 2012 without conflicts breaking out of control, both internally and externally.

The greatest worry is this next "fifth generation" of Chinese leaders won't be as intelligent or as prudent as the last generation. There is a fundamental shift towards economists and history majors from engineers and technicians. If there is one benefit to this shift it is they should be able to handle the political challenges. Such types should be able to outmaneuver the military and a coup is unthinkable. It will be to the detriment of the Chinese people since they won't be so technically inclined, and economic growth will slow with business and history majors in charge instead of engineers. But it should be to the benefit of the rest of the world since such individuals loathe war.
Such types should be able to outmaneuver the military and a coup is unthinkable...it should be to the benefit of the rest of the world since such individuals loathe war.
Think of how often scholar-emperors were overthrown, dominated, or had their realms broken up by their military commanders-turned-warlords. Still feel good about it?
A coup establishing a military dictatorship in the United States is far more likely than one in China.
Careful. It is india which is using USA to contain China and the vice versa may be. The blue print of invasion has been drawn in New Delhi. Covey this message to the appropriate place.


Texas, Arizona, California are threatening to secede

10% unemployment rate and rising

More people employed by the government than private industry

Failing education system

Insane wealth inequality not seen since great depression

Massive national debt, personal debt, foreign debt

An economy that is completely dependent on Oil

People lining up at walmart everyday to buy new stocks of ammo, ammo is all sold out within 10 minutes

7 attempts on the life of Obama

Armed food caravans delivering rations

Failing economy

Riots all over the country

Growing dissent involving wars in IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN, and possibly IRAN

Anti-government hate militias on the rise - CNN.com

Anti-government hate militias on the rise

A gas line was severed at the home of the brother of one Democratic congressman from Virginia, and a man was arrested for making death threats against Republican Minority Whip Eric Cantor and his family.

And Monday, nine members of a Michigan-based anti-government militia group called the Hutaree were charged with conspiring to kill law enforcement officers.

In 2009, the Southern Poverty Law Center tracked a 300 percent increase in the number of militia groups operating in the United States -- from 42 to 127 such groups at the year's end.

Income Inequality Is At An All-Time High: STUDY

Income Inequality Is At An All-Time High: STUDY

Income inequality in the United States is at an all-time high, surpassing even levels seen during the Great Depression, according to a recently updated paper by University of California, Berkeley Professor Emmanuel Saez. The paper, which covers data through 2007, points to a staggering, unprecedented disparity in American incomes. On his blog, Nobel prize-winning economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman called the numbers "truly amazing."

Though income inequality has been growing for some time, the paper paints a stark, disturbing portrait of wealth distribution in America. Saez calculates that in 2007 the top .01 percent of American earners took home 6 percent of total U.S. wages, a figure that has nearly doubled since 2000.

Near Riot as Thousands Seek Atlanta Section 8 Housing Assistance

Near Riot as Thousands Seek Atlanta Section 8 Housing Assistance

As far as I am concerned 5-10 political prisoners getting arrested a year + a few 100 extremists in the autonomous regions are not a big deal.

And this is just the tiip
Hey Chinaowns you should try harder if you want to be funny. First mention that USA has 25% unemployment due to biased statistics. Then mention some stuff about Sarah Palin and Huckabee. Also make sure not to lie -- more people are not employed by the government than the private sector and the attempts on Obama's life are just hicks in trucks who got nowhere near Obama. Lying isn't as funny. See you can troll better if you just do a little research and try :chilli:
Hey Chinaowns you should try harder if you want to be funny. First mention that USA has 25% unemployment due to biased statistics. Then mention some stuff about Sarah Palin and Huckabee. Also make sure not to lie -- more people are not employed by the government than the private sector and the attempts on Obama's life are just hicks in trucks who got nowhere near Obama. Lying isn't as funny. See you can troll better if you just do a little research and try :chilli:

Doesn't matter, clearly a lot of people are angry at Obama. Especially since Bush only had like 1 attempt. The list of attempts was posted as evidence of unrest.

And yes more people are working for the government than private, unemployment is still rising

I see a lot more signs of collapse in the USA than China.

In fact the USA is EXACTLY like the weimar republic before collapse


well USA know how to deal with china its time when china should take right stand they should attack on AC and let them know they are not the single one power

22 > 5.5

Weimar Republic collapsed because of constitutional weaknesses allowing Hitler to suspend human rights. But I'm sure you know that :chilli:.

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