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US Drone Strikes Might be War Crimes - UN

So what about killing patently innocents in the first place, like what the terrorists did on 9/11, and are doing in Pakistan, with over 30,000 lives lost?

Even serial killers and bombers get the right to defend themselves then why not these 'alleged' militants? Or do you not understand the word 'alleged' and its wide use? By God, people who were involved in the terrorism of 9/11 deserve the path of justice to the shooting squad but so do those who are controlling the drone that execute people outside a war zone without discrimination or morality as these drone strikes have martyred children, infants and women too!

One cannot go out killing people who 'may' fall in the broad and most likely seriously corrupt criteria that one sets oneself to judge people. Drone strikes are acts of war crimes, if they are not explicitly allowed by GoP.

But I believe that these drone strikes occur with the consent and blessings of both the Govt. and the military so they are not really war crimes. But that's what I believe.
No one can possibly say what happened on 9/11 was deplorable. VC - You are still not prepared to get over the simple fact drone attacks, in their haste, are not guaranteed to JUST strike out the terrorists and innocent people have been lost. 2 wrongs dont make a right and the world is indeed beginning to condemn these illegal acts. You are muddying the waters by going off at a tangent.

Are you saying what I think you are saying? "No one can possibly say what happened on 9/11 was deplorable"? Please clarify before I call you out on this statement if it is indeed what you meant.

.......... Drone strikes are acts of war crimes, if they are not explicitly allowed by GoP.............

Oh please. So if GoP puts a rubber stamp, the collateral damage is no longer morally objectionable to you? Your position makes no sense at all. None.
Oh please. So if GoP puts a rubber stamp, the collateral damage is no longer morally objectionable to you? Your position makes no sense at all. None.

Fortunately, for your misunderstanding, crimes are not judged on their morality but rather their legality. We were speaking strictly on legal matters and hence my reasoning, morally I believe no terrorist deserve even a bullet, they should all be locked up in a hole and left to die of starvation! But only if there is proof beyond doubt of their involvement in terrorism.
Fortunately, for your misunderstanding, crimes are not judged on their morality but rather their legality. We were speaking strictly on legal matters and hence my reasoning, morally I believe no terrorist deserve even a bullet, they should all be locked up in a hole and left to die of starvation! But only if there is proof beyond doubt of their involvement in terrorism.

Okay, so pray tell how the legality or lack thereof, of the drone strikes has been established in any court of law? USA says they are legal; Pakistan says they are illegal. And that is as far as the matter has gone, so far. There has been NO legal action to determine that as of yet that I am aware of. Please enlighten me.
Are you saying what I think you are saying? "No one can possibly say what happened on 9/11 was deplorable"? Please clarify before I call you out on this statement if it is indeed what you meant.

You know full well what i meant VC - My apologises i was checking to see how alert you was. :angel:
I hear uncertainty in this title. Might be war crimes. Either it is a war crime or not.
So what about killing patently innocents in the first place, like what the terrorists did on 9/11, and are doing in Pakistan, with over 30,000 lives lost?

and terrorist saying that this is the response of drones attacks. the recruit is usually a boy age 10-15 with his relative been killed in drone attack..because he was in market, funeral or just in the wrong place.

Okay, so pray tell how the legality or lack thereof, of the drone strikes has been established in any court of law? USA says they are legal; Pakistan says they are illegal. And that is as far as the matter has gone, so far. There has been NO legal action to determine that as of yet that I am aware of. Please enlighten me.
They are illegal unless USA declares war against pakistan according to US constitution.
and they are illegal regardless in UN charter
..this is well known i think to everyone who has above average IQ
and terrorist saying that this is the response of drones attacks. the recruit is usually a boy age 10-15 with his relative been killed in drone attack..because he was in market, funeral or just in the wrong place.

They are illegal unless USA declares war against pakistan according to US constitution.
and they are illegal regardless in UN charter
..this is well known i think to everyone who has above average IQ

Little boys tend to be kidnapped and put on a vest with explosives and send their way to Afghanistan and blow up in a mosque. I can post a video of one such boy if you are interested.
Cross border drone strikes is a war crime it violates Pakistani sovereignty and kills innocent peoples. C'mon guys the US has been doing these drone strikes in Pakistan for more than 8 years now. And Afghanistan is still slipping through their fingers. This policy and strategy obviously doesn't work. If you keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different result that is the definition of insanity. The US today is in the same situation as Britain and the Soviet Union were before them. They are winning the battles but losing the war in Afghanistan and beating up on Pakistan is not going to help them.
Little boys tend to be kidnapped and put on a vest with explosives and send their way to Afghanistan and blow up in a mosque. I can post a video of one such boy if you are interested.
there is an endless supply of little boys in afghanistan..i living in peshawar and being a doctor have already seen enough dead bodies and autopsies..unlike your videos
Cross border drone strikes is a war crime it violates Pakistani sovereignty and kills innocent peoples. C'mon guys the US has been doing these drone strikes in Pakistan for more than 8 years now. And Afghanistan is still slipping through their fingers. This policy and strategy obviously doesn't work. If you keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different result that is the definition of insanity. The US today is in the same situation as Britain and the Soviet Union were before them. They are winning the battles but losing the war in Afghanistan and beating up on Pakistan is not going to help them.

Global opinion is slowly but surely having the same opinion as you portray. The drone strikes are clearly a war crime. it violates not only our sovereignty, and kills innocent people. When the president of the USA has to change the parameters and goalposts in the use of these attacks - one can sense the desperation in the attempt to justify their hideous methods.
I feel the humiliation and loss they have suffered in Afghanistan has certainly left the beast with egg on its face and in retaliation is lashing out in their annoyance.
One day i hope the Nobel peace prize winner from 2009 is actually one day when the dust settles is put on trial for his support of these War crimes.
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