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US drone strike kills four militants in Pakistan: officials

even for killing terorrists US does not have right to strike in Pakistan territory, Pakistan is a servent country. if any terrorist there that is Pakistan's job to react to them not a US
even for killing terorrists US does not have right to strike in Pakistan territory, Pakistan is a servent country. if any terrorist there that is Pakistan's job to react to them not a US

our leadership receives dollars for everything...the receive dollars for not intercepting drones..they receive dollars for allowing nato routes...nato in return comes and kill our soldiers but we dont do anything...reason being our leadership is paid to keep silent....and they dont want to perform their job...politicians are corrupt...they have their children abroad and money abroad too....
right now they they are negotiating how many dollars will be given to Pakistani leadership so that they reopen the supply...tv channels are also onboard...they will also receive dollars for not covering the opening of supply route on media........our leaders think they will take the dollars with them to the graves.
Then why are you complaining!!!!!!!!!

sdfu n stop with stupid exclamation marks or you will get banned.

u dont anything about drone attacks so u hide behind the computer just to show your hate towards Pakistan.

do u even know how many kids and how many innocents die everyday in these drone attacks. Lets say if 1 so called terrorists is killed then probably 4 innocents also killed along with him.
U.S. Missile Strike Kills 4 in Pakistan - TIME

(PESHAWAR, Pakistan) — A suspected U.S. drone fired two missiles at a house in northwest Pakistan early Friday morning, killing four militants in an attack that comes as Pakistani officials have stepped up their calls for the strikes to end, intelligence officials said.

The attack could complicate U.S. efforts to get Pakistan to reopen its border crossings to supplies meant for NATO troops in Afghanistan. Pakistan shut the border last November in retaliation for American airstrikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers.

Pakistan's parliament is debating a revised framework for its relationship with the U.S. that Washington hopes will result in NATO supply routes reopening. But a key demand is that the U.S. stop drone attacks, which are very unpopular in Pakistan because many people believe they mostly kill civilians — a claim denied by the U.S. and contradicted by independent research.

Friday's strike targeted a house in Miran Shah, the main town in the North Waziristan tribal area, a key sanctuary for Taliban and al-Qaida militants, Pakistani intelligence officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media.

The four militants killed in the strike and three wounded were from Uzbekistan, said the officials. Their precise identities were unclear. The attack occurred while the group was sleeping, the officials said.

The U.S. rarely talks publicly about the covert CIA-run drone program in Pakistan, but officials have said privately that the strikes are a key component of America's war against Islamist militants and have killed senior Taliban and al-Qaida commanders.

President Barack Obama stepped up the drone campaign in Pakistan when he took office in 2009, and most of the attacks have targeted North Waziristan. But the strikes have dropped off significantly in recent months as the relationship between the U.S. and Pakistan has deteriorated.
Pakistani officials have regularly criticized the attacks as a violation of the country's sovereignty. But the military was widely believed to help with at least some of the strikes and allowed the drones to take off from bases inside Pakistan.

That cooperation has come under serious strain as ties have worsened, especially following the deaths of the Pakistani soldiers at two posts along the Afghan border. In addition to cutting off NATO supplies, Pakistan kicked the U.S. out of a base used by American drones in the country's southwest.

The move was not expected to significantly impact the drone program since the base was only used to repair aircraft that took off from Afghanistan. But it did signal the government's growing opposition to the drones, culminating in the parliamentary debate currently taking place.

One of the reasons the U.S. has relied so heavily on drone strikes in Pakistan, and is reluctant to give them up, is that Islamabad has rejected calls to target militants in North Waziristan who are using the area as a base to attack American troops in Afghanistan.

The most important group is the Haqqani network, considered the most dangerous militant faction fighting the U.S. in Afghanistan.

Pakistan has argued that it can't conduct an offensive in North Waziristan because its troops are stretched too thin by operations against militants within the country who threaten its own government.

But many analysts believe Pakistan is reluctant to target the Haqqani network and its allies in the Afghan Taliban because they are seen as important allies in Afghanistan after foreign forces withdraw.

Pakistan has close historical ties with both groups, and U.S. officials have accused the country's shadowy spy agency, the ISI, of continuing to provide them with support — an allegation denied by Islamabad.

Analysts argue that Pakistan's calculus has not changed despite billions of dollars in U.S. military and civilian aid over the last decade meant to enlist greater support in the fight against Islamist militants.

Read more: U.S. Missile Strike Kills 4 in Pakistan - TIME
The US has made its intentions clear time and again.

Block the supplies.

Pass resolutions in parliament.

Pakistan may do whatever it wants, the US would not stop pursuing its interests inside Pakistan.
Irony is not even PDF Pakistani members don't give importance to the news. I remember when US killed 26 Pakistani soldiers by the reactions of Pakistani members in that thread I thought that they will do anything to stop US. Now they don't even care to come post here. Sad.
Irony is not even PDF Pakistani members don't give importance to the news. I remember when US killed 26 Pakistani soldiers by the reactions of Pakistani members in that thread I thought that they will do anything to stop US. Now they don't even care to come post here. Sad.

Thing is that people here have become aware of why you want them to post hatred against US, Its something you enjoy and look forward to (A possible conflict b/w Pak and US) by trying to incite people. Its beyond me how much time and effort you put in your deceptions and how much you care about an enemy country's people.

Yes its sad when Pakistan, a country already at war, suffering losses both economical and life everyday at the hands of TTP cant respond to an actual super power (U.S). Its sickening when an alleged Pakistani (Kasab) attacks India in Mumbai and Indian military doesn't have the balls to respond.

Now learn some humility and don't give me conspiracy BS. The sorry state of some Indian members here is pitiful.
I have just today talked to a person who lost a friend in a drone strike in 2006. By allowing these drone strikes to continue which are killing large number of innocent civilians we are alienating the population and sending them right into the Taliban camp. The person i talked to was a Taliban sympathizers but who he lost was a 12 year old friend and his family. How can 12 year old be Taliban?

We have to stop with the drone strikes. There has to be another solution to this war. In the recent years despite grand tales of success we haven't been able to stop bomb attacks neither have we been able to slay a single important commander. Its time to review whether we can really be in this war in light of 40000 people lost and 68 Billion $ damage suffered. This is a senseless war especially since we have miserably failed in defeating our enemy.

Plus this is a message. If we can't defeat these ragtag thugs and militants how do we plan to take on India. We need to increase our ability to fight insurgencies.
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