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US dollar hits all-time high of Rs142 in interbank market

I want leader to be realistic who don't fool public with those idealist promises that he cannot deliver or which seem impossible to deliver. Idealist people voted for PTI because they did believe in slogan of change and Naya pakistan. Leaders actually delivers as per their plans/agendas and if their plans are fake and unrealistic then what they would deliver ? You don't know what you are talking about. Good leader don't take political advantage if public is naïve who believe in his promises of change

You did not tell me what indictors ( petrol/gas prices, inflation, stock exchange, reserve, recovering looted wealth, trade deficit , foreign reserves , interest rates, gold rate, current account deficit etc ) you will be using to judge the economic performance of PTI ? PTI is in government and you guys will be spending next five years moaning about how bad was previous government to justify any incompetence within PTI

What you needed was a Modi, what you got was a Kejriwal.
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Someone cleaned up the House with this Trick.

Crime is traceable btw
Im crying and laughing at the same moment ,crying due to devaluation ,laughing due to CJ and PM dam fund status ,poor Kabariya approach has lead to disaster nothing else
Sir , What I said is , our Business elite is also responsible for our current situation ….. As I said in other post just look at what our elite did with us , the got name of big Multinational companies and then they start importing every thing and start exporting $$$ using name of That Multinational company and shady laws of Pakistan …
What Bhotto did was pure criminality he was inspired by Russia ,,,,,,,, But what our elite is doing is also criminality and they are inspired by capitalism.....
So my dear friend , It is combination of all in Short our whole system...……..
we already tried this method in popular revolution

we hanged 22 families/ elites in 1970s, took their wealth and destroyed the economy, infact pushed it back 100 years.....those families went to Malaysia, american, india and all over the world and made their name and developed those countries...

hanging samsung chief(who was invovled in corruption then pardoned), or bill gates or musk will not improve the poor of any country but will further destroy the country...

its not elite but politicians or people in power policies ...

rule of law is responsibility of Pakistani people through electing right people...who is voting for PML N and PPPP for 30 years...its not the 1000 elites but your common folk, is champion usman your elite who is supporting ridiculous stupid polices??

every educated person here prasied PML N 3 years ago, did we forget that they bankrupted pakistan in 1998 worse than it is today?..his obsession with motorway is so much, that Pakistan was the first country in south asia to have motor way..isl-lahore motorway was built at 1b dollars enough to build a mega dam at that time (PS..building motor way was right decision but timing and order was wrong, look at Bangladesh and Vietnam and see how they did things in order)
Sir , What I said is , our Business elite is also responsible for our current situation ….. As I said in other post just look at what our elite did with us , the got name of big Multinational companies and then they start importing every thing and start exporting $$$ using name of That Multinational company and shady laws of Pakistan …
What Bhotto did was pure criminality he was inspired by Russia ,,,,,,,, But what our elite is doing is also criminality and they are inspired by capitalism.....
So my dear friend , It is combination of all in Short our whole system...……..
its govt job to facilitate and regulate private sector ...it has failed to do so at many fronts

Exactly who is reponsible for these major adjustment its PMLN CAD
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