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US does not want India in Security Council

Lol India doesn't deserve to be on the SC at all. Look at the condition of the country.

Indeed this country need get out of the mess and stand up in world powers before any ambition envisioned. It's GDP ranks out of top 10 and got 0 gold medals in Olympics. I wonder if sheer population size can earn any respect in UNSC....
Indeed this country need get out of the mess and stand up in world powers before any ambition envisioned. It's GDP ranks out of top 10 and got 0 gold medals in Olympics. I wonder if sheer population size can earn any respect in UNSC....

1.our gdp is 7th or 8th
2.olympic gold medals are a criteria for UNSC? we'd better get to work on our athletes right away
LOL at indians begging all the world powers to let them join the security council :rofl:


Indeed this country need get out of the mess and stand up in world powers before any ambition envisioned. It's GDP ranks out of top 10 and got 0 gold medals in Olympics. I wonder if sheer population size can earn any respect in UNSC....
I always like to categorize India as a country with 350mil Middle Class, similar to its population in 1947 :tup:
Nobody wants India in the (UN) Security Council with veto powers. Not even the Russians.

I tell you something in short, even Russia knows that India or any other G4s+Nigeria won't get Veto if the expansion is taken place right now. there is a hefty growth in major developing countries and Developed economies are fighting for survival, so the chances are less that any of these two sides will compromise on their stand until we reach a power balance, hopefully by 2020. but one thing is always clear about Russian stand while concerning India, that is, if economies of UK, France falls to second tire level, say by 2020, and ever Nigeria, Indonesia won't accept Permanent Seat without Veto from 2020 onward, then why India also won't get the same which is of the comparison of China on every aspect?

(in fact, it was Mr Nehru whose foolish act has brought India to this state in 1955. but in fact, India was made of 90% population who were vegetarian 1947 while they couldn't understand that this world politics mainly eat 'humans' on different political issues. Soviet clearly told to India side that time that you are less likely to proud in future on your this choice :hitwall:

Washingtom Post has revealed that "India was offered a permanent seat on the council 55 years ago, in 1955. "But that offer, made by the United States and the Soviet Union, was declined by India's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Nehru said the seat should be given to China instead"

HaindavaKeralam - UN Security Council - Nehru declined seat offered to India; Another untold history revealed
I tell you something in short, even Russia knows that India or any other G4s+Nigeria won't get Veto if the expansion is taken place right now. there is a hefty growth in major developing countries and Developed economies are fighting for survival, so the chances are less that any of these two sides will compromise on their stand until we reach a power balance, hopefully by 2020. but one thing is always clear about Russian stand while concerning India, that is, if economies of UK, France falls to second tire level, say by 2020, and ever Nigeria, Indonesia won't accept Permanent Seat without Veto from 2020 onward, then why India also won't get the same which is of the comparison of China on every aspect?

(in fact, it was Mr Nehru whose foolish act has brought India to this state in 1955. but in fact, India was made of 90% population who were vegetarian 1947 while they couldn't understand that this world politics mainly eat 'humans' on different political issues. Soviet clearly told to India side that time that you are less likely to proud in future on your this choice :hitwall:

That is not a true story.Its just an Urban Legend.India was Never offered a UNSC seat.
That is not a true story.Its just an Urban Legend.India was Never offered a UNSC seat.

the 'true' story is always known to whole world, that, for the Western world, China was never a preference. the one line 'true' bottom line facts and rest, whichever is fit on this one line concept, is True :wave:

CHina was part of most of the nuclear, and missile proliferation of world, while targeting US/West only. who doesn't know that North Korea always served as a 'transfer point' in this regard, similarly how Israel serves for Western purposes in its region. US kept its military in Japan, Korea for so long while concerning China only, isn't it????

political efforts finally result in power exercise if it doesn't stop till a certain milestone and you don't always need to have credible references to find out the Truths of politics being dealt on back door. :wave:
if we find Nigeria to be having 100% chance to get Permanent Seat in UN by 2020 onward then we find Egypt to be having at least 90% chance to become the second member from Africa in this regard, as two countries from Africa are proposed for Permanent Seat in UN with Veto. we welcome genuine intention of Egypt government to serve interests of developing countries and we hope soon they will get full support from whole developing world for their claim on permanent seat in UN with Veto power :cheers:

Egypt and UN Security Council membership

Egypt has played an effective role in the preparatory talks on the United Nations reform and the expansion of the UN Security Council.

On the UN reform, Egypt has highlighted the necessity to enhance the independence of the world body to deliver its message independently and neutrally.

Egypt has been seeking to obtain a UN Security Council permanent seat in an effort to increase the representation of the developing countries in the Security Council. :tup:

The Egyptian stance on the Security Council membership is based on supporting the right of the African countries to obtain two permanent and five impermanent seats in the Security Council. :tup:

In its quest for the Security Council membership, Egypt is supported by its long history on supporting liberation and independence of the third world countries and its heavyweight role on the Arab, African and Islamic arenas. :tup:

In addition, Egypt has been actively participating in all UN activities in the political, economic and social domains as well as in the peacekeeping operations in many parts in the African continent.

Egypt State Information Service
Nigeria deserves a UN permanent Security Council seat on merit :tup:

Nigeria, the largest democratic Black Nation, having pursued one of the most altruistic, benevolent, and purposeful foreign policies in the modern world, therefore, eminently deserves to represent Africa on the United Nations Security Council as a permanent member. :tup:

If the world is not loudly praising and applauding Nigeria despite her glowing and ground-breaking (trail-blazing) contributions to global security and prosperity, it is not for lack of a track record of achievements. It is rather because of her hard luck of always having her many virtues written on water and its few vices carved on marble. Nigeria as a global actor, patriotic sentiments and national loyalty aside, has one of the most altruistic, benevolent and selfless foreign policies among the community of independent states of today’s modern world.

As far as her foreign relations is concerned, Nigeria dares to assume the status of the biblical city stationed upon the hill, beaming her light for the benefit of other members of the global community. There is in fact a sense in which Nigeria takes better care of foreigners and international responsibilities more than its own citizens and people. It is this fact that makes Nigeria unique and peculiar among the community of States around the world.

Rather than reeling out the long list of Nigeria’s good deeds and glowing credentials in the international arena since becoming an independent nation-State, this essay will just underline the golden principles that are common denominators of Nigeria’s diplomatic practice.

A country with a good heart, Nigeria always gives her widow’s mite. Nigeria is the true and quintessential Santa Claus. While economically developed and technologically advanced countries like USA, Japan and Germany give development aid and assistance out of their super-abundance, Nigeria -- given her depressing social indicators, poor health indices and low human development index – almost always gives sacrificially, out of love, not out of self-sufficiency. Imagine Nigeria giving soft loan of million of dollars to Ghana (perceived as a competitor) to Nigeria for African leadership) for power projects at a time when Nigeria’s power sector is in dire need of injection of fresh funds or raising money for victims of Hurricane Katrina when Nigeria is arguably a home to thousands of actual or threatening natural disasters. This is why Nigeria’s benevolence oftentimes looks absurd or blatantly stupid to the simple-minded. This kind of sacrificial giving and self-abnegation is the stuff of which Nigeria’s foreign relations is made. :tup:

Nigeria’s commitment to the political equality of States, a good concept often stated but rarely practised by most countries of the world, is legendary and unparalleled. It is particularly striking and noteworthy given Nigeria’s large population, natural resource base, political clout and power potential, and consequent enormous temptation to be hegemonic. The relationship of mutual respect and reciprocal regard that Nigeria has with much smaller countries like Sao Tome and Equatorial Guinea is a good example that all modern and progressive countries should emulate. Most countries in Nigeria’s big shoes would lord it over such micro-States that Nigeria has chosen to treat with utmost respect and hold in high esteem.

Nigeria has over the years proved to be a highly responsible international citizen. Nigeria’s ground-breaking contributions to peace-keeping, international relief assistance and humanitarian operations as well as technical aid despite her own pervasive poverty and widespread puts her in a class of her own. :tup: In spite of her parlous domestic circumstances and development challenges, Nigeria still manages to promptly pay dues and assessed contributions to international bodies and organizations to which it belongs. Even the worst and most obnoxious Nigerian government have upheld this shining example of international responsibility.

Unlike most big and powerful countries, Nigeria does not subscribe to the notorious beggar-thy-neighbour policy of foreign relations: that you must exploit other countries in order to develop. Nigeria has practically shown that it believes development need not be a zero sum game; that all can be winners in the development game. Nigeria is a practical advocate of unadulterated symbiosis. Through her international behaviour, Nigeria has been saying: neither a commensal not a parasite be! Rather than use her might to oppress, suppress and exploit Sao Tome and Principe or Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria rather established mutually beneficial joint development projects with the two neighbouring countries.

With the dawn of the new millennium, global solidarity, planetary patriotism, collective destiny of humanity, common heritage of mankind, and even cosmic brotherhood became the buzz words of the international community. While the world is still mouthing and preaching these noble ideals, Nigeria has been practising them in her foreign relations for the better part of her independent existence. Or how else can we explain a poor but concerned country paying the salaries of civil servants in countries as far as the Caribbean, educating and feeding the citizens of countries as distant as the Pacific Islands? How else can we make sense of the suicidal involvements and sacrificial commitments of Nigeria to the liberation wars and anti-apartheid battles that freed countries like Namibia, Angola, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South Africa? This later tendency of leading anti-colonial struggles in distant lands at the risk of reprisal attacks from the terror machines of unrepentant colonialists earned Nigeria the tag of a Frontline State in anti-imperialist struggles despite her geographical distance from the actual theatres of war). :tup:

Moreover, Nigeria despite all odds has proved to be a law-abiding international citizen. How many countries in Nigeria’s position will swallow the bitter pill dished out by International Court of Justice to Nigeria over the disputed Bakassi Peninsula? The ICJ in a controversial decision awarded the territory to Cameroon despite the fact that Nigerian authorities have administered and Nigerians have inhabited the Peninsula from time immemorial. In a rare show of equanimity and gallantry (some may say cowardice or misguided pacifism), Nigeria has since the judgment withdrawn its administration and control from several villages that had been under its sovereignty for ages.

Furthermore, Nigeria, unlike most countries with its resources, influence and other power potentials, does not have any territorial ambitions and expansionist tendencies. That is why it calmly and peacefully resolves unavoidable border disputes with border disputes with countries such as Benin Republic, Niger Republic, Chad and Cameroon. Further still, Nigeria in both preachment and practice is a great exponent of multilateralism over and above the more famous and self-serving international modes of empire-building and hegemonic project.

Need I say more about the golden principles of Nigeria’s foreign policy? It is against this backdrop of trail-blazing contributions to international cooperation that one finds it difficult to understand while Nigeria has to struggle to become a member of the Security Council of the United Nations just so that it can continue the good job it has been doing for the international community. :tup:Given Nigeria’s ground-breaking and selfless contributions to global security and Africa’s development, Nigeria should be the bride not the suitor in this wooing game.

Femi Ajayi is the Senior Special Assistant on Development Cooperation to the Vice President, Federal Republic of Nigeria

State House Abuja - Analysis/Commentary
we hope for a full support from the developing countries for Indonesia in this regard. as know that OECD economies won't register any real growth this decade, many of them are likely to fall also, but its clear that Indonesia is going to double its economic size by 2020. and as the 3rd largest Democratic country of world, and the third largest country of Asia after China and India, we find Indonesia to be deserving to be the 3rd candidate from Asia this way. we welcome support from the whole world for Indonesia for Permanent Seat in UN with considering the changed circumstances since 2020 onward :tup:

Indonesia optimistic about UNSC permanent seat

Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa said that as the world's largest Muslim-majority nation, Indonesia should get a permanent seat at the reformed UN Security Council (UNSC), local media reported on Tuesday. :tup:

Marty said Monday that the Indonesian government would certainly not drop its efforts to get a seat in the UNSC, while reform at the UNSC was still underway. :agree:

"If you are keen to ensure the Security Council is more representative, I can't think of no better way than seeing Indonesia -- a country that is comfortably promoting development and progress -- become a permanent member," Marty was quoted by the Jakarta Post as saying. :tup:

Indonesia optimistic about UNSC permanent seat - People's Daily Online
Indeed this country need get out of the mess and stand up in world powers before any ambition envisioned. It's GDP ranks out of top 10 and got 0 gold medals in Olympics. I wonder if sheer population size can earn any respect in UNSC....

what it suppose to do with olympic medals.. you and your nasty ego.... what an idiotic explanation.. lol.. in that case japan,italy etc should get seat in unsc...:cheesy:
Any expansion of the UNSC, if and when it occurs, likely will not grant the right of veto to the new permanent members.
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