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US diplomat who ran over biker in Islamabad will have to face trial

If you are referring to Raymond Davis case, he was a Civi and out of Military Court's jurisdiction. Mr. Davis later assaulted and beat up a fellow American "who was likely ready to go to war and get him free if Pakistan didn't free him," second degree assault/felony charge, as they say "karma is a bitch."

Col. is active military, but time will tell.
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If you are referring to Raymond Davis case, he was a Civi and out of Military Court's jurisdiction. Mr. Davis later assaulted and beat up a fellow American "who was likely ready to go to war and get him free if Pakistan didn't free him," second degree assault/felony charge, as they say "karma is a bitch."

Col. is active military, but time will tell.

That is hardly punishment. Raymond Davis is still free and wrote a book against Pakistan. Nice royalties to earn for being a killer.
My hope is that Pakistan won't let the affected families be bought out a la Raymond Davis but will take the time and expense to pursue this guy in U.S. courts. (I doubt the U.S. will waive immunity.)

However, it was noted that the capital police bypassed the laid down procedure and gave relaxation to the accused when he was taken to the Kohsar police station after the accident on Margalla Road.
These are internal Pakistani gov't procedures; where they conflict with international treaty that Pakistan is a signatory of then the treaty terms apply: the diplomat is released and the "laid down procedure" is completed after the fact - if at all.
My hope is that Pakistan won't let the affected families be bought out a la Raymond Davis but will take the time and expense to pursue this guy in U.S. courts. (I doubt the U.S. will waive immunity.)

LOL you expect Pakistan to take up the expenses when the mind boggling evidence is for the entire world to see on YT. The Pakistani state is not going to get embroiled in domestic US court proceedings and pay insane amounts of money in a case that is already in favor of the killer. Besides, Pakistan got nothing to prove. As pointed out, the proof is available on the internet. He has diplomatic immunity. He will walk freely. Being discharged is no punishment. It is a joke for killing innocent people.

We also know that the US government will rub this in. Pakistan and the US are not on friendly terms. The US will obviously try to make a political statement. In fact, the political statement has already come. The US embassy has added salt to the injury by confirming that the relatives won't even receive compensation. Not that money would bring back their son, but it is pretty a sick thing to do so soon after the incident.
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...He has diplomatic immunity. He will walk freely -
Diplomats can't be prosecuted by the state they are sent to but can be prosecuted by the states they are sent from. The colonel is only immune from prosecution in Pakistan, not the U.S. - unless he or agents representing him make a legally-acceptable settlement in Pakistan. That's how Raymond Davis ended up "immune" from U.S. courts: the piper had been paid in Pakistan so pursuing him in U.S. courts would have been double jeopardy.
Diplomats can't be prosecuted by the state they are sent to but can be prosecuted by the states they are sent from. The colonel is only immune from prosecution in Pakistan, not the U.S. - unless he or agents representing him make a legally-acceptable settlement in Pakistan. That's how Raymond Davis ended up "immune" from U.S. courts: the piper had been paid in Pakistan so pursuing him in U.S. courts would have been double jeopardy.

Even if Obama was still in office this guy would walk freely. The culprit would always walk freely because at the end of the day his saviour would be immunity. At best he might get sanctioned or discharged. He might end up doing some time which would be cut short. It is all laughable. With Trump in office this guy is going to get a heroes welcome and an accolade for killing the Pakistani. Trump is a guy who didn't spare a Pakistani American gold star family. The guy on the bike was a nobody to Trump.

That is another stain on Pakistan. The killer gets to walk after paying blood money and Pakistan is ridiculed by the whole world.
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Video clear and damning, though it doesn't reveal identity of the driver. Demotion at least if Pakistan gov't does nothing but traffic negligence resulting in death is involuntary manslaughter so if the police dotted their i's and crossed their t's Pakistan gov't can pursue it and I expect send the colonel to military prison.

That is another stain on Pakistan. The killer gets to walk after paying blood money and Pakistan is ridiculed by the whole world.
All the more reason for Pakistan to do it right this time.
Video clear and damning, though it doesn't reveal identity of the driver. Demotion at least if Pakistan gov't does nothing but traffic negligence resulting in death is involuntary manslaughter so if the police dotted their i's and crossed their t's Pakistan gov't can pursue it and I expect send the colonel to military prison.

All the more reason for Pakistan to do it right this time.

The video is crystal clear. I am sure the authorities can also provide a footage with plate number etc. Besides, the guy was caught red-handed and was brought to a police station for fvck sake. Your embassy or leaders haven't denied his involvement. In fact the US embassy has acknowledged the involvement.

We aren't doing anyhting. It is futile and useless. Your country is looking for a constant fight with Pakistan. The daily accusations and demonization is apparently not enough.

The guy is free like a bird. No matter what Pakistan does. We have been here and done it before.
We aren't doing anyhting. It is futile and useless. Your country is looking for a constant fight with Pakistan. The daily accusations and demonization is apparently not enough.
The guy is free like a bird. No matter what Pakistan does. We have been here and done it before.
So your preference is to treat the incident as a political matter rather than a criminal one, in the hope that non-cooperation by Pakistani authorities, or another buyout of relatives, will freeze the wheels of justice and thus serve to damage both the United States and the Government of Pakistan politically.
So your preference is to treat the incident as a political matter rather than a criminal one, in the hope that non-cooperation by Pakistani authorities, or another buyout of relatives, will serve to damage both the United States and the Government of Pakistan politically.

LOL Wake up buddy. The relationship between Pakistan and the US is already damaged. That too beyond repair. I don't understand that I am having to explain this.

As for the incident, don't put this on Pakistan. It is not a Pakistani Colonel who went on a rampage. It is the US that needs to do the soul-searching here. Our diplomats have not killed locals in other nations. In short, the onus is on the US to do the right thing. To even suggest that Pakistan should approach this legally in the US is an outright mockery. Like I said, we got nothing to proof. All the proof is already out there.
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These are internal Pakistani gov't procedures; where they conflict with international treaty that Pakistan is a signatory of then the treaty terms apply: the diplomat is released and the "laid down procedure" is completed after the fact - if at all.

India is occupying Kashmir against UN declarations.
US is invading world wide and killing children, despite being signatory to UN.
Iran invade, vandalize and burn Pakistani embassy... no UN sanctions apply.
Sky will not fall, if Pakistan trial this killer in Pakistani courts?
IHC seeks report on US diplomat's placement on Exit Control List
Mohammad Imran April 18, 2018

"Him being a diplomat does not mean he can kill our citizens," Islamabad High Court's (IHC) Justice Amir Farooq remarked on Wednesday while hearing a petition seeking American diplomat Col Joseph Emanuel Hall's placement on the Exit Control List (ECL).

Earlier this month, Hall had run a red light and hit a motorcycle in Islamabad, killing one citizen, Atiq Baig, and injured another.

The incident had been recorded by CCTV cameras.

On Wednesday, Justice Farooq reprimanded the station house officer (SHO) of Police Station Kohsar for failing to take the accused's statement and conducting a blood test following the incident.

"The police itself destroys cases this way," he said.

"If the law protects him [the diplomat], it also protects our citizens," the judge remarked, asking the SHO why the accused's statement was recorded in Urdu. "What if he backs off [from his statement] tomorrow saying he does not know Urdu?"

The police official said that the statement had been given by the accused in English but written in Urdu by him.

"A white man, and that too an American — you must have felt very nervous," the judge remarked.

He also ordered a report regarding the diplomat's placement on the ECL, which is to be presented to the court by Tuesday.

The deputy attorney general said that a committee has already been constituted on the matter. "We will send this case to the committee and submit a report in court," he said.

The judge, however, was not satisfied with the reply.

"The committee may never hold a session," he remarked, adding that the creation of a committee was no more than a delaying tactic.

The hearing was adjourned to April 24.

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