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US diplomat involved in Khobragade conspirancy identified ...action to follow soon !

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O.K. All you Indians start posting where you fall in on this scale. LET'S GO !!! I'd be a BRAHMIN for sure !!
Nice that even third-world dumps have access to a great American product like photoshop. I was going down the street to do some shopping. Any worth-while Indian products to recommend?

Buy a book of Kamasutra or Yoga . Heard your 1st world people seem to be into that kinda stuff.
Just because you 'don't believe' in something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The caste system probably explains how the consul (she's NOT a diplomat, there's a difference) got away with f*cking over the maid. So, are you an UNTOUCHABLE, or what ?
???? I don't see what the caste system has to do with the issue, the maid is also Christian, and Christians don't fall in the caste system. And yet again, if the Indian Consul did something wrong she will be punished for her crime. And same with the US diplomat/Consul who is being charged for tax evasion in this case. Both have been charged, but until they are proven guilty I will not argue with their actions. But I do believe that India should provide the same privileges that are provided to its government officials working abroad. No special privileges should be given to any foreign diplomat/consul, just give them the same privileges that our workers in their country receive. So there will not be such problems in the future.

O.K. All you Indians start posting where you fall in on this scale. LET'S GO !!! I'd be a BRAHMIN for sure !!

Actually when the caste system was invented about 2000 years ago , India was one of the richest places in the world and we used to put all outsiders in the category of "Mlecchas" meaning barbarians. So you won't be a part of the caste system at all.

Anyway, in contemporary times we consider(ed ?) Americans as friends.
What happens if a chick is an UNTOUCHABLE but she's SMOKIN' HOT ??!! Do you go after that stuff on the sly or what ? I would !!
India may proceed with action on concerned US official unless quid pro quo is reached ...
The same Article of the Consular Convention which condemns Khobragade protects the U.S. official:

Article 43
Immunity from jurisdiction
1.Consular officers and consular employees shall not be amenable to the jurisdiction of the judicial or administrative authorities of the receiving State in respect of acts performed in the exercise of consular functions.
2.The provisions of paragraph 1 of this article shall not, however, apply in respect of a civil action either:
(a) arising out of a contract concluded by a consular officer or a consular employee in which he did
not contract expressly or impliedly as an agent of the sending State; or
(b) by a third party for damage arising from an accident in the receiving State caused by a vehicle,
vessel or aircraft.

43-1 protects the U.S. official - who acted on behalf of his country - whereas 43-2(a) condemns Khobragade, as she set up her maid for her own service rather than that of her country.
Buy a book of Kamasutra or Yoga . Heard your 1st world people seem to be into that kinda stuff.
It was a bit of a fad. Not really into the "hocus Pocus" type stuff....though I have seen some pretty interesting sculptures on Hindu temples!

'INDIAN' ? Oh yeah ? Well your an AMERICAN!! Take that !!!
Lol....everyone must be getting tired...
'INDIAN' ? Oh yeah ? Well your an AMERICAN!! Take that !!!

EVERY morning when you look into the mirror ( you have them over there, right ?) you're going to see an INDIAN !! Man !! If THAT doesn't bum you out then I don't know what would !!
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