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US describes India as a responsible N-state

It should be obvious that I am not the one "getting the timelines all mixed up. The U.N. system didn't exist in the 19th century. It did exist from 1945-1961 and yes the Soviets supported the Goa conquest:
Apparently you havent read up on the story of how and why India was forced into a military confrontation with Portugal. Bottomline, Portugal was/is no UK and Goa was no Falklands.

Funny how you mention that UN existed from 1945 to 1961! India gained independence in 1947. So according to you, UNSC lost its credibility when India liberated Goa from Portugal? The 5 sitting members are toothless now? In that case, I am really proud of how powerful India really is. ROFL.

I never believed you to be a part of tin-foil brigade. Alas!
Elect her it dont make any difference to me. If you are happy to be ruled ny a white Italian air hostess thats fine by me mate

Thanks for accepting Indian democracy.. Now only if you guys can achieve a workable democracy in Pakistan.. 65 years in trying and still not being able to get it right :)

Well mate at least the Pakistani public do not worship a white air hostess. And the last time I looked for all our leaders faults they do not prostrate in front of a white Italian have pics taken and distribute them to get public approval for their action.

Nothing you guys say about Pakistan changes that

Talk about Trying to take approval and trying to be USA's proxy.. Its a little hypocritical on your part mate of accusing India of being a USA proxy, when your govt takes out advertisements like below in USA papers on the eve of 9/11 to suck upto them ... :azn:

Now you seem to be acting like a jilted girlfriend ;)

The UNSC system stood up to the test of the Korean War but India's 1961 conquest of Goa, supported by the Soviets, killed it. From India's successful snatch of Goa is no distance at all to firing Pakistan's dream of doing the same to Srinagar and, due to superpower rivalry, its hope that the U.S. would wink and support Pakistan's efforts to do so in 1965 or even Musharraf's proposal for a lightning war to do so in 1988 (ref: B. Bhutto's memoirs.)

You are totally off track here. The aftermath of World War II had established the US as the pre-eminent power without any doubt in the western hemisphere and the message to UK by US was very clear - the ideas of colonies was no more an acceptable norm in the new world order where democracy and independence was to rule the roost and to ensure the same the idea of UN was formulated. (you can always cross refer to the Preamble to UN for verification).

Portuguese occupancy of Goa was in principle a violation of the rights of human beings to be free. It was a colony which could not be allowed to exist in a new democratic India and hence every attempt to ensure freedom for it was made failing which the action was undertaken. Your parallel to Pakistani action in J&K can not hold as the state itself was an independent entity and was intent on being independent of both Pakistan and India however the Pakistani actions of first establishing an economic blockade and then invading it in 1947 led to the alienation of the Kashmiris who sought Indian help (the Pakistani tribesmen led by their regular army JCOs ivaded on 25 Oct) which could not be rendered till as such time that the territory was a part of India.

You are way off track here mate!!!

"Kindly elucidate."

Dealt in post #279

The U.S. and Canada sold India nuclear technology on the condition that it would be employed for peaceful purposes only. When India tested its weapon in 1974 Indira teasingly described it as "a peaceful nuclear explosion".
India's murdered its own national honor twice in a period of thirteen years. You can't find any regret in your soul for having done so, can you? Can any Indian here say he has? Until you can and take some sort of steps at a remedy India still ranks as a bad boy in my books and I can't accept labeling India as "a responsible nuclear state".

I repeat. The weaponisation of our program could have been achieved way back in 1951. It was a policy decision not to do so. Infact Nehru was of opinion to disband the armed forces and is famously oft quoted as saying that all India requires is a police force. The policy of the govt of the day was to have warm relations with china and pakistan (which was not to be)

1974 test was done without diversion of fuel from the Canadian built nuclear reactor at Tarapur. The Canadians pulled out after 1974 but the fact remains that our weapons grade uranium is never drawn from our obligation bound reactors. Till date. Uranium mining is prevalent in India and is easily available in Shivalik ranges of Punjab and Himachal Pradesh and also North-Eastern states. Enrichment facilities do not require a genius to make. We had plenty of physicists for the same since pre-independence era and we have the necessary technical and scientific know how.

As for being responsible US is the one least likely to show a good record having allowed the open weaponisation of the most rogue of the nations in the garb of fighting the soviets.

Some material for you to read. You may find it interesting.

Report to Congress on Status of China, India and Pakistan Nuclear and Ballistic Missile Programs


It shall give you some insights
You are totally off track here. The aftermath of World War II had established the US as the pre-eminent power without any doubt in the western hemisphere and the message to UK by US was very clear -
I accept that India received mixed messages. I deny that the thrust and meaning and ultimate verdict of international law wasn't clear to India's leaders, as many of them had legal experience in matters of international law and were familiar with the concept of competing equities.

The weaponisation of our program could have been achieved way back in 1951.
True or not, that cannot justify applying Canadian and U.S. aid towards that end.

1974 test was done without diversion of fuel from the Canadian built nuclear reactor at Tarapur.
Everyone said at the time it was from CIRUS, that's why Indira pretended "Smiling Buddha" was for "peaceful" purposes. Can you offer proofs to back up your claims?
You simpleton Indian' when reminded about a side of India that you do not like seem to think pointing the finger at Pakistan clears Indians of whatever they are being accused of.

Now let me remind you. Your public worships an white Italian air hostess. Your leaders prostate themselves in front of her and have pics taken so public will approve.

You see you are sycophantic proxies that have an insecurity complex. That's why you make an ideal proxy for west. That is why you get the odd pat on the bottom or head.

Nothing you do or say about Pakistan will change that. Now burn and jump and jump and get excited.
You simpleton Indian' when reminded about a side of India that you do not like seem to think pointing the finger at Pakistan clears Indians of whatever they are being accused of.

Now let me remind you. Your public worships an white Italian air hostess. Your leaders prostate themselves in front of her and have pics taken so public will approve.

You see you are sycophantic proxies that have an insecurity complex. That's why you make an ideal proxy for west. That is why you get the odd pat on the bottom or head.

Nothing you do or say about Pakistan will change that. Now burn and jump and jump and get excited.

So you are left with nothing to say :) ??


Talk about White women ??? Isnt this an Israeli babe ??


:rofl: :rofl:
I don't think that's the reason. Blind love of 1960s leftists for "Third-World pacifism" probably was.

Churchill cites the faked hunger strikes and whipped-up rioting in his memoir of WWII. It's convenient to blame the British for misreporting but I haven't seen evidence that that is what happened.

That would have been typical of Indian deception
Your parallel to Pakistani action in J&K can not hold as the state itself was an independent entity and was intent on being independent of both Pakistan and India however the Pakistani actions of first establishing an economic blockade and then invading it in 1947 led to the alienation of the Kashmiris who sought Indian help (the Pakistani tribesmen led by their regular army JCOs ivaded on 25 Oct) which could not be rendered till as such time that the territory was a part of India.

Much like how you guys invaded Hyderabad and annexed it by force against the will of the leader of that territory under the excuse that the people of Hyderabad wanted to be a part of india.
the nizam was massacring his people. We step in when **** like that takes place. (remember bangladesh?) The people really did want to be with us. so we kept them.
What does "Ancestral home land" mean ???

His ancestors came from Africa.

To be honest his paternal lineage is white,go read up.

Much like how you guys invaded Hyderabad and annexed it by force against the will of the leader of that territory under the excuse that the people of Hyderabad wanted to be a part of india.

In god's name,Hyderabad kaise banega bhai pakistan mein?

Chaaron taraf Hindustan,woh bachega kaise?

Soch toh sahi.
@ Solomon2: You do not represent USA so I wouldn't warn you for bringing Gandhi in to this discussion. There are many Pakistanis here who would weigh your opinion too much negative or positive about Pakistan but there is hardly any Indian who would give a squat about what a numb-nut American has to say about India and Indians.

The cause of few Pakistani members here is to instigate Indians to speak against USA and exploit the fault lines and diversions we as a big mean nation would naturally have with any other nation. They do not want USA to be friend with India. The same brains were crying rivers when Indo-USA nuclear deal happened and were telling Americans not to be friend with India by giving them sake of all the services they provided to USA like a obedient valet in past and present.
Much like how you guys invaded Hyderabad and annexed it by force against the will of the leader of that territory under the excuse that the people of Hyderabad wanted to be a part of india.

Kashmir to lekar dikha, munna. Fir hyderabad ki baat karengey. :lol:
Everyone said at the time it was from CIRUS, that's why Indira pretended "Smiling Buddha" was for "peaceful" purposes. Can you offer proofs to back up your claims?

Maybe ... perhaps India should have waited until the indigenous reactors (of which there are many) came on stream. Perhaps the indegenization program should have begun in the 1950's which it did not because of Nehru's lack of vision.

But it's a minor quibble, it would not have prevented the Indian nuclear weapons program in any case.

The world community should worry about bigger issues such as the US support for the East Pakistan genocide in 1971.
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