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US denounces Quetta attack, offers Pakistan cooperation

first thing America can do is shut down people like Dona and Khalizad who are advocating insurgency and breakup of Pakistan. and discourage India from using Afghanistan as a launch pad of BLA related terror.
Yes this concern of Pakistan should be conveyed to US in very clear terms. I think when last time our COAS showed them some attitude, they obliged and killed the most wanted terrorist in the drone strike. I think it always pays off even with uncle sam if Pakistan stands on its spine.
Does Pakistan has something to hide that it would find reasons to not accept help from US?

We seek US help against Indian sponsored terror emanating from Afghanistan. Nothing to hide.

Thank you Uncle Sam. Now drone these two b@stards.



How these terrorist b@stards can roam around in Afghanistan is beyond me. They obviously have the protection of Afghanistan and the US.
India has got nothing to do with these bombings, but lets imagine for a second india do have something to do with it.
Do you think US will axe its own foot by trying to take on india for such a petty issue (petty for americans) ?
Thats just wishful thinking, pigs could fly as well before that happening.
Yes this concern of Pakistan should be conveyed to US in very clear terms. I think when last time our COAS showed them some attitude, they obliged and killed the most wanted terrorist in the drone strike. I think it always pays off even with uncle sam if Pakistan stands on its spine.
Americans truly appreciate and respect nations and leaders that have self respect and confidence.
Gen Raheel is not the leader.. he is only head of military and answerable to a civilian Prime Mister who needs to think and speak for Pakistan
US best support for Pakistan is "stay away".
It is American responsibility being an occupying force, that Afghan soil is not used to spread terrorism inside Pakistan specially by American allies like India. Failure to do so, will mean partner in crime.
They invaded Afghanistan precisely to set up bases from where destabilisation could be spread to Pakistan. Do not trust those from the Judeo-Christian alliance. They are a people who commit manifest oppression.
Please don't. That's rather an Indian wish. Pakistan is perfectly fine without US aid.
Really? Pakistan without US aid? :woot: Cross your heart and say what you just said is true. You have been walking on American crutches since the late 40s! In total, the United States obligated nearly $78.3 billion to Pakistan between 1948 and 2016 in constant 2016 Dollars! That's over Rs 800,000 crores PKR!! Without which you would have become a banana republic long ago!

Get real. You do need American dollars. China, your deeper than the oceans friend, can't replace the US in this regard. Not even by a long shot. They refused to bail you out several times and Pakistan had to go begging to the IMF instead! As a result Pakistan has now a spiraling debt of over $70 billlion! Payback time is when it's gonna hurt! In fact it has already started to hurt! Getting stuck in a debt spiral is an economic nightmare for any country!

Remember, much of the greenbacks you were receiving from the US in the so called WOT as Coalition Support Funds went to prop up your failing economy and not for the WOT. That ain't gonna happen no more as the US has seen through your game. No more freebies! :no: American tax payers have started seeing red!
Americans truly appreciate and respect nations and leaders that have self respect and confidence.
Gen Raheel is not the leader.. he is only head of military and answerable to a civilian Prime Mister who needs to think and speak for Pakistan
We all know the panama guy does not have any semblance of grace and respect. So we can not pin our hopes in the vile creature. Last time it was Gen. RS who conveyed his concerns clearly after mullah Mansour's murder in an alleged drone strike. I don't think there has been any change in the status quo vis-a-vis civil military relations in Pakistan. Thus I expect him to clearly convey this message to US through whatever channel he deems fit for it. Uncle Sam is a business man too, after all of the initial posturing, things boil down to simple give and take on table; What Pakistan can give and what it wants in the return or vice-versa.
Pentagon seems to have good working relationship with Gen Raheel. Extremely cooperative .....

Really? Pakistan without US aid? :woot: Cross your heart and say what you just said is true. You have been walking on American crutches since the late 40s! In total, the United States obligated nearly $78.3 billion to Pakistan between 1948 and 2016 in constant 2016 Dollars! That's over Rs 800,000 crores PKR!! Without which you would have become a banana republic long ago!

Get real. You do need American dollars. China, your deeper than the oceans friend, can't replace the US in this regard. Not even by a long shot. They refused to bail you out several times and Pakistan had to go begging to the IMF instead! As a result Pakistan has now a spiraling debt of over $70 billlion! Payback time is when it's gonna hurt! In fact it has already started to hurt! Getting stuck in a debt spiral is an economic nightmare for any country!

Remember, much of the greenbacks you were receiving from the US in the so called WOT as Coalition Support Funds went to prop up your failing economy and not for the WOT. That ain't gonna happen no more as the US has seen through your game. No more freebies! :no: American tax payers have started seeing red!
Indians are best story writers..................amazing.
They invaded Afghanistan precisely to set up bases from where destabilisation could be spread to Pakistan. Do not trust those from the Judeo-Christian alliance. They are a people who commit manifest oppression.

We all know what the real and behind the scene core objectives of Afghanistan occupation. Anyone who beleive that India can run its terrorist campaign since 9/11 against Pakistan using Afghan soil as the launching pad, right under the nose of American overlords, is simply living in fools paradise.

We in Pakistan start to question this nexus between America and India informally (through media) and formally (at government level).

They are a partner and fully know what is going on. Like you say, they are the occupying force in Afghanistan. They are just turning a blind eye and pretending otherwise. They are making a mistake because this will hurt the relations beyond repair if it already hasn't reached that point.

Problem is the GOP never worked or projected this angel of the WOT which is hurting Pakistan and its image, from being a actual victim of terror to be labelled as the breeding ground of terror. We all know, this axis of evil between America and India is deep rooted and solely against Pakistan (China is a smoke screen). We cannot neutralised this unholly alliance, unless we have build a strong narrative against it, both internally and globally.
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