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US delegation led by General Kenneth F. Mc Kenzie Jr, Commander US CENTCOM, called on COAS

Interesting use of clothes (no uniform) and no guard of honour ofcourse . Afghanistan end game is entering a new level and yeah it has a linkage with Kashmir .

I might be wrong, this doesn't look like GHQ. Muree?

PMIK is in Muree as well, our camp David.

Who else is in Muree?
UK CDS was also in same room in 2018/2019 video of ISPR . although at that time they were in Uniform .
This isn't a short meeting; US CentCom commander have a prolonged stay in Pakistan. He even visited Tarbela Dam a few days ago, so it seems that various matters of mutual interest were discussed which is good, and will soothe tempers.

I do not think it is necessary to wear uniform for so long. Therefore, COAS made things comfortable for the delegation. Pakistani hospitality is 2nd to none. :)
It was a gazette holiday. No uniform. Same as when the Chief was in England.

It's sending out a very positive signal. 3 day trip, probably hospitality as well, casual dress and a very large US delegation that also met the Navy and Air Force chiefs. I Would certainly assume much of the talk would have been about security coperation and equipment. Expect some news soon. One immediate thing the US can do to show good faith is the release of the AH-1Zs. I think from Pakistan's perspective that would be a litmus test about how the relationship is going. Also with AH-64s being inducted to the East Pak can reasonably argue military balance will not be altered. This is the major screw up India made with it's move on Kashmir. In Trump's head now he equates India and Pakistan, while Obama seperated the two
America would never want to leave the hotspot in afghanistan which is in proximity to the all major geostrategic play is happening. They may dangle fruits of hope here and there to keep people interested and craving hence easy to reach and detect.

They want a conflict state to remain as is so that they have a reason to stay. Current day strategies are not based on resolving issues in short term but to engage in longterm battle where stronger economic powers choke the lesser powers in a continued fashion...

It seems like now, its more than having the hot spot - - - the survival. Afghanistan has a history that consumed many empires of the past. US will definitely would love to have a spot and so will other players and interestingly, they have gained enough foot that US knows well. US wouldn't like to see the new rise of influence by opponents but to keep D.C into game is costing too much like drying out US in Afghanistan. The situation is complex but at-least made them realize that whatever we have been saying is the the exact course of action for beneficial resolution of existing conflict.

The blessing has just came and we shouldn't miss opportunity nor shall mistake. Above all, Pakistan remember what US has been doing to us and like any other country, our national interest is priority. So US has been doing what they thought to be the best for them and we will do the same in this case. So now it is up-to D.C as how they want to resolve issue. Once this is done, I don't see US will ever care about us anymore and top brass is well aware so, we will have to take maximum advantage in lieu of our help or any assistance because the trust ride is long gone and does not exist anymore.
US , Afghanistan talks are ...just can't follow what is happening

No comments unfortunately

  • Coalition Fund , 10 Billion Stuck
  • F16 , 18 birds purchase , Stuck
  • 14 Super Cobra Deliveries , Stuck
  • 5 OHP deal , Stuck
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I think they were not in uniform to save time. If Gen. McKenzie and his team had come to the GHQ in uniform. Protocol dictates that he is given Guard of Honor and stuff. That takes a lot of time. I am sure the American Gen and his team must have met some civilian leadership as well so, to save time and discuss the matter of more importance, military formalities were set aside even the uniform.
I think they were not in uniform to save time. If Gen. McKenzie and his team had come to the GHQ in uniform. Protocol dictates that he is given Guard of Honor and stuff. That takes a lot of time. I am sure the American Gen and his team must have met some civilian leadership as well so, to save time and discuss the matter of more importance, military formalities were set aside even the uniform.
With Bolton having been fired in the middle of the work week, the proverbial "Sword of Damocles" is now hanging over their heads with an increasingly shortened distance!!!! They better sort out a "deal" that the President would love, and do it fast!!! Other than the Pindi Boys nobody can save their back sides, not even the "chosen" scums....

  • Coalition Fund , 10 Billion Stuck
  • F16 , 18 birds purchase , Stuck
  • 14 Super Cobra Deliveries , Stuck
  • 5 OHP deal , Stuck
The Pak Chief's job is to "un-stuck" them....

It seems like now, its more than having the hot spot - - - the survival. Afghanistan has a history that consumed many empires of the past. US will definitely would love to have a spot and so will other players and interestingly, they have gained enough foot that US knows well. US wouldn't like to see the new rise of influence by opponents but to keep D.C into game is costing too much like drying out US in Afghanistan. The situation is complex but at-least made them realize that whatever we have been saying is the the exact course of action for beneficial resolution of existing conflict.

The blessing has just came and we shouldn't miss opportunity nor shall mistake. Above all, Pakistan remember what US has been doing to us and like any other country, our national interest is priority. So US has been doing what they thought to be the best for them and we will do the same in this case. So now it is up-to D.C as how they want to resolve issue. Once this is done, I don't see US will ever care about us anymore and top brass is well aware so, we will have to take maximum advantage in lieu of our help or any assistance because the trust ride is long gone and does not exist anymore.
In the most of the folks' cases it's like "opportunity knocks but once"!!! In Pak's case, however, it's like "opportunity is knocking incessantly".....

*99% of the so-called Muslim countries have got knocked off within the first round facing a simple center hook
This isn't a short meeting; US CentCom commander have a prolonged stay in Pakistan. He even visited Tarbela Dam a few days ago, so it seems that various matters of mutual interest were discussed which is good, and will soothe tempers.

I do not think it is necessary to wear uniform for so long. Therefore, COAS made things comfortable for the delegation. Pakistani hospitality is 2nd to none. :)
The Centcom chief visit to Tarbela means that this trip was planned in advance and not related to any damage control. With Bolton gone I am sure that all the concerned parties would be back on negotiations table in a months time.
The Centcom chief visit to Tarbela means that this trip was planned in advance and not related to any damage control. With Bolton gone I am sure that all the concerned parties would be back on negotiations table in a months time.
Yes, I also get the impression that this visit was planned in advance. It is not linked to collapse of negotiations between US and Afghan Taliban. It is however logical to assume that this development came to the attention of the visitors and also the hosts, and situation in Afghanistan was discussed.
Usually America give stuff to Pakistan , when we help them in protecting or gaining their regional interest it wont be that different now .
Americans have always embargoes major military deals between them and Pakistan and later saved so that they can be used as leverage to gain something back from Pakistan.
Should leave American tech and integrate itself with Chinese technology/develop its own..
Agreed but we are not in position to stop it
Active participation does not necessarily mean troops on ground .... active participation can vary country to country based on their strength and capabilities in Afghanistan

Yes .... but the factor you forget which I explicitly mention in my post is the emergence of ISIS which not only an extra regional entity but also could not be a part of any solution be it Intra-Afhan dialogue or any other solution based on wider political understanding b/w Afghan groups

We can agree to disagree on this .....

I am a firm believer that No single country or a group have 'ULTIMATE' say or could act as ultimate deciding factor for Afghan problem, all have some degree of influence but none have final decision power about the political future of Afghanistan ....

Currently we are also favouring this and recent trilateral dialogue b/w Pakistan, Afghan regime and China can be taken as prove for this

exactly these are the factors which I was pointing out when I said strategic national Interest related to economic prosperity, territorial integrity, political sovereignty

exactly, but the issue is we can not stop chaos in Afghanistan going to its worst in near future, our economic development is related to stability in the region but the situation in Afghanistan and Kashmir would not let the region become stable, in context of Afghanistan spillover of civil war will directly increase risk and danger to CPEC and political and social social stability particularly in KPK and Baluchistan region, we would face a new wave of sub-conventional war.

Agreed and I also have pointed out the same in my post ....

but presence of ISIS in Afghanistan is not in the interest of any of the country you mention ..... so our cooperation with those countries in context of Afghanistan should not be effected by relations of India with those countries, here keep one more thing in mind that China is going to invest $250 billion in Iran and it could go up to $400 billion in future so strategic and diplomatic equation of region could change

Why US should get antagonised .... ???

We have done our part by bringing Taliban on the table, we could not guarantee any solution so if the situation go worst which it seems its certain .... we could not be held responsible for the failure of USA in Afghanistan

ISIS has emerged in the presence of US forces in Afghanistan and none of the regional country specially Pakistan can afford the spread of ISIS in the region.

We are in no position to convince Taliban for anything and this is a fact which was proved many times in past, all we can do is open a channel for negotiation and dialogue which we did .....

Now as far as the argument of Trump being a person who could resist American deep state and could win a win-win solution for Afghanistan is concern I need to see any track record of trump where he has successfully concluded any international dialogue on positive note be it with North Korea or Iran or Trade war with China ..... the max I see Trump as a President who might have a wish to end Afghan conflict but not as someone who have the power to deliver on the issue and for this recall the killing of Brother and son of Taliban Supreme leader by NDS when the last session of dialogues for Afghan peace process was in progress in Qatar, even after this Taliban concluded the dialogue and agreed to the peace agreement which mean they delivered the anticipated results. Its the US government which back out from the agreed agreement, so Trump might appear authoritative and decisive person but in reality he actually have to prove this

Yes, ISIS-K is a matter of grave concern, and should be defeated/routed. Pakistan Army must develop a contingency plan for this menace.

First logical step is to develop a credible understanding of this phenomenon via HUMINT as well as consultations with other stakeholders in Afghanistan which include Afghan Taliban, US, and US-backed Afghan government - political entities which have firsthand knowledge of key developments on the ground.

Next logical step is to devise a contingency plan for this menace (cue Pakistan Army). Fencing of Durand Line is important, but PAF can be called upon to soften positions of ISIS-K in Nangarhar and other sectors if necessary.

WE can inform both US and US-backed Afghan government that WE wish to address the menace of ISIS-K and WE have the intent to soften its positions near our borders if necessary.

The above would be my policy, if I was in power.
In the most of the folks' cases it's like "opportunity knocks but once"!!! In Pak's case, however, it's like "opportunity is knocking incessantly".....

*99% of the so-called Muslim countries have got knocked off within the first round facing a simple center hook

Just for the starter, TTP Chief Noor Wali is designated as a Global Terrorist by US/Trump. I agree that things takes time but yes, we are moving into right direction. It is a beginning and they are realizing as where the problem lies. Indian proxy is now nearing extinction & this latest development will really help us to hunt them as & where reported. Those who shelter them, support them by any mean or try to hide them are now going to be treated as terrorist sympathizers. This development just came amid FATF talks.
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