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US Defense Secretary Panetta threatens ground intervention into Pakistan

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What a beautiful rebuttal to his argument

we all know your a 40 year old Indian living in your mom's basement coming here for the sole purpose of trolling :azn:

America is playing a dangerous game. :yahoo:

If you dont have any girl friend or if you frequently chat in yahoo messenger, You will be like this only, Others can't do anything.
Without stable Afghanistan, you can't have stable South Asia, and in turn, stable India. Just for the sake of argument, US attack and "seizes" or "captures" (conquer isn't the right word) Pakistan, what will India get? Trust me India will turn into FATA - especially bordering provinces - not to forget the freedom movement of Sikhs.

Once Pakistan is neutralized, any insurgency will be dealt with ruthlessly. You will see carpet bombings that will make drone strikes look like a picnic.
Pervez Musharaff never said pakistan had won the battle, Pakistan was sucessful in bringing kashmir to International Attention, In that part pakistan has won, (In the line of fire, He describes how his army made india to struggle in the war, He has told that India was forced to launch brigade level assaults, Milk Additional Artillery from strike corps. He also revealed that India had deployed half of the Indian airforce in kashmir ( It is wrong, India had placed around 100-150 Fighter aircraft in kashmir).

40 Year never lives in mother basement B) See my earlier posts C) Your country had played dangerous games and getting nice dividends.

He said India suffered more than us.
wait for the Panetas papa Ahmedinajad come and say in the press " if this zion dog try to engage with Pakistan we will give tiny miny so called NATO force in Aghanistan a missile in their a*sess "

they dont dare to attack in Pakistan its nt Iraq and Afghanistan we have relations with our strong neighbours China, Iran and Turkey apart from this there are 18 million people living in Pakistan which of 16 million was armed.

i my self have 30 bore pistol in my beds back draw my bullets waiting to kill intruders
Once Pakistan is neutralized, any insurgency will be dealt with ruthlessly. You will see carpet bombings that will make drone strikes look like a picnic.

You can't neutralize a nuclear capable nation, not to mention its important position in the Islamic world.
Carpet bombing? Lol. You can't do that. You can't carpet bomb your own Punjab, etc. You can't even carpet bomb Afghanistan... some people still have feelings - some are still humans. OCCUPY CHICAGO - are those all terrorist? They are against military operations against Afghanistan. - believe it or not, you can't launch any ground assault against Pakistan - if you had the balls then you would have over-run us decades ago.
He said India suffered more than us.

In terms of aviation assets i agree with his point, In terms of Human Casualties there are alternate accounts, Global Security.org tells 523 soldiers Indian soldiers were killed and 696 Pakistan soldiers were killed.
You can't neutralize a nuclear capable nation, not to mention its important position in the Islamic world.
Carpet bombing? Lol. You can't do that. You can't carpet bomb your own Punjab, etc. You can't even carpet bomb Afghanistan... some people still have feelings - some are still humans. OCCUPY CHICAGO - are those all terrorist? They are against military operations against Afghanistan. - believe it or not, you can't launch any ground assault against Pakistan - if you had the balls then you would have over-run us decades ago.

- The Islamic world won't bat an eye.
- The carpet bombing would be done by the US.
- No one is talking of ground invasion -- only aerial bombing to decimate Pakistan's military assets.
- Pakistan's nuclear capability is useless against the US.

Please understand that the title hyperpower is not lightly earned.
In terms of aviation assets i agree with his point, In terms of Human Casualties there are alternate accounts, Global Security.org tells 523 soldiers Indian soldiers were killed and 696 Pakistan soldiers were killed.

I'm not aware of details but what he said was why are we (Pakistanis) unwilling to accept the stats given by Pak Army... why believe India?

- The Islamic world won't bat an eye.
- The carpet bombing would be done by the US.
- No one is talking of ground invasion -- only aerial bombing to decimate Pakistan's military assets.
- Pakistan's nuclear capability is useless against the US.

Please understand that the title hyperpower is not lightly earned.

Ever thought on whom Pakistan will use its Nuclear Weapons if it is attacked by United States?
Islamic world part - there will be widespread uprisings in UK and US at least. Don't forget that we also have really good relations with Iran, Turkey and China (not Islamic).

Iran president would have threatened United States, Israel if they attack on Iran Nuclear Facilities. (Please post the link to prove your point). Your 30 bore pistol are nothing when compared to M-16a2 or M-4 carbine assault rifles . Dont make Brave statements frequently, You can't stop drone attacks, You cant stop US helicopters that inturded into your country. You can't stop Black Water, CIA Operations in your country. You cannot even stop TTP militants from attacking your Military bases. The list goes on.

With all due respect, Talibans have really obsolete equipment as compared to US. I'm sure you understand what I mean.
US helicopter OBL raid our forces were their in OBL raid i dont care if you believe me.
In War we will see who has carbine , believe we pakistani are going to be next vietnamese to insult your Arse :)
Iran president would have threatened United States, Israel if they attack on Iran Nuclear Facilities. (Please post the link to prove your point). Your 30 bore pistol are nothing when compared to M-16a2 or M-4 carbine assault rifles . Dont make Brave statements frequently, You can't stop drone attacks, You cant stop US helicopters that inturded into your country. You can't stop Black Water, CIA Operations in your country. You cannot even stop TTP militants from attacking your Military bases. The list goes on.

only i have 30 bore pistol others have many AK47, Rifles many more beasts arms in their home not one each home 3 to 4 varietys expected, which are enough for US armys a*ses

about ur army attacking capabilities ... this nation still not awaken but when this nation will in serious war situation the results would be different by the why our 1/3 army is enough for u which are in Afghanistan
There is a difference between conventional warfare and Counter Insurgency Warfare, United States has won every conventional war it has fought, Unlike pakistan which lost all the 2 conventional wars and 2 limited wars (Siachien, Kargil).

so you think that we will fight with you only conventionally, kid just land a few boots on the ground we gonna make Mogadishu look like kid's play( we came to save you *** for furthur humiliation), your ''world's greatest army'' has been banged several times by unconventional means, vietnam, korea,iraq,afghanistan and they were all much weaker in terms of populace and arms and now you thinking of ******* with Pakistan, in Mogadishu alone a limited part of the city gave you a run for your ***** and neutralized your ''elite rangers'' wait till an entire country rises up, its only common sense to think that we may not win the conventional war but we sure as hell are not gonna let you win the unconventional war......just be sure ti tune into BBC when the MEUs land and get a warm reception......
so you think that we will fight with you only conventionally, kid just land a few boots on the ground we gonna make Mogadishu look like kid's play( we came to save you *** for furthur humiliation), your ''world's greatest army'' has been banged several times by unconventional means, vietnam, korea,iraq,afghanistan and they were all much weaker in terms of populace and arms and now you thinking of ******* with Pakistan, in Mogadishu alone a limited part of the city gave you a run for your ***** and neutralized your ''elite rangers'' wait till an entire country rises up, its only common sense to think that we may not win the conventional war but we sure as hell are not gonna let you win the unconventional war......just be sure ti tune into BBC when the MEUs land and get a warm reception......

Oye hoye larke dil le liya :*
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