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US could take unilateral action in Pakistan: Robert Gates

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Apr 2, 2008
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US could take unilateral action in Pakistan: Robert Gates
Updated at: 0915 PST, Monday, September 29, 2008

WASHINGTON: US Defence Secretary Robert Gates said Monday that US could take unilateral actions in Pakistan according to the international laws.

In a report published in a British daily today, Defence Secretary while responding to a question in Senate said US has every right to save the lives of it troops.

Without naming any country, he said, “Pakistani government doesn’t have the capacity to launch unilateral operation against militants inside its borders.” He said US troops arrived in Afghanistan according to United Nations’ charter that allows America to take protective measures.:what:
What sort of stupid double standards & pressurizing tactics they are using

Gates said US depends on Pakistani road links to send 80 percent of its supplies into Afghanistan and added 40 per cent of its fuel supply is also being sent through Pakistani routs. He said US was looking for alternative channels in this regards.
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Damn Bastards always been 2 face people!!!!!
US could take unilateral action in Pakistan: Robert Gates
Updated at: 0915 PST, Monday, September 29, 2008

WASHINGTON: US Defence Secretary Robert Gates said Monday that US could take unilateral actions in Pakistan according to the international laws.[/B]

In a report published in a British daily today, Defence Secretary while responding to a question in Senate said US has every right to save the lives of it troops.

Without naming any country, he said, “Pakistani government doesn’t have the capacity to launch unilateral operation against militants inside its borders.” He said US troops arrived in Afghanistan according to United Nations’ charter that allows America to take protective measures.:what:
What sort of stupid double standards & pressurizing tactics they are using

Gates said US depends on Pakistani road links to send 80 percent of its supplies into Afghanistan and added 40 per cent of its fuel supply is also being sent through Pakistani routs. He said US was looking for alternative channels in this regards.

Is he ( read US ) trying to help a situation or worsen it ?
guys this is just another pressure tactics of us to compel pakistan to do more.theses morons will never acknowledge the sincere efforts of pak army in the tribal areas.the world knows,which country has suffered the most so far in the so called war on terror but theUS instead of appreciating our efforts doubt on us...it would be a folly on their part to conduct such operation inside pakistan bcoz they should also keep in mind that tribal pathans are not a piece of cake instead these mountainous people will make them run outside pakistan.Also pak army will stop intelligence sharing and will cut off the logistic support and believe me without the help of pak army they cant win this war not even in Afganistan therefore instead of such irresponsible statements they should cooperate with GOP and with pak army to make an holistic approach in order to root out taliban..:pakistan:
US to step up cross-border raids into Pakistan
Monday, 29 Sep, 2008

NEW YORK: The Pentagon has ordered that raids on suspected terrorist targets within Pakistan be stepped up to pressurise al-Qaeda leaders and distract them from preparing attacks on American targets ahead of the US presidential elections, The Sunday Telegraph has disclosed.

'The aim is to disrupt their scope for planning and keep their leaders on the move so that it is more difficult for them to co-ordinate complicated plots,' a senior US intelligence official told The Sunday Telegraph.

The operations launched from neighbouring Afghanistan have led to sharply increased tensions with Pakistan's armed forces since President George W.Bush recently authorised assaults involving 'boots on the ground' without prior approval by Pakistan's government, a supposed US ally.

Those hostilities almost turned lethal last week when Pakistani troops shot at two clearly marked US helicopters, and the two sides then traded fire. The Pentagon said the aircraft were just inside Afghan air space but Pakistani officials insisted they had crossed the volatile border.

The US has been increasingly alarmed about the growth of attacks on Nato forces in Afghanistan launched from safe havens established by terror groups in the lawless mountainous tribal districts just inside Afghanistan.

Robert Gates, the defence secretary, told lawmakers last week that an estimated 30 to 40 per cent of attacks in Afghanistan were staged by fighters based in, or commanded from, Pakistan - a significant rise on previous years.

The approach of the US election has fuelled fears that al Qaeda or its allies, including the increasingly active Haqqani network, will seek a headline-grabbing strike against a symbolic American target such as an overseas embassy.

Last week's devastating truck bomb attack on Islamabad's Marriott Hotel further highlighted security concerns in Pakistan. The blast claimed the lives of 53 people, including two US military personnel, the Czech ambassador and a Danish intelligence officer.

Against this backdrop, a senior US intelligence official said that al Qaeda was seeking to stafe a major attack on an American target close to the election, to test the new president-elect.

'Their goal would not be to influence the election but merely to send a message that they are still a force to be reckoned with,' the official said. 'They know that a successful attack in the election season will have maximum impact, and they want to give the new president the jitters.'

Any attack in the weeks before the Nov 4 election - what is known in American political circles as an 'October surprise' - would almost certainly give a decisive boost to John McCain, the Republican candidate who already holds a commanding lead on questions of national security.

What did Mr. Zardari & team In USA trip, while the situation look more worst then prior to this high profile visit, which can observed by above articals.:tsk:
Why such stupid blowing statements are keep coming by the USA authorities:angry:
US is in no condition to wage a full scale war against Pakistan. These are wrong and fake statments being made by US officials. Pak army is conducating a full scale opreation now, involving tanks and heavy armor. Local tribal leaders have also joined Pak army and are being helpful in removing anti-pak elements from the area. How can these american cows say that Pakistan cant curb the rebellion? Its just a propaganda to destroy the international image of Pakistan and to make Pak look like a failed state. They are not gona come inside, even if they do, they will be just tiny special-forces hit-and-run missions.
I think Zardari may have made some promises otherwise howcome that while US was assuring us all the time, suddenly when Mr.10% is there, the tone changes and once again we are hearing war alarms.This is pathetic but then again what can we expect from leaders like him.
Major changes have been made in the army.A new DG isi is nominated along with others changes.i m worry what this new govt is upto?why they feel the need to restructure the most effective and discipline organization of pakistan?i hope these changes are not made because of US pressure on GOP.
Sure US can when ever he will have favorable conditions and I'm sure the statement is not issued for no reason which is always there. I believe it is very much realistic, its just matter of time.
It is not happening yet...has nothing to do with Pakistan Political reasons or Pakarmy. It has to do more with geopolitical senario.
I'm sure war planners are checking future adventures from all dimensions as we speak.
All i'm affraid is how Pak army is planning to deal with any future challenge? Specially when we know india will invade from south in support for his nuclear donator!
Please do not be fooled into complacency. The US can go to war against Pakistan. Students of history know, that the US goes to war, at a time of its own choosing. Going to war needs a multi pronged strategy. The Americans had an opportunity to invade Iraq in the first Gulf war, but did not do so. They deemed it would be better and easier to instead impose such dire sanctions, so as to cripple the country's economy and military to such an extent that when it does decide to attack, Iraq would be too weak to resist. The no fly zones, international sanctions, setting up of autonomous kurdish zone were all part of this preperation. The same with AFghanistan. Six months before 9/11 the US had pressurised Pakistan into cutting supplies going into AFghanistan, especiall Oil and Food. Due to this reason, the world food programe had to implement a strategy to feed the people of AFghanistan in 2001/2002. I still remember the AFghani govt (Taliban led) pleading with the Pakistanis to let oil and wheat shipments through, but nothing happened. Smuggling decreased to a trickle. By a strok of (bad) "luck", 9/11 happened, and the TAliban govt was drastically low on supplies.
The US is in no hurry, but like it is said by international terrorism experts ( money making warmongering propogandists), all roads lead to Pakistan.
They have already started extricating their forces from Iraq after the success of the surge, and give or take a couple of deployment cycles, they would have enough lee way to mount regular strikes into FATA and even NWFP.
From then onwards, its just a matter of pushing the envelope, seeing how far they can push Pakistan.
Until then it would probably be too late.
So let's not be naive into thinking that we are a stragetic partner in the war of terror. We are a tactical partner. We have lost our strategic value, ever since the opening of the afghanistan tajikistan road link with a huge bridge, and Uzbekistan conceding the US the Airbase that they were thrown out of a few years ago. It is true, the US is still getting most of its supplies via Pakistan, but the US now has a viable alternative, which means that pakistan's logistical support is now tactical rather than strategic.

Get ready for a tough ride, may God protect us.
You are forgetting a very basic thing here : US is bankrupt. Pakistan is not iraq or afghanistan, and is capable of wiping out all US forces in afghanistan by just 1 WMD.

All your theory goes down after this. Kindly stop scaring and demoralizing yourself.

you have misunderstood my intention.
I believe offense is the best defense at this juncture. That's why I am saying, if we show any sign of weakness, the wolf will pounce. We shouldn't be complacent. This means there is a danger, and we must realise it. Isn't this what war games are all about, when they hypothosise about possible problems and find out ways to deal with them.
Well this is not hypothetical, it is a fact that Pakistan is in danger. Putting our head in the sand, like the ostrich who puts its head in the sand with the naive notion that because it cant see danger, it is safe. But the ostrich's back side is always exposed.
Let us not be the hunted, but the hunter. The time of the cold war order is over, now it is survival of the fittest. No time for digvijaya.
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