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US considers Tibet as part of China: White House

You're calling China a "hole"? Have you seen the state of your own country?

Do you know English ? Where did I mention the name China in my post ?

Anyway, China is the country with the largest Buddhist population on Earth. My own parents are Buddhists.

So ? Chinese under the CCP are not the only Buddhists on the face of the Earth. Such hubris !

And none of them consider the Dalai Lama to be any kind of "prophet". That's not how it works.

Again you people are not the only Buddhists on the face of the Earth. Also I said He is the Prophet to Tibetans and is "revered" by Buddhists and even by many Hindus worldwide. Understand what is being said and then jump on the reply button.
note: tibetan buddhism has nothing to do with buddhism.

Excuse me ?

'' NO country can separate Tibet from China, we can let this happen! we have the power to protect us, and we also can attack any countries if we are attacked, if some countries help the separatist of Tibet, we will let them pay for this finally. if India donates one million to Dalai lama, we will give PAK ten billion. trust us that we have the power, if the daydream of separatist come true, we will let sponsor pay more, we divide them to several countries, especially as a neighbor, more dangerous. in India, there are more than thirty terrorist organizations, if we want to give money and weapons, i think many separatist in your country line up for it happily!'' Chinese friend off Sino Defence tells me this.

We have supported His Holiness right from 1959..ie.,for 52 years.We have armed the Tibetans and constituted a special covert force called SFF under the direct control of RAW. We have an Into-Tibetan border Police which also comprises of Tibetans. And We are still waiting for our country to be broken up, though we broke another country into two in 1971.Tell your "friend" in SDF :tongue:
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