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US considers Tibet as part of China: White House


Mar 16, 2011
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The US considers Tibet as part of China and does not support independence for the region, the White House said today.

"The US position on the status of Tibet has not changed. We consider Tibet to be part of the People's Republic of China and do not support independence for Tibet," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters at his daily news conference.

The weekend meeting of the US President Barack Obama with Tibetan spritual leader, the Dalai Lama, Carney said was an expression of his support for the preservation of Tibet's unique traditions and the rights of the Tibetan

"The President encourages the resumption of dialogue between the Dalai Lama's representatives and the Chinese government to resolve longstanding differences," Carney said.

"He is a Nobel Prize Laureate, as you know, and an internationally recognised religious and cultural leader. And the President meets with him, as other Presidents have, in that capacity," Carney said.
The US considers Tibet as part of China and does not support independence for the region, the White House said today.

"The US position on the status of Tibet has not changed. We consider Tibet to be part of the People's Republic of China and do not support independence for Tibet," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters at his daily news conference.

The weekend meeting of the US President Barack Obama with Tibetan spritual leader, the Dalai Lama, Carney said was an expression of his support for the preservation of Tibet's unique traditions and the rights of the Tibetan

"The President encourages the resumption of dialogue between the Dalai Lama's representatives and the Chinese government to resolve longstanding differences," Carney said.

"He is a Nobel Prize Laureate, as you know, and an internationally recognised religious and cultural leader. And the President meets with him, as other Presidents have, in that capacity," Carney said.

Yes they say that, but at the same time, Dalai Lama is also on the CIA payroll.

Even Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize, despite engaging America in 5 open conflicts simultaneously (Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen; & the soon to be 6th, Syria).
Dalai Lama can fool millions of White Buddhists( no offense)

Yes they say that, but at the same time, Dalai Lama is also on the CIA payroll.

Even Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize, despite engaging America in 5 open conflicts (Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen; & soon to be the 6th Syria).

Bilal, I suggest you exercise restraint while commenting about HH, who is revered by millions as a very respected religious and spiritual figure.

You are treading slippery slope, matey, and that too when you yourself live in the glass house.
Dalai Lama on the CIA payroll:

Behind Dalai Lama's holy cloak - Business - Business - theage.com.au

The government set up in exile in India and, at least until the 1970s, received $US1.7 million a year from the CIA.

The money was to pay for guerilla operations against the Chinese, notwithstanding the Dalai Lama's public stance in support of non-violence, for which he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989.

The Dalai Lama himself was on the CIA's payroll from the late 1950s until 1974, reportedly receiving $US15,000 a month ($US180,000 a year).

The funds were paid to him personally, but he used all or most of them for Tibetan government-in-exile activities, principally to fund offices in New York and Geneva, and to lobby internationally.
Bilal, I suggest you exercise restraint while commenting about HH, who is revered by millions as a very respected religious and spiritual figure.

You are treading slippery slope, matey, and that too when you yourself live in the glass house.

I find it downright amusing when these Pakistanis ,who get itchings on their skin when somebody even utters the name of their Prophet, go on bad mouthing other revered leaders like His Holiness who is the equal of Mohammed to Tibetans with impunity. HYPOCRITES. :sick:

Dalai Lama can fool millions of White Buddhists( no offense)

He is the Prophet to all Tibetans and is revered/respected by billions. White or in Rainbow color does not matter.
USA conflict in Yemen. I must be seriously bad informed. Either way, I wonder why China is still not liberated by USA. They don't have oil, but they have good copies of products.
Dalai Lama can fool millions of White Buddhists( no offense)


pay the price, praise the buddhism related guy as a hero against China, tibetan buddhism is so good, so peace loving, u cant blame ur people addicted to such a good religion.

note: tibetan buddhism has nothing to do with buddhism.
Yes they say that, but at the same time, Dalai Lama is also on the CIA payroll.

Mind your language when talking about His Holiness. You won't like it if someone criticizes your prophet too. Have some empathy for other people's sentiments too.

Even Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize, despite engaging America in 5 open conflicts simultaneously (Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen; & the soon to be 6th, Syria).

Obama is not a dictator; he has to do what the advisors tell him. War economy is what built US. So he has to continue it.
US considers Tibet as part of China: White House Like the USA has any other choice. It's China we are talking here not Palestine.....:azn:
It is deeds not the words that matters; but it is the tradition of the US to do things that are completely contrary to what they say.
He can be a whole piece of dog if you mean that is his holiness. Majority of 1.4billion Chinese despise that SOB.

Mind your language when talking about His Holiness. You won't like it if someone criticizes your prophet too. Have some empathy for other people's sentiments too.

Obama is not a dictator; he has to do what the advisors tell him. War economy is what built US. So he has to continue it.
He can be a whole piece of dog if you mean that is his holiness. Majority of 1.4billion Chinese despise that SOB.

Chinese are the not the only people inhibiting this earth. Go to your hole where the universe revolves around the middle kingdom.

BTW the original post was because to point out the hypocrisy in the attitude of the Pakistanis who get all hyper when someone utters a word against mohammed but can go bitching about other Prophets.
Chinese are the not the only people inhibiting this earth. Go to your hole where the universe revolves around the middle kingdom.

You're calling China a "hole"? Have you seen the state of your own country?

Anyway, China is the country with the largest Buddhist population on Earth. My own parents are Buddhists.

And none of them consider the Dalai Lama to be any kind of "prophet". That's not how it works.
'' NO country can separate Tibet from China, we can let this happen! we have the power to protect us, and we also can attack any countries if we are attacked, if some countries help the separatist of Tibet, we will let them pay for this finally. if India donates one million to Dalai lama, we will give PAK ten billion. trust us that we have the power, if the daydream of separatist come true, we will let sponsor pay more, we divide them to several countries, especially as a neighbor, more dangerous. in India, there are more than thirty terrorist organizations, if we want to give money and weapons, i think many separatist in your country line up for it happily!'' Chinese friend off Sino Defence tells me this.
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