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US Congress Committee Mulls Expanding 'Five Eyes' Alliance to Add India, Japan, Germany, South Korea


Sep 20, 2014
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The Five Eyes (FVEY) is the intelligence-sharing alliance among the US, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. It was originally conceived of as a pact between the US and the UK to facilitate cooperation during World War II and was later expanded to comprise the three other English-speaking nations.
The US House Armed Services Committee has asked the director of national intelligence (DNI) and the secretary of defence to identify the "benefits" and "risks" of expanding the "Five Eyes" network to also include India, Japan, Germany, and South Korea.

"[The] Five Eyes intelligence-sharing pact is a World War II relic that needs updating to better keep tabs on China", Ruben Gallego (D-AZ), a member of the Armed Services Committee told US news website Defence One on Tuesday.
Gallego has reportedly introduced an amendment in the National Defence Authorisation Act (NDAA) for the year 2022 to formalise the House committee's proposal.
The NDAA is meant to authorise defence spending by the US government. The NDAA 2022, the first one during Joe Biden's tenure, has proposed a budget outlay of $715 billion as defence spending for the current fiscal year.

"The committee acknowledges that the threat landscape has vastly changed since the inception of the Five Eyes arrangement, with primary threats now emanating from China and Russia", the proposal by the House committee says.
"The committee believes that, in confronting great power competition, the Five Eye countries must work closer together, as well as expand the circle of trust to other like-minded democracies", it adds.
India's Case Different Than South Korea, Japan, and Germany, Says Navy Veteran
Seshadri Vasan, an Indian Navy veteran and presently the director of the Chennai Centre for China Studies (C3S), believes that the proposal to include India in the intelligence-sharing network reflects America's "increasing reliance" on New Delhi in the sphere of strategic cooperation.

He says it includes intelligence gathering, surveillance, and maritime domain awareness.

"The US clearly wants India to play the role of a security facilitator in the (Asia-Pacific) region", stated the ex-Indian Navy officer.
Vasan states that if India becomes a part of the Five Eyes network, it will be a "natural extension" of the strengthened defence cooperation between the two democracies in recent years.
U.S. President Joe Biden hosts a 'Quad nations' meeting at the Leaders' Summit of the Quadrilateral Framework with India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Japan's Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga in the East Room at the White House in Washington, U.S., September 24, 2021. - Sputnik International, 1920, 25.09.2021
China Warns US Will 'Dump' India, Australia, and Japan as Four Nations Convene for Quad Summit

25 September, 07:18 GMT

The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, or the four-nation grouping comprising India, the US, Australia, and Japan, held its maiden leaders' summit in September.

Under the previous administrations (Trump and Obama), the US and India sealed three foundational defence pacts to increase interoperability and intelligence-sharing - the Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA), Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement (COMCASA), and the Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement (BECA).

"India, Australia, the US, and Japan are already cooperating under the Quad framework", noted Vasan.
The Indian think tank chief, however, believes that the US could propose "riders" for India's potential membership in the Five Eyes network because of close strategic and defence ties between New Delhi and Moscow.

"In that sense, India's case is a bit different from the other countries that the US committee wants to include in the Five Eyes. No other country has the sort of strategic autonomy that India has displayed in recent times. None of them are involved in defence and intelligence cooperation with Russia as India", he pointed out.
"I feel that the US could be a bit hesitant to share all the intelligence inputs with India and only look to share it in certain categories. However, the US would be more interested in collecting intelligence from New Delhi, be it the maritime domain or at the land border with China", he argued.

At present, the $5.43 billion deal between India and Russia for the supply of S-400 "Triumf" surface-to-air missile systems is facing intense scrutiny in the US.
US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman warned during a visit to India last month that buying the Russian S-400 missile system was "dangerous" and in "nobody's interest".
She indicated that New Delhi could attract economic sanctions under the Countering American Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) should it go ahead with the transaction.

However, several influential US senators, including India Caucus Co-Chairs Mark Warner (D-VA) and John Cornyn (R-TX), warned last week that targeting India under CAATSA could have "deleterious" consequences for the India-US defence partnership.
The US senators also called upon Biden to grant a "waiver" to India over the deal. The first delivery of S-400s is scheduled to arrive in India by year's end.

What - no France in there - wow - not a good few weeks for the French !!! No french Subs that the aussies want.. no rafales jets for the swiss and now.. no extra fish from the UK.. and now no longer being name dropped into new places.


5 eyes will stay 5 eyes. They may create a new 9 eyes or something - but that wont take away from 5 eyes.
Anyone with a half-brain and his dog knows India will never get included in this Five eyes. You can bet the entire house on this one. I guaraantee you because it unravals so much for them and turn them into out-right hostile element in majority of Asia openly
What - no France in there - wow - not a good few weeks for the French !!! No french Subs that the aussies want.. no rafales jets for the swiss and now.. no extra fish from the UK.. and now no longer being name dropped into new places.

French are not trust worthy ally then the Indians. 😁
Anyone with a half-brain and his dog knows India will never get included in this Five eyes. You can bet the entire house on this one. I guaraantee you because it unravals so much for them and turn them into out-right hostile element in majority of Asia openly

Indian would be included. Only because Indians will try hard to prove that its a worthy slave. India will be proud of being the house slave of its 5 eyes masters.

As for these other countries, they need to rewrite their constitution in English first before being considered for the position of being worthy slaves of Anglos.India has an insider shot now.
Indian would be included. Only because Indians will try hard to prove that its a worthy slave.
Tried and failed

Tried again as well and not much luck
Mao offered 10m women for trade with US
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What - no France in there - wow - not a good few weeks for the French !!! No french Subs that the aussies want.. no rafales jets for the swiss and now.. no extra fish from the UK.. and now no longer being name dropped into new places.


5 eyes will stay 5 eyes. They may create a new 9 eyes or something - but that wont take away from 5 eyes.
Especially considering Russian cooperation with India, it’s doubtful that India will be elevated to the Five eyes. Even major NATO nations on the frontline with Russia haven’t been allowed to join, but considering everything is being oriented, Cold War style, against China, it still a possibility.
Indian would be included. Only because Indians will try hard to prove that its a worthy slave. India will be proud of being the house slave of its 5 eyes masters.

They will never join mark my words it would be geopolitical suicide hence it won't happen plus this is good you gotta avoid the sheep getting a flok before you know dinner? and keeping it isolated in the region:coffee:.. But on the slave part I agree with you remember that drawing that came out of China recently where India was not sitting on the table.. That is exactly what will happen you don't bring in your pet to eat at your table and this is worse case scenario which is an outdoor pet
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All you prove here is that US was racist against Chinese in 1800s. And Indians like you agree with that racism. Not only are you a second hand imperialist, you are also a second hand racist.
China's founding father offering 10 million Chinese women for trade with USA makes me racist?

I am not Mao to believe 10 million Chinese women are worthy of only doing massage parlor services in USA
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All you prove here is that US was racist against Chinese in 1800s. And Indians like you agree with that racism. Not only are you a second hand imperialist, you are also a second hand racist.

:rofl: piss drinking, open defecting Indians were actually more discriminated against with their dark skin, but they fantasize white slaves :cheesy:

Hantards with Han IQ lack any sense self-worth

Han IQ is higher than Pajeets, that's a fact
Han live is worth than Pajeets, that's also a fact, look up what insurance company pay for each dead slum dogs :rofl:
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