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US-CIA Plot behind arrest of ISRO scientists

@Star Wars ^^^^

Those dirty Americans.
It's no different from when Canada designed and built the Arrow fight jet back in the 1958. US stopped Canada from its further development. One plane was scrapped, the other is now sitting in a museum.
This whole thread is BS and nonsense. there was no 'CIA conspiracy' r anything so grand. It was all done by local luccha politicians and policemen and media. Together they destroyed lives and careers of absolutely innocent scientists. And even today you get the likes of Nair saab to perpetuate nonsense instead of being concerned about getting the real culprits behind bars (who are actually enjoying great positions in Kerala Administration) 
This particular guy:
'Police team led by former ADGP Sibi Mathews, which had initially probed the case, had planned to arrest all those working for the development of cryogenic engine to ’demoralise’ them and stall development in the specialised area.'

seems to be a particularly rabid kind of vermin. He should be in jail without parole.
This whole thread is BS and nonsense. there was no 'CIA conspiracy' r anything so grand. It was all done by local luccha politicians and policemen and media. Together they destroyed lives and careers of absolutely innocent scientists. And even today you get the likes of Nair saab to perpetuate nonsense instead of being concerned about getting the real culprits behind bars (who are actually enjoying great positions in Kerala Administration) 
This particular guy:
'Police team led by former ADGP Sibi Mathews, which had initially probed the case, had planned to arrest all those working for the development of cryogenic engine to ’demoralise’ them and stall development in the specialised area.'

seems to be a particularly rabid kind of vermin. He should be in jail without parole.

Arre Bhai..then why did your govt. drop all charges to them once they came to power in 2004 ??this is a clear CIA led plot to spoil the cryogenic engine program . This is also verified by the very ISRO Scientist ... That moron Sibi Mathews was in CIA payroll 
At last Justice has been served, so better leave it like that.

what justice man..all culprits escaped and got promotion and the poor scientists life and his dreams were shattered because of traitors
An ISRO scientist working on a key project to make India self reliant in a particular technology gets implicated as a spy(trying to transfer the tech. to Pakistan), he and his whole team working on the project gets arrested and harassed, the scientist loses his job....the progress of the project is hampered......not to mention that India is unable to master that technology even 20 yrs. after the incident.....

Sometimes I wonder whether those people who say that Indians were better under British Raj are actually correct or not.....these incidents indicate that we are still not ready to rule ourselves...
Arre Bhai..then why did your govt. drop all charges to them once they came to power in 2004 ??this is a clear CIA led plot to spoil the cryogenic engine program . This is also verified by the very ISRO Scientist ... That moron Sibi Mathews was in CIA payroll 

what justice man..all culprits escaped and got promotion and the poor scientists life and his dreams were shattered because of traitors

Oh shut it man. The charges were dropped because said scientists were innocent, Sibi Mathews is not a 'CIA agent'- he's an @$$hole whose name seems to be attached to every degenerate case in kerala including Suryanelli Case. Trying to confuse this as some 'bigger hand' is a tactic that the mallu politicians are using to cover up and confuse the truth- some poor woman is asked sexual favors by a police man, when she refuses he cooks up a story of her being a 'spy', politicians jump in to 'expose' the ring, prominent papers add masala and say that said woman was a 'madam' getting spy info by sleeping with and running a 'prostitution ring'- add even more masala by claiming she had FERRARI (Yeah FERRARI in the 1990s)- scientists tortured, god only knows what happened to that woman- policemen go on to enjy promotions etc. And icing on the cake- add more masala 15 years later and call it CIA conspiracy. Casually talking about these things is disrespectful to the people who have lost everything and have stil not seen the true culprits punished.
Arre Bhai..then why did your govt. drop all charges to them once they came to power in 2004 ??this is a clear CIA led plot to spoil the cryogenic engine program . This is also verified by the very ISRO Scientist ... That moron Sibi Mathews was in CIA payroll 

what justice man..all culprits escaped and got promotion and the poor scientists life and his dreams were shattered because of traitors

First of all, CIA do not try to arrest any one who is developing advanced technologies, they will simply kill them or eliminate them with out a trace. So arresting the scientists for the sake the stalling the cryogenic engine program is a very flawed logic.

Secondly it is BJP accusing Congress siding with CIA, This is a joke Congress is pro USSR and BJP is traditionally inclined towards capitalist USA.

Thirdly the accusations are coming in the eve of mars mission, which UPA might take credit in the upcoming elections, so this political drama.

Fourth This kind of games are very common between secret services this comes under espionage. There are failures and also grand success associated with these agencies, But little will be out in public domain. When some thing is out in public domain it is surely for political gains nothing more.

Fifth Nobody knows the exact sequence of events that lead to the arrest of these scientists, the facts available in public domain are always twisted ones to cover up the actual ones.

Sixth in my view Indian public should not give much importance for the political drama and stunts happening for votes.
First of all, CIA do not try to arrest any one who is developing advanced technologies, they will simply kill them or eliminate them with out a trace. So arresting the scientists for the sake the stalling the cryogenic engine program is a very flawed logic.

Secondly it is BJP accusing Congress siding with CIA, This is a joke Congress is pro USSR and BJP is traditionally inclined towards capitalist USA.

Thirdly the accusations are coming in the eve of mars mission, which UPA might take credit in the upcoming elections, so this political drama.

Fourth This kind of games are very common between secret services this comes under espionage. There are failures and also grand success associated with these agencies, But little will be out in public domain. When some thing is out in public domain it is surely for political gains nothing more.

Fifth Nobody knows the exact sequence of events that lead to the arrest of these scientists, the facts available in public domain are always twisted ones to cover up the actual ones.

Sixth in my view Indian public should not give much importance for the political drama and stunts happening for votes.

The exact sequence of events is known and is exactly what I have mentioned. 
and it had nothing to with CIA or KGB
The exact sequence of events is known and is exactly what I have mentioned.

There are facts which are for common public digestion and then there are facts which are associated with actual events. The second set of facts may reveal the Top secrets associated with country's security or may reveal the trace of it, so never known to common public or even some political establishment associated with these programs.
There are facts which are for common public digestion and then there are facts which are associated with actual events. The second set of facts may reveal the Top secrets associated with country's security or may reveal the trace of it, so never known to common public or even some political establishment associated with these programs.

Jesus, year after year after year investigative reporters from week and India Today and so on have stressed at the madness in kerala then- THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH NATIONAL SECURITY OR SECRETS. This was Always a set of wild allegations created by the @$$holes in the state for their own political gains. And it continues.
Jesus, year after year after year investigative reporters from week and India Today and so on have stressed at the madness in kerala then- THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH NATIONAL SECURITY OR SECRETS. This was Always a set of wild allegations created by the @$$holes in the state for their own political gains. And it continues.

Then better say it that this is a political drama to gain votes. Lets end it here.
Then better say it that this is a political drama to gain votes. Lets end it here.

Except it does MUCH worse than just get votes, this ripped out all the good work that was happening in ISRO and destroyed lives and careers. I have maintained that Kerala should not get such facilities of importance until it's trashy political culture is not resolved. This would not happen in TN with this kind of casualness,
First of all, CIA do not try to arrest any one who is developing advanced technologies, they will simply kill them or eliminate them with out a trace. So arresting the scientists for the sake the stalling the cryogenic engine program is a very flawed logic.

CIa did not arrest...Cia sent its moles in OB to do their job ...and they did their job, it is crystal clear a foriegn intelligence agency is involved, otherwiseIB would not do all this for the heck f it

Secondly it is BJP accusing Congress siding with CIA, This is a joke Congress is pro USSR and BJP is traditionally inclined towards capitalist USA.

NO they are not.... BJP is accusing congress of not taking action against those who were involved and using these very same people to target Modi, they were payed off in exchange of their wrong doings

Thirdly the accusations are coming in the eve of mars mission, which UPA might take credit in the upcoming elections, so this political drama.

I dont care too much about that , point is not congress , BJP .... point is the criminals responsible got away and a poor Scientists got arrested and tortured..WHY did that happen ? The Scientists themselves are saying there is CIA involved

Fourth This kind of games are very common between secret services this comes under espionage. There are failures and also grand success associated with these agencies, But little will be out in public domain. When some thing is out in public domain it is surely for political gains nothing more

this one did come to public Domain

Fifth Nobody knows the exact sequence of events that lead to the arrest of these scientists, the facts available in public domain are always twisted ones to cover up the actual ones.

Sixth in my view Indian public should not give much importance for the political drama and stunts happening for votes.

Are you kidding me ? an ISRO scientists gets arrested tortured and wrongly framed for selling crygenic technology to Pakistan and they ones responsible for this whole fiasco gets a promotion and you expecte people to ignore this ??? This is not me saying..there a re so many other IB and ISRO scientists saying this is a CIA covert op... THIS is the Truth
First of all, CIA do not try to arrest any one who is developing advanced technologies, they will simply kill them or eliminate them with out a trace. So arresting the scientists for the sake the stalling the cryogenic engine program is a very flawed logic.

All scientists were 'eliminated' from the project. The program was delayed for 20 years. That is mission successful as far as CIA is concerned. If they live or die as individuals is of no concern to CIA. It is your logic which is flawed.

Secondly it is BJP accusing Congress siding with CIA, This is a joke Congress is pro USSR and BJP is traditionally inclined towards capitalist USA.

You are a fool. CIA had agents right inside the cabinet during Indra Gandhi's time. Declassified Central Intelligence Agency records has Reveal names of moles in Indira cabinet (hint congress minister from Maharastra) This is a know fact acknowledged both by RAW and CIA. Sonia Gandhi is known to have taken money from KGB, there are records in the KGB archives which documents this. There nothing to indicate she cannot be a double agent.

Thirdly the accusations are coming in the eve of mars mission, which UPA might take credit in the upcoming elections, so this political drama.

LOL. Ya, the indians vote based on 'Mars mission' :lol: ..... maybe that is why rahul gandhi spoke about 'jupiter escape velocity'. You are indeed a fool.

Fourth This kind of games are very common between secret services this comes under espionage. There are failures and also grand success associated with these agencies, But little will be out in public domain. When some thing is out in public domain it is surely for political gains nothing more.

There is nothing common about serving Indian police offciers trying to sabotage our Nations space efforts. This thing coming out is called RTI or Transparency. It is political only because congress is directly involved in destroying India for political gains.

Fifth Nobody knows the exact sequence of events that lead to the arrest of these scientists, the facts available in public domain are always twisted ones to cover up the actual ones.

Everybody knows the exact sequence of events. you are Such an idiot.

Sixth in my view Indian public should not give much importance for the political drama and stunts happening for votes.

Matters of such grave importance should most certainly be given as much public importance as required. Only spineless cowards and fools will say otherwise. Guess we all know what kind you are.
Those f**ked up Bastards are still alive and not to mention promoted...i saw the entire program on Times now ...Cant blame CIA for what they did, but Congress assholes are damaging every fabric of this country

rather than cursing them , you indians should be extremly thankful to those ib officials who caught a traitor red-handed betraying your india & your prestigious defence org. isro. ... :coffee:
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