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US charge d’ affaires in Pakistan Angela Aggeler calls on Maryam Nawaz at her residence

From an external perspective, she seems to be a deflated opposition leader. This is not very different from Rahul/Priyanka in Indian opposition.

Why do you guys think that she has serious influence?
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amritsari baji dropped the metal glass? so the metal glass looses all jadu toona in front of maai baap amrika?

amritsari moohdhi leak nawaj party takes credit for CPEC and says This gov has rolled it back and what not! now siding with maai baap amrika means going against ALL interests of Pakistan including CPEC!!

so where does moohdhi leak nawaj stand on this?

But the Patwaris are too brainwashed they can't distinguish what's right and wrong.

The west needs new pets to do thier bidding to stop or slow down CPEC and contain China.
This Woman has grown to powerful in Pakistan it is actully scary she even has impunity and can say whatever she wants. At this point She is holding the country hostage. The ethablishment can't do anything about her or even question the slightest in the mildest form anything relating to her
She gets the power from people like me.
We love her especially people of punjab and educated rich people like me.
Love you our queen
Inshallah with help of our american allies we will send this jadogar and his peerani out of pakistan and bring back our dilon ka aur biryani ka wazeer azam 😍
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Out of all convicts locked in the pakistani prisons why would a sitting p.m allow only navaz sharif to exit the country in a v.i.p manner citing dubious scenarios while stops his brother afterwards who is still facing trail even though he was leaving with the same court's order which the pti regime accuses of being partial ?

Did some deal got sabotaged?
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Out of all convicts locked in the pakistani prisons why would a sitting p.m allow only navaz sharif to exit the country in a v.i.p manner citing dubious scenarios while stops his brother afterwards who is still facing trail even though he was leaving with the same court's order which the pti regime accuses of being partial ?

Did some deal got sabotaged?
How glorious leader health was in danger..how can guy with heart disease survive those pakistani prisons without AC and biryani..well we had biryani thanks to maryum nawaz bringing food but AC was still an issue

Also court clearly told imran khan to provide grantee life of my leader or let him go without bond..
Judges beuacrats generals are afterall..all from central punjab
Ofocurse she is loved by the all strong central punjab
She has same number of votes as IK but these votes are from central punjab educated masses not backwards pathans or saraiki people
People are led to believe that Punjab population controls electoral fortunes in Pakistan (like UP does for India). You seem to say that this is not true. :-)
@The Eagle this fellow is showing his usual racial tendencies plz stop him before he go all out "flogging" himself in public
I love PMLN

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