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US cannot attain objectives in Afghanistan, without change of behaviour by Pakistan: Gen Dunford


Mar 30, 2009
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US cannot attain objectives in Afghanistan, without change of behaviour by Pakistan: Gen Dunford

By Reuters
Published: September 27, 2017


General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testifies before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, US September 26, 2017. PHOTO: REUTERS

WASHINGTON: A top US military officer on Tuesday said US would not be able to “attain our objectives” in Afghanistan, where American forces have been deployed since 2001, without a change of behaviour by neighbouring Pakistan.

“It is unacceptable that Pakistan provides sanctuary, and we ought to bring the full weight of the US government and our coalition partners on Pakistan to ensure that they do not provide the sanctuary that they have provided historically to groups like Haqqani and the Taliban,” claimed Marine Corps General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

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US officials remain frustrated by what they term Pakistan’s unwillingness to act against militant groups, including the Afghan Taliban and the Haqqani network. The Trump administration is exploring whether to harden its approach toward Pakistan to crack down on militants launching strikes in Afghanistan.

Pakistan argues that it has done a great deal to help the US in tracking down militants, and has suffered hundreds of deaths in attacks in response to its crackdowns.

About the Iran nuclear pact, Dunford said exiting the deal would make future deals tough.

The top US military officer said Iran was complying with the pact curbing its nuclear programme and warned that any American decision to walk away from it would make other nations less likely to enter into agreements with the US.

US President Donald Trump is considering whether to withdraw from the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers including the US, calling the accord an “embarrassment.”

Dunford told the Senate Armed Services Committee that Iran was complying with its obligations under the nuclear deal, but had increased its activity in other areas. “Iran is projecting malign influence across the Middle East, threatening freedom of navigation, while supporting terrorist organizations in Syria, Iraq and Yemen,” Dunford said.

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The committee’s top Democrat, Senator Jack Reed, asked Dunford whether walking away from the Iran nuclear pact would affect the US ability to negotiate with North Korea or devise a non-military solution toward Pyongyang.

“It makes sense to me that our holding up agreements that we have signed, unless there is a material breech, would have an impact on others’ willingness to sign agreements,” Dunford said during his reappointment hearing.

Trump this year also announced he would withdraw the United States from the international Paris climate agreement and the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement.

US officials, including senior military leaders, have said that the first option to deal with the threat posed by North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile programme is through diplomacy.

The ambassadors to the US from Britain, France, Germany and the European Union all strongly backed the nuclear agreement with Iran on Monday as long as Tehran continues to comply with the pact.

If Trump does not recertify by October 16 that Iran is in compliance with the agreement, Congress would have 60 days to decide whether to reimpose sanctions on Tehran suspended under the accord.

That would let Congress, controlled by Trump’s fellow Republicans, effectively decide whether to kill the deal. Although congressional leaders have declined to say whether they would seek to reimpose sanctions, Republican lawmakers were united in their opposition to the deal reached by Democratic former President Barack Obama.

A collapse of the deal could trigger a regional arms race and worsen Middle East tensions.

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Threat posed by Russia

Dunford said that while North Korea currently poses the most urgent threat, Russia presents the biggest threat in terms of overall military capability.

Asked if he supported US lethal aid to Russia’s neighbour Ukraine, Dunford said he does and has “made that recommendation” within the administration. He said discussion of the issue has reached the White House, but did not say when a decision would be made.

Ukraine has sought US support against Russia since a pro-Western government took power following street protests in 2014, when the Kremlin-backed president fled the country. Russia seized Crimea from Ukraine the same year.

There is only one solution, and that is all US troops must get out of Afghanistan, as occupying the land there is what causes Afghans to resist. The Pakistani leader should convey this solution to the US, and warn the US to stop drone strikes on Pakistani land, or face war with the Pakistani military. Seriously, the US military are such imperialists, always occupying foreign lands like Vietnam and Iraq before, and now Afghan. The world, and not just North Korea alone, should say "enough is enough" to the US military, the number 1 warmonger on Planet Earth, and the number 1 disruptor of peace. To cripple US military funding so that they close all foreign bases, all countries should stop trading in US dollars. US foreign policy is so bad, and what's enabling their occupation is their economy, so boycott US goods and buy Chinese instead, such as Lenovo.
Dear Americans i guess you forget Soviet Union bark the same about Pakistan.........come and this time Russia is waiting to take revenge with us we will make your graveyard in Afghanistan just like Soviets.:lol:

Come to us with your full might....
Its Now or Never....:D:D:D:D
Whenever they speak they speak about the security of Afghanistan and USA. What about Pakistan's security? USA guys use weapons and they go away. It is we who live here to bear the backlash. USA never lifted embargoes on many techlogies. We are never given our due share in anything. Everybody wants us to grab the gun and tell terrorists to shoot on only us, that's impossible uncle Sam. So USA, lets see what you can do.

some country has become too worthless due to their ostrich mentality,i hope u remember your national guest aka laden and AQ khan
and talking about sanctioning india its way beyond the aukaat of anybody now

Now you are talking....
We are happy to become worthless for those who only know how to use others (Americans) its mean they are not able to fool us any more....
Now its your turn to enjoy the friendship of US and deliberately become fools....

And please don't bring this nonsense of Osama, whole world knows Osama was killed in Torabora long before that false flag operation....

And about AQ Khan, do what ever you can do about it....

Whenever they speak they speak about the security of Afghanistan and USA. What about Pakistan's security? USA guys use weapons and they go away. It is we who live here to bear the backlash. USA never lifted embargoes on many techlogies. We are never given our due share in anything. Everybody wants us to grab the gun and tell terrorists to shoot on only us, that's impossible uncle Sam. So USA, lets see what you can do.

Such a level of hypocrisy has shown by these US Generals and Officials of US and NATO....
We will not fight those (TTP) who fight you (Pakistan)
But you have to fight those (Haqqani) who fight an occupational force (US)
Now you are talking....
We are happy to become worthless for those who only know how to use others (Americans) its mean they are not able to fool us any more....
Now its your turn to enjoy the friendship of US and deliberately become fools....

And please don't bring this nonsense of Osama, whole world knows Osama was killed in Torabora long before that false flag operation....

What do you mean by whole world knows? No one knows about it...if you are referring to some rumors or base-less theories prevailing in gossip media then fine. Continue....
Has everybody in DC caught Trump flu??? How exactly the general will do it is beyond me!!!! Haven't they tried everything before???? With NK at the background, can they afford another hot spot???? As for Afganistan, even the US media is reporting that Russia/ Iran etc. are at the driving seats. It was best demonstrated by the "rocket" salute awarded to Secretary Mattis the other day!!!!! To the best of my knowledge the supply route hasn't changed or India isn't sending any boots!!!
Now you are talking....
We are happy to become worthless for those who only know how to use others (Americans) its mean they are not able to fool us any more....
Now its your turn to enjoy the friendship of US and deliberately become fools....

And please don't bring this nonsense of Osama, whole world knows Osama was killed in Torabora long before that false flag operation....

And about AQ Khan, do what ever you can do about it....

Such a level of hypocrisy has shown by these US Generals and Officials of US and NATO....
We will not fight those (TTP) who fight you (Pakistan)
But you have to fight those (Haqqani) who fight an occupational force (US)
Even the general talking to Mr McCain was like: yes sir, yes sir, exactly sir, very nice sir(while thinking: o man , i am doing goood). At the end of the briefing he will tell his commanders in Afghanistan: whatever you do, just dont try to put a single step outside of Kabul, we are trying to pull Pakistan in.

Don't judge the book by its cover....
At least try to think out of the box occasionally....
Have you never heard about Mr. Seymour Hersh and few more prominent writers about Osama....

It was a false flag operation inside my Country....
And believe me i know the nature of my peoples....
Its beyond your understanding....
Similarly i cannot understand your peoples....

The world is not simple as your think and watch, In this Era of Information Warfare of media today....
Attack from East on Northern Areas and attack from West on Chitral.

India from East, and Blackwater+Afghan Army from West.

It is going to happen soon.

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