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US can wipe out Israel of the face of the earth : US Marine officials.

as far as i remember Al Qaeda claimed the responsibility of 9/11 in 2004 n the invasion of Afg was in 2001...
although i personally dont believe in this theory (i read one about UFOs as well :lol:) but y dint US took ladin when he was offered by sudan earlier...
regarding relations with ladin, they had damn good relations with saddam as well...may be called tactics ;)
Israel people should migrate to europe, US, canada and australia. cause they came from there and occupied the land illegally,,,,,,,otherwise wait for the armageddon..........

I am cooking the popcorn.
Because israelis not going to go anywere mr.taliban.
Wasn't the point of this thread about United States attempting to wipe out Israel? Why do you Pakistanis and Indians always jump at each others throats in every thread?
US even said it will wipe out AL-quaeda in 15 hours....i feel now its more than 87600 hours and still they are trying....ooops real drama....

i feel Ekta kapoor<producer of famous daily soaps...kahani ghar ghar ki,kumkum,kusum,kasam se> should be in US marines
US even said it will wipe out AL-quaeda in 15 hours....i feel now its more than 87600 hours and still they are trying....ooops real drama....

Al Qaeda isnt a tiny state tht runs with donated US AID and weapons and has to import even food for its survival.
Its a concept,an idea... i person living in jamaica can be al qaeda...

i feel Ekta kapoor<producer of famous daily soaps...kahani ghar ghar ki,kumkum,kusum,kasam se> should be in US marines

I doubt anyone except indians watch such crappy named crappy soaps.
US is smart and intelligent enough to find out one day that Israeli spies are every where in the shape of US Congressmen, Congress women, senators, tourists, business people, Wall Street, Judiciary, Finance etc.. 911 had also links with them. The Jews wanted 911 to happen so US can fight all of Israel's enemies without firing a single bullet.
This is absolute garbage.

And Israel is linked to this garbage. I know hindus try to protect the Jews so they can get weapons from Israel. US will find out one day who was really behind the 9/11 attacks.

Actually ISI caught a guy Pakistani guy in Karachi for spying, he was muslim and so was his Indian contact in the Indian Consulate in Jeddah and his counterpart in Mumbai was also an Indian muslim, but the guy running the operation was a Hindu RAW Agent. Though all front men were muslims. Just like the 9/11 all front men were muslim, but Mossad knew about the whole thing and they did not share it with the US Intelligence Agencies, may ne India was in on it too?
My point was that, Christians and Jews have a more legitimate claim on the holy lands than Muslims. If we go by your logic that founders of Judaism and Christianity are importnat to Islam and hence their lands are also holy to Islam, its on very weak ground. Some hindus claim Prophet Mohammed as a avatar of Vishnu. Based on this logic, they can claim the Islamic holy lands in Arabia?
The reasons for first choosing Jersualem as the Islamic Qiblah and then changing it to Mecca, is a subject of debate not for this defence forum. Anways, there is no point in discussing religio-political issues, since its not in the ambit of this forum.

No the point is Jerusalem Was in Palestine control and Israel captured it illegally, and it sud be given back to them,

I dont like to discuss this either, its you who is pulling the rope again and again as i have told you, Its Important to all three religion, go do some research

end of discussion,

You have still not answered my query regarding how you propose to eliminate the zionists from Israel without harming other Israelis and Palestinians (whom you are supposed to save by eliminating the zionists) while ensuring the safety of the holy lands (which you are supposed to retrive from the clutches of the zionists).
The whole Israeli Government and Army are Zionists, killing and Mass murdering Innocent People,
LOL, you mean to tell me that trillion dollar worth of damage and thousands of lives lost is limited damage to US who is now looking for the fastest way out.

I am now convinced that you people are in awe of Israel.

Such things happens when you stand on wrong side + when you chose wrong partners.

GoP is helping :usflag: on WoT :undecided:
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