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US behind Turkey's purchase of Chinese missile system: Kanwa


Feb 6, 2013
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The HQ-9 long-range surface-to-air missile. (Internet photo)

The primary reason for Turkey, a major US ally and a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, to purchase the FN FS-2000, the export version of the Chinese HQ-9 long-range surface-to-air missile, was not to defend its airspace but to steal critical information regarding the missile for the United States, according to Kanwa Defense Review operated by Andrei Chang, a military analyst based in Canada, also known as Pinkov.

Turkey's national interests rely on the acceptance of the United States and European Union, the article said that and for this reason it is very hard to imagine that some day Turkey will side with potential NATO adversaries such as Russia or China. The government in Ankara also realizes how much pressure will be on them if they chose to purchase Chinese instead of American air defense systems.

Kanwa said that Turkey's new cross-harbor tunnel beneath the Bosphorus was completed with investment from Japan. As Japan is now a major advocate of Turkey's accession to the European Union, the report said it is impossible for it to become a security partner with China, which is engaged in a territorial dispute with Japan in the East China Sea.

The report also said that Germany, a fellow NATO member, could can stop Turkey from getting too close to China through halting the provision of supplies that the Turkish navy requires for its Meko-class frigates. The United States can also refuse to sell the fifth-generation Lockheed Martin F-35 stealth fighters to Turkey in protest against Ankara's cooperation with Beijing. This would be a very expensive price for Turkey to pay for changing sides, according to the magazine.

As most of its weapons systems are from either the United States or other NATO powers, Turkey is unlikely to purchase Chinese missiles, Kanwa said, which is why Russia pulled its S-400 from the competition. Apparently, Turkey is trying to steal critical data from the HQ-9 for its allies through the purchase of the Chinese missile, following the example of South Korea when it previously did the same with the Russian-built Sukhoi Su-35 fighter.

US behind Turkey's purchase of Chinese missile system: Kanwa|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com


Actually makes a little sense, what do you think?
Kinda does though not completely sure?
or just an attempt to hinder sino-turkey relations?
then why all the delays and pressure due the west? i think the deal is still in favor of Turkey due, especially, the ToT.
what???USA wants to steal tech of water down version of S-300 by allowing Turkey to buy FD-2000???for what??Upgrading their PAC-3?? :crazy: its 30 years old missile(more if we take S-300 into consideration ).
What if Turkey shares the secrets of system with nato ?

what???USA wants to steal tech of water down version of S-300 by allowing Turkey to buy FD-2000???for what??Upgrading their PAC-3?? :crazy: its 30 years old missile(more if we take S-300 into consideration ).
U ok ? :crazy:
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Strange? I thought the US never liked such an idea given the fact that both of the US State Department as well as the Pentagon expressed serious concerns about this procurement.

Anyway, I hope and wished that Turkey will pick up the best, what suits its needs and demands.
Kanwa is worse than PRESS TV, there is nothing jounalistic about PRESS TV
from article...
Apparently, Turkey is trying to steal critical data from the HQ-9 for its allies through the purchase of the Chinese missile

Bs at its best, apparently the author thinks the whole world consisting of 3-4 countries the world turning around them. A common and boring mistake of big-power-wannabe-countries' press. Worse than that is he has no clue about Turkey's purchasing air defence system process and indegineous defence sector strategy. If we get HQ-9 it's for chienese knocked the door with ToT and the most eco offer and if we don't get it's for we wanted to send a message to our so-called western allies. No offence but neither yankees nor chienese has nothing to do with the desicion will be made soon by Turkish authorities.

since a couple of days streetlights are gone nearby my home.. hope it's not usa behind it..
In other news China behind Japan's deal to get F-35, in order to get critical information on the fighter when we capture it, or salvage the remains.
Turkey is testing the waters. Obama doesn't even do anything about Russian invasion of Ukraine, what makes anyone thinks he can stop Turkey getting SAM from China? This is only the first step, of course. J-31 is in the cards.

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