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US barring Israeli pilots with foreign passports from F-35 aircraft - The Americans are weirdly holding tight to the F-35s


Jul 18, 2021
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Who are these with foreign passports meaning Jews with foreign passports but almost all of Israel has 2 passports minimum as it is a melting pot.. You have Eastern European jews, Polish jews, Russian, Ukrainian Jews, Bulgarian Jews, Hungarian jews Turkish Jews, Iranian Jews, Moroccan Jews, Algerian Jews, Spanish jews, Afghan Jews, Pakistani jews, Romanian Jews etc etc...

US barring Israeli pilots with foreign passports from F-35 aircraft​

This move by the US stems from an increasingly expanding focus on information security and safeguarding US interests.


Published: JANUARY 6, 2023 12:26
Updated: JANUARY 6, 2023 12:35


The whole US foreign policy is tight to F-35s now and in order to know how closer there allies are the F-35s is prove for it but here is the thing F-35 is really not that good of a fighter and has bad reviews with some allies..

@Hamartia Antidote @F-22Raptor @KAL-EL @Get Ya Wig Split @dbc
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When you spend billions of people's money to buy USA aircraft...

It means you handed over your country's air force to a foreign power.

You need permission to fly this aircraft and you also need a permit to fire a missile from it.

Any country who are using USA jet fighter is actually an idiot who betrays his people and own country.
But also Israel is the one and 9nly foreign country in the world who is allowed to buy F-22 Raptor if they want to.
Strange policy.
Who are these with foreign passports meaning Jews with foreign passports but almost all of Israel has 2 passports minimum as it is a melting pot.. You have Eastern European jews, Polish jews, Russian, Ukrainian Jews, Bulgarian Jews, Hungarian jews Turkish Jews, Iranian Jews, Moroccan Jews, Algerian Jews, Spanish jews, Afghan Jews, Pakistani jews, Romanian Jews etc etc...

Well Russian for one

A record 32,494 Russian Jews made aliyah (immigration to the Jewish State) under Israel's Law of Return.
lol, this is quite common regrading security clearance. You don't have clearence then you are barred to do something.

Even for me, I am on the 3rd highest clearance, and I cannot go further because I am a multiple citizens. Most clearence are levelled on nationality and residency bases. You have to be a Citizens if you want a basic clearance, you cannot access to the base in US if you are a permanent resident. Or access to sensitive material if you are not US Citizens.

Many people don't know, when you sell sensitive article to someone, you inherit that security status. Selling to you does not mean I am okay with you let it loose. I mean you wouldn't want to have a dual citizen to be in charge of high level government post, would you want one to pilot your best aircraft?

Or think about it that way, if China sell J-31 or J-20 to Pakistan, would you think China will be okay for Pakistan to have a pilot with US citizenship to fly??
Don't worry, soon the Jew control party in US will slowly eliminate this legislation. And everything will be back to normal for Israel controlling F-35
But also Israel is the one and 9nly foreign country in the world who is allowed to buy F-22 Raptor if they want to.
Strange policy.

F-22 is not for sale or gift, even to Israel

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