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US backs Pakistan's military action against Afghanistan


Mar 5, 2013
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Cross-Durand Line incursions: Kabul asks US for explanation on lack of reaction
Monday June 2, 2014


AT News Report

KABUL: The Council of Ministers (CoM) strongly denounced the recent cross-Durand Line attacks of Pakistani army in eastern Kunar province.

A plenary session of the CoM chaired by President Hamid Karzai on Sunday said that the recent rocket attacks and airstrikes of Pakistani army were in sharp contrast with international laws and principles of good neighbor.

President Karzai directed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to submit its query in written to the United States to deliver on its commitments towards Afghanistan as mentioned in article nine of the strategic partnership pact between the two countries.

Article nine of the pact states: “Recognizing that the stability of Afghanistan would contribute to the development and stability of South-Central Asia, the United States affirms that it shall regard with grave concern any external aggression against Afghanistan. Were this to occur, the Parties shall hold consultations on an urgent basis to develop and implement an appropriate response, including, as may be mutually determined, political, diplomatic, economic, or military measures, in accordance with their respective constitutional procedures.”

President Karzai also instructed the ministry to ask Washington for explanation to its lack of reaction on the rocket attacks of Pakistani army in Kunar.

It is pertinent to mention that the National Security Council the other day voiced its deep concerns over the cross-line incursions and said that the rocket attacks and airstrikes were aimed at disrupting presidential runoff election.

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‘Kunar still under Pak rocket barrage’
Monday June 2, 2014


Abdul Zuhoor Qayomi

KABUL: Pakistan has once again resumed firing rockets on eastern Kunar province despite incessant underlying criticism.

Chief of police in Kunar, Abdul Habib Sayedkhili, told Radio Azadi that Pakistan’s artillery attacks are still continuing and some 150 rockets have been fired on Kunar’s Dangam and Shegal districts since Sunday evening to Monday morning, and as a result two houses were demolished and a number of cattle perished, he added.

Earlier, Afghanistan’s National Security Council (NSC) slammed the rocket shelling and regarded it as an attempt to sabotage the run-off elections. The NSC also turned the heat up on the Obama administration for silence vis-a-vis Pakistan’s acts of aggression, calling it a breach of mutual agreements.

Meanwhile MPs in the Wolesi Jirga of the parliament said that until the US will not show reaction till the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) is not signed.

Nader Shah Bahr said that the US will not show reaction to the foreign interferes till the BSA as second and main part of the Kabul Washington strategic partnership is not signed. And the defending the borders threats has not been come in the Kabul –Washington agreement, he added.

Meanwhile the MPs believed that lack of proper foreign policy is the main reasons for continuation of Pakistani artillery attacks.

Member of Internal Security Committee (ISC) of the WJ,Salih Mohammad Salih said that the Afghan administration policy is neither clear against Pakistan and other neighbors nor against the United Stated of America.

And the Afghan has not identified the enemies and friend so far stated Salih adding sometime they are called friend and sometimes enemies, he stated adding the US is not bound to defend the borders of Afghanistan as it is not mentioned in the Kabul-Washington strategic partnership.

And the US is seeking its own national interest therefor the Afghan administration should take the same policy as US does, he said adding the Kunar MPs in support of the local people will take decision in this regard if the Afghan government does not put step in defending the borders.

It is while Afghan army officials boycotted attending the Afghan-Pak joint military session in Islamabad.

In a meeting last week with NATO Commander General Joseph Dunford and the U.S. Ambassador in Kabul Mr. James Cunnangum, President Hamid Karzai had asked them to raise this issue with the Pakistani officials.

President Karzai also discussed the issue with Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and communicated his concerns. A statement from President Karzai’s office said President Karzai and Prime Minister Sharif discussed the issue over telephone.

Prime Minister Sharif told President Karzai that militants are crossing the border and carrying out terrorist strikes in Pakistan, said the statement. He, however, assured President Karzai of discussing the matter with concerned agencies in Pakistan.
On Thursday, the Afghan Foreign Ministry summoned the Pakistani Ambassador and expressed their deep concerns over the continued cross-border rocket attacks.

According to security officials, the attacks still continue despite the assurances given by the Pakistani government officials.

U.S. intervention needed to stop rocket attacks from Pakistan: military experts | Afghan Zariza

Important point in bold, those militants are responsible for cross-border raids on FC outposts and other defensive posts on the Pakistani side of the border.
Fact 1, The US will not interfere in PA/PAF operations in Afghanistan.
Fact 2, The US is pleased that this occurring
Fact 3, The US is providing Intel as well as satellite imagery in realtime to help us. .
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Terrorists havens in Afghanistan need to be destroyed. How can 200+ armed terrorists can group on the Afghan side and attack Pakistan? They can only do it with the help from the Afghan side. Pakistan should continue to bomb the terrorists if they are on this or that side of the border.
Terrorists havens in Afghanistan need to be destroyed. How can 200+ armed terrorists can group on the Afghan side and attack Pakistan? They can only do it with the help from the Afghan side. Pakistan should continue to bomb the terrorists if they are on this or that side of the border.

Artillery strikes guided by drones, also F16's and Cobras crossed the border more than once. ISAF air defence command informed - and 10-4'd operation.
What did the Afghan's expect? They can barely control their side of the border, and refuse to recognize the Durand line. Pakistan just needs a good excuse and then we'll finally see the Durand line enforced from both sides.
If America is not caring and saying no to us...

Then bomb every terroist .... Next target should be Fazullah
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