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US-backed Afghan Infiltration in Pakistan



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May 14, 2011
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Sajjad Shaukat

On the one hand, American blame game against Pakistan in connection with cross-border terrorism in Afghanistan continues, while on the on the other, heavily-armed militants from Afghanistan continue to attack inside Pakistan intermittently. In this regard, we need to prove, whether Pakistan is responsible for cross-border terrorism in Afghanistan or the US-led NATO and Afghan forces in Pakistan..... Full Read >

Raising American old allegations, US Senator Robert Casey who recently visited Islamabad, said on August 26, this year that he was pressing Pakistan to reduce the flow of explosives material used in roadside bombs that kill US soldiers in Afghanistan.
While ignoring the responsibilities of the US-led NATO counties and Karzai-led troops, in the past few years, particularly US civil and military high officials have repeatedly been emphasising Pakistan to ‘do more’ against the militancy in the tribal regions in order to stop cross-border terrorism in Afghanistan. They have unilaterally been blaming Islamabad that level of militancy increased in Afghanistan owing to the militants who entered Afghanistan from Pakistan.
In the recent past, the former US Defence Secretary Robert Gates, while repeating the false allegations had indicated that Pakistan’s “failure to stop insurgents from Pakistani side of the border” has resulted into “40 per cent rise in the militant’s attacks in east Afghanistan…infiltration of insurgents in Afghanistan takes place from the safe-havens of FATA.” In this context, on April 20, 2011, US Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen has alleged that ISI has been supporting, funding and training fighters that are killing Americans and coalition partners in Afghanistan. Their media have also left no stone unturned for alleging Islamabad for cross-border terrorism in Afghanistan, also involving Pak Army and its intelligence agency, ISI.
However, American baseless blame game against Islamabad in connection with cross-border terrorism in Afghanistan continues. In this regard, we need to prove, whether Pakistan is responsible for cross-border terrorism in Afghanistan or the latter in Pakistan.
On the other hand, on August 27, this year, some 200 to 300 heavily-armed militants based in Afghanistan attacked seven paramilitary check posts in Pakistan’s district of Chitral, killing more than 30 personnel of the security forces. In one of such major attacks, on June 1, more than 500 armed militants who entered Pakistan’s Upper Dir area from Afghanistan killed more than 30 police and paramilitary soldiers. Police said that well-trained terrorists who targetted a chekpost, also destroyed two schools and several houses with rocket and gunfire attacks, while killing a number of innocent people. On June 3, hundreds of militants crossed over from Afghanistan and again besieged the Pakistani area. Sources suggest that after a three-day operation and gun battle, Pakistani security forces killed 71 Afghan Taliban.
In the recent past, despite the reaction shown by the ISPR spokesman Maj-Gen. Athar Abbas, and Pakistan’s Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir’s strong concern with the Afghan ambassador, calling for a ‘stern action’ by Afghan and US-led NATO troops to crackdown on militants’ hideouts in Afghanistan, the cross-border penetration has continued in Pakistan intermittently. This infiltration started in April, 2011 and so far about 75 troops and civilians have been killed in at least seven such attacks. From time to time, ground shelling inside Pakistan and violation of its border by US helicopters also keeps on going.
Here question arises as to why US-led NATO forces do not stop the Taliban insurgents when they enter Pakistani territory? Even then, they fail in this respect; second question is as to why these foreign forces based in Afghanistan do not attack the Al Qaeda or Afghan Taliban, while fighting with Pak security forces continues for several hours?
However, these are organised military type operations which one cannot imagine by a stray group of militants and it is also totally unacceptable that they have the capability to fight for long hours or capture Pakistani posts.
No doubt, especially America has itself been encouraging and supporting this cross-border infiltration in Pakistan. In this regard, American CIA, Indian intelligence agency, RAW and Israeli secret agency, Mossad which have well-established their network in Afghanistan, have been destabilising Pakistan. For this purpose, in Afghanistan’s Kunar and Nooristan provinces, with the help of these foreign secret agencies, their affiliated militant group has set up safe-havens to conduct incursion in Pakistan.
Besides, in a religious Madrassa of Wakhan, located in Afghanistan, is functioning under the patronage of Indian officials—with the consent of CIA. It is being used for brainwashing of very young boys who are Afghans, Uzbeks, Tajiks and Caucasians. They have also been made to learn Pashto and traditions of Pathans. Posing as volunteers, they have joined the Taliban activists to fight against Pakistan’s security forces.
In this context, India’s several secret training camps are also present in Afghanistan from where highly trained militants, equipped with sophisticated weapons including motivated suicide bombers are being sent to Pakistan’s various places so as to commit subversive acts regularly.
Some sources suggest that modern weapons of Indian, American and Israeli origin are available in the markets of Afghanistan. Smuggling of latest arms from west to Afghanistan is also being supported by the drug mafia of Afghanistan. In this respect, Afghan President Karzai’s brother and high officials have been found involved in drug smuggling for raising funds to assist insurgency in Pakistan with the support of RAW.
It is mentionable that during the Swat and Malakand military operations, ISPR spokesman, Maj-Gen Athar Abbas had revealed that a number of foreigners from Chechnya, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Saudi Arabia, Libya and India including Afghans, having connections with the enemy countries were arrested. In one of his briefings, he had disclosed that 400 foreign fighters were captured along with huge caches of sophisticated weapons, made of India and America—Afghan fighters had been infiltrated into Pakistan with the help of some external agencies bordering Afghanistan.
In this connection, on July 17, 2008, USA Today wrote, “Afghanistan has been drawing a fresh influx of jihadi fighters from Turkey, Central Asia, Chechnya and the Middle East, one more sign that al-Qaeda is becoming the most active front of the war on terror”.
Notably, Afghanistan shares a common border with the Central Asian Republics. And all the foreign insurgents enter Pakistan through Afghanistan which has become a gateway. So, as to why US and NATO forces do not capture these foreign terrorists when they enter Afghanistan.
It is of particular attention that when in 2009, Pakistan’s armed forces started the military operation in South Waziristan, scores of security check posts in Afghanistan side of Pak-Afghan border had been removed by the US commander Gen. Stanley McChrystal who was leading NATO forces in Afghanistan to give free hand to the Afghanistan-based Taliban commanders to send large-scale reinforcements in South Waziristan.
In fact, in wake of strained relations between the US and Pakistan, Islamabad has refused to accept American undue demands by taking cognisance of public backlash. So, US-backed cross-border insurgency cannot be seen in isolation because it is also part of the Obama’s covet war against Pakistan as increase in suicide attacks, bomb blasts and targeted killings in Pakistan’s various regions including Balochistan coupled with US suspension of military aid and threat of high-value targets inside the country display, while America has also intensified drone attacks which could also include other areas.
Under the cover of Talibanisation of Pakistan and unrest in the country, which has collevtively been created by CIA, RAW and Mossad, US India and Israel have been weakening Pakistan to ‘denculearise’ the latter. For this purpose, the US seeks to shift Afghan war to Pakistan after the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan.
On August 6, NBC TV channel disclosed that the “US has a contingency plan to seize Pakistan’s nuclear weapons…if it fears they are about to fall into the wrong hands.”
It is noteworthy that on August 28, 2011, Sindh Senior Minister Zulfiqar Mirza of the ruling party, who resigned from all posts, while hinting the involvement of America in the perennial ethnic violence in Karachi and support of some political leaders in this regard, disclosed by swearing on the holy Quran that Altaf Hussain leader of the Muhttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) had said, “the United States wanted to disintegrate Pakistan and he (Altaf) and his party would side with the US in their goal.”
Nonetheless, US-backed Afghan infiltration in Pakistan is part of all inter-related sinister designs against the country, while America accuses Pakistan of cross-border terrorism so as to conceal its secret game against Islamabad.

Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations
Email: sajjad_logic@yahoo.com

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