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US attitude unacceptable - PM Gillani


Oct 28, 2009
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PM Speaks of trust deficit; Drone attacks, Aafia issue irritants

Sharafat Kazmi/Terence J Sigamony

Islamabad—Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani Thursday ruled out US win in Afghanistan without Pakistan’s help and that US attitude of imposing restrictions on Pakistan after striking a deal with India is unacceptable.

He said this while addressing the National Assembly session in Islamabad.

The Prime Minister admitted that despite 60-year long relations with the US, trust deficit exists between the two countries.

He said the US has been told that drone attacks proves to be counter-productive because they only incite tribesmen to take up militancy and join the extremists. “The whole world has realized that the strikes by unmanned aircraft incite negative sentiments,” he added.

The Premier said efforts are being made to persuade the US on the matter of drone strikes. He said drone attacks are counter productive.

“We have made it clear and continue to convince the US that Pakistan needs trade and not aid,” he told the House.

He said Pakistan is not in favour of building relations with anyone at the expense of country’s integrity. We want relations with international forces on equal level.

Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani recalled that the National Command Authority meeting on Wednesday had categorically stated that Pakistan would not compromise on its nuclear programme and will maintain its minimum deterrence for its safety and security. He said the meeting also expressed concern over the Indo-US Civilian Nuclear facility and said that same facility should also be extended to Pakistan.

He said that government is working sincerely to address problems of the people and to face challenges confronting the country. He said that on political front, there is no political victimization and at present there is no political prisoner in the country. He said the media is more independent and the government takes positively its criticism as guideline. He said the parliament is performing smoothly and doing legislation for the welfare of the people.

Regarding Dr. Aafia Siddiqui case, the Prime Minister said that he is personally in touch with the Pakistan mission in the United States and her family for the provision of every possible assistance and cooperation for her release. He said that the government also engaged lawyers for her defence in the court. He said Aafia matter is irritant in Pakistan-US relations.

“They (the US officials) ask us why there is so much anti-Americanism in Pakistan besides US’ efforts to help the country. I respond do nothing, but just free Dr Aafia Siddiqui and you would overwhelmingly be praised by the Pakistanis. Only take this single step to build your positive image among Pakistanis,” the PM told the NA session.

Earlier, Chaudhary Nisar Ali Khan Opposition Leader in NA condemned US move to include Pakistan’s name in the list of those countries, whose citizens would be thoroughly searched at the international airports.

The list contains the names of Cuba, Iran, Sudan and Syria alleged to be ‘sponsors of terrorism’ while Pakistan comes under the ‘countries of interest’ in addition to Afghanistan, Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Yemen.

He said the United States in the name of friendship is insulting the Pakistani nation. He demanded that no parliamentary delegation should be sent to US unless they excluded Pakistan’s name from the list.

Nisar informed that they were ready to bring a resolution or adjournment motion regarding the matter and if the government or any other party in the parliament would bring resolution in this connection they would support it.

He said enough is enough as the US government is continuously ignoring Pakistan’s concerns.

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I hope this leads us somewhere, Pakistan has literally become a joke in the congress.
Drones are here and I'm not the only one who thinks that Gilani is peddling B.S.

Both DAWN and the DAILY TIMES have recently questioned the usual crap surrounding the effects of drone attacks.

So too in America where THE WALL STREET JOURNAL has chimed in.

As for searching your citizens, we've cause for concern. If Pakistanis are unduly distressed by complying with our needs they are free to suspend their plans to travel to our country. I could care less. Pakistan hasn't been singled out nor do virtually all of Pakistan's travellers bear immunity from such.

As to harassment, our diplomats face worse and HAVE BEEN SINGLED OUT despite immunity. Any other diplomats catching sh!t from your security services?

Our citizens just STAY AWAY as any tourist would take his/her life in their hands to travel to your land. Too many of you would be happy to KILL us. The NATION accused a WSJ reporter of being a C.I.A. agent. He had to leave lest he become the next Daniel Pearl.:angry:

Editors Criticize Article Against Reporter-DAWN Nov. 17, 2009

Playing The Spy-Card Against The Wall Street Journal-Committee To Protect Journalists- Nov. 9, 2009

Journalists As Spies In FATA-NATION Nov. 5, 2009

Ask A.M. if he's living under constant fear of death in America.

Please feel free to read the posted articles and know that not even all Pakistanis believe Gilani and your government's tired claims of sovereign violations and wanton slaughter of your tribal citizens...

...At least not by America. The taliban are a different matter but nobody in Pakistan seems to give a sh!t that they line innocents against the wall daily as "C.I.A. spies".

If Gilani doesn't like it he can suck eggs or break relations. See how matters degrade then.

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Gilani and many are caught between a rock and a hard place. Americans are no different in this situation. Since we have discussed this issue so many times over, I do not think either side can appease the other completely.

As far as the issue of diplomats is concerned, nobody has been put in harms way. Those who have been stopped have in some cases been found with weapons. There is a considerable concern around contracting BW/Xe in Pakistan after what has gone on in Iraq. I am not saying that all BW employees are jokers as they employ some really good officers and men who have served in the US forces. However the public perception is as such that if there was to be an incident in Pakistan similar to the ones in Iraq, the Government would be caught with their pants down.

Pakistan's concerns are there and they cannot be discounted but I would grant the same to the US. The fact that you are responding to Gilani's remarks so strongly with statements like "he can suck eggs or break relations. See how matters degrade then" should give you an idea about what Pakistanis feel like when on a daily basis either someone in the US press or in the USG speaks out about Pakistan in one negative way or another. A lot of times it looks like the folks on the ground (US mission in Pakistan) are doing a lot of bridge building by doing the right things but then one of the high and mighty sitting in DC or in the US media (quoting unnamed sources almost always) come up with something that totally evaporates the goodwill generated by the US mission in Pakistan.

The point I am trying to make is that both sides make statements that hurt rather then helping the situation. Gilani's words are typical of a Pakistani politician. He has to show backbone in the assembly otherwise he would be branded a US lackey by all of the other politicians (who in all reality would have no choice but to do what Gilani is doing even though in private they are going along with supporting the US efforts). But such is politics.

The recent trash is stratfor suggesting that Pakistani intelligence is behind the CIA bombing is another one of such crude attempts to continually put pressure on Pakistan even where there is absolutely no grounds for it. This story has been picked by a few others as well.

We have been after HM since BM was taken out. If he was caught today, he would be hung at the gallows. Yet what is being implied is that this same man, who is responsible for the murder of thousands of Pakistani civilians and soldiers got together with the Jordanian bomber in a plot hatched by the ISI. Given this kind of bull ****, how long can the Pakistani side go on without retorting with charges of their own? As outlandish as some of the claims may be, the hope on both sides is that some of this will land and hit at the right place to generate the right kind of pressure. Pakistan's attempts at this type of media and diplo-talk is a humble attempt. The damage the US side does with each statement can only be felt by those who are running the GoP's war against terror. Every time such wild claims are made, their job becomes harder.
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"Yet what is being implied is that this same man, who is responsible for the murder of thousands of Pakistani civilians and soldiers got together with the Jordanian bomber in a plot hatched by the ISI."

Blain2, I disagree. Read the following paragraph carefully. STRATFOR makes NO mention of the ISI and is simply complimenting the quality of the operation as indicative of surprising skill.

My addendum? 9/11 was certainly a sophisticated operation that took some considerable talent to achieve yet there's been no hint that America suspects any foreign intelligence service of active involvement.

I think that also applies here. Pakistan's reaction, including yours, appears overtly sensitive to the possibility of such.

"This was a different matter. Al-Balawi was Jordanian; his penetration of the CIA was less like the product of an insurgency than an operation carried out by a national intelligence service. And this is the most troubling aspect of this incident for the United States. The operation was by all accounts a masterful piece of tradecraft beyond the known abilities of a group like the TTP. Even though al-Balawi’s appearance was a lucky break for the TTP, not the result of an intentional, long-term operation, the execution of the operation that arose as a result of that lucky break was skillfully done — and it was good enough to deliver a body blow to the CIA. The Pakistani Taliban would thus appear far more skilled than we would have thought, which is the most important takeaway from this incident, and something to ponder."

Your complaint about weapons is worrisome. Why? Are you prepared to suggest that diplomats of the U.S. embassy haven't been cleared by your government to possess such and that the proper licenses haven't been issued? I'll say now that with the threat to our lives faced by these diplomats in the course of their daily work throughout your country, they'd best be armed and your security organizations should be fully appreciative of the fact that our diplomats possess such authority by your government and have been vetted to permit such.

God knows that too many others in your country are running about with weapons-often automatic weapons, as a point-of-pride. I think we can do so as a matter of security or we can close our embassy as uselessly non-functional for all intents and purposes.

I understand the "sensitivities" of such exist but I don't think that they are justified and I remain dismayed by the eagerness with which your officials heap abuse upon us as we heap aid and our assistance upon you.

Our congress is tired of it. Read Carl Levin's remarks about the duplicity surrounding PREDATOR to gain a perspective there. Have you read the links in the post above from DAWN, THE DAILY NEWS, and WSJ? I encourage you to do so.

They closely mirror the contentions I've held here for years. Farhat Taj goes to far in HER claims to the contrary, especially without quoted sources but, clearly, there's something to what she says. So too Irfan Husain. Sadly, why should the GoP apply a more circumspect and serious demeanor to the ACTUAL effect of PREDATOR when it's so much easier to pile on to the anti-American slagging that is so conveniently available.

Your thoughts were appreciated. I hope that you'll consider mine with equal care.

Well the PM has a point. I wonder who was it meant for - the domestic audience or the US ?

Next, ok if it is unacceptable, what actionable options does he have ?
This is the beauty of Pakistan adminstration, they are the Trapeze professionals.
Drones are here and I'm not the only one who thinks that Gilani is peddling B.S.

Both DAWN and the DAILY NEWS have recently questioned the usual crap surrounding the effects of drone attacks.

So too in America where THE WALL STREET JOURNAL has chimed in.

As for searching your citizens, we've cause for concern. If Pakistanis are unduly distressed by complying with our needs they are free to suspend their plans to travel to our country. I could care less. Pakistan hasn't been singled out nor do virtually all of Pakistan's travellers bear immunity from such.

As to harassment, our diplomats face worse and HAVE BEEN SINGLED OUT despite immunity. Any other diplomats catching sh!t from your security services?

Our citizens just STAY AWAY as any tourist would take his/her life in their hands to travel to your land. Too many of you would be happy to KILL us. The NATION accused a WSJ reporter of being a C.I.A. agent. He had to leave lest he become the next Daniel Pearl.:angry:

Editors Criticize Article Against Reporter-DAWN Nov. 17, 2009

Playing The Spy-Card Against The Wall Street Journal-Committee To Protect Journalists- Nov. 9, 2009

Journalists As Spies In FATA-NATION Nov. 5, 2009

Ask A.M. if he's living under constant fear of death in America.

Please feel free to read the posted articles and know that not even all Pakistanis believe Gilani and your government's tired claims of sovereign violations and wanton slaughter of your tribal citizens...

...At least not by America. The taliban are a different matter but nobody in Pakistan seems to give a sh!t that they line innocents against the wall daily as "C.I.A. spies".

If Gilani doesn't like it he can suck eggs or break relations. See how matters degrade then.

Gillani needs to be reminded which master he has selected for himself. He gets his paycheck from the US in the form of Kerry-Lugar Aid. The master may impose any sort of attitude upon the slave. Just shut-up take it.

S-2, please travel with me once through JFK :). You'll see how many of us get "randomly selected" each time. Once I was travelling with another naturalized citizen - he looks Pakistani as well. We were in totally separate queues, first I got approached in the queue "Sir do you mind showing me your passport", then I was put in a box. The rest of JFK looking at me like I'm going to blow the place up. Looking around I saw Muslims of all types and shapes being pulled out :D

Anyway, we were then walked off to corner of the immigration area where all the Muslims were thrown in one section. Only Muslims, mostly Pakistanis. I was poking fun at the citizen friend of mine that even he's no better than us :D. Anyway being citizen n all usually invokes some sort of indignation amongst Americans and he goes to one of the immigration officers (was it TSA?) and is like why exactly have I been stopped? "Oh sir we've randomly selected a few people for some extra checks".

Goto JFK any day, any time, take a look at both the ends of the Immigration area of terminal 4. You'll find out glaring racial profiling going on under the guise of "Random Selection".

We were let go after 6 hours of questioning by dumb security guards who talked like they were High School drop outs, they were following a script of questions and obviously had no skills in picking out real terrorists and contribute nothing to the safety of America.

A few security checks by Pakistani security when you're carrying fake number plates... Totally valid!
You'll find out glaring racial profiling going on under the guise of "Random Selection".

That is the most amazing sentence, I have heard. The American right media is saying just the opposite that enough of racial profilling is not done and more Americans are picked then the actual Muslims traveling from abroad!!!
"We were let go after 6 hours of questioning by dumb security guards who talked like they were High School drop outs, they were following a script of questions and obviously had no skills in picking out real terrorists and contribute nothing to the safety of America."

Sorry you were inconvenienced.:disagree:

Any random checkpoints throughout our nation's capitol looking for terrorists? Get pulled from any cars and strip-searched without warning? Tailed by big guys wearing sunglasses? Spend any nights in an Alabama jail while your bonafides were validated?

300+ passengers bound for Detroit Christmas day were nearly "inconvenienced" too by a Nigerian muslim travelling from Yemen.

You've no immunity. Should you find our requests too burdensome, stay home. I know that WSJ reporter Matthew Rosenburg found your environment a bit burdensome and left Pakistan on pain of violent death.

Let me know when the same happens to you here, please?

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Doubt it's racial profiling. It's national profiling and you know it. The list of countries that are subject to these searches are posted. Europe has the same.

With fewer ports of entry to each Euro-nation, they will likely do a more professional job. They can concentrate their resources. We can't and security at airports is not one of the jobs most Americans aspire to do.

It'll be years before the professionalism catches up.

Try flying into Tel Aviv, Asim. Let me know how that goes if you do.
The list of countries that are subject to these searches are posted. Europe has the same.

Just to put salt on the wound (being evil Indian as I am), one should wonder why we are in the list!!!!

Going in Micro level, I bet (infact I know) that Pakistanies that are caught for minor offenses (like speeding tickets....etc....), when a police man ask them a question of there origin, there respones jumbs out to be INDIAN!!!
My preference? Any man arriving at an airport-caucasian, christian, from Sweden and his wife-blond, blue-eyed should be directed with their luggage to separate rooms.

Get naked. Open all of your luggage. Strip-searched and luggage inspected right in front of you. From there your luggage moves to the plane and you move to a waiting area-bar, toiletries, shopping...but secured externally.

Arrive extra early.

Flying is a privilege. So's entering a foreign nation.

My preference? Any man arriving at an airport-caucasian, christian, from Sweden and his wife-blond, blue-eyed should be directed with their luggage to separate rooms.

Get naked. Open all of your luggage. Strip-searched and luggage inspected right in front of you. From there your luggage moves to the plane and you move to a waiting area-bar, toiletries, shopping...but secured externally.

Arrive extra early.

Flying is a privilege. So's entering a foreign nation.


I am surprised that you are following a liberal language!! I hope political truthness has not gotten to you because there is only one type!!!

Anyways!! Maybe I am being to extreme..
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