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Friday, September 12, 2008
Corps commanders discuss latest US strategy

News Desk

RAWALPINDI: The Pakistan Army has been ordered to retaliate against any action by foreign troops inside the country, Geo News quoted ISPR spokesman Maj Gen Athar Abbas as saying on Thursday night.

Shakil Shaikh adds from Islamabad: Pakistan's military commanders resolved to defend the country's borders without allowing any external forces to conduct operations inside Pakistan.

The military commanders expressed this resolve on the first day of the two-day Corps Commanders conference, which began here on Thursday at the General Headquarters. Army Chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani chaired the all-important conference against the backdrop of the new strategic developments taking place in the region.

General Kayani has already rebuffed the American policy of including Pakistani territory in their operations against terrorists and those hiding in the areas bordering Afghanistan. Reports say that the US President Bush has allowed air raids from drones and ground operations in Pakistani areas including FATA.

Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has termed General Kayani's response to the Americans as a true reflection of the government's policy. The military commanders are understood to have discussed the implications of the American attacks inside Pakistan and took stock of the public feeling.

"In his statement, Genral Kayani has represented the feeling of the entire nation, as random attacks inside Pakistan have angered each and every Pakistani," said a senior official. As the corps commanders continue their discussion on Friday, the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has supported the Bush administration's policy of conducting attacks inside Pakistan.

President Zardari is expected to talk to Mr. Brown on this issue during his first visit to Britain next week. Pakistan's Ambassador to the US, Hussain Haqqani, is also learnt to have already talked to senior security officials in Washington. The latest spate of attacks from drones in Fata has killed many innocent people recently, which has only added to the gravity and complexity of the situation.

I'll believe it when it happens.

I'm encouraging a militaristic response to any attack on Pakistan, but at the same time I want them to first just make such an attack difficult to begin with. This isn't going to be a walk in the park and would have deep consequences for decades to come.

The only major weakness we're carrying into such a conflict is not a lack of weapons but a lack of unity. So in the case of such an eventuality, I'd plead all to come together for the sake of Pakistan, forget this Judges, Musharraf, Zardari, MQM, nonsense and get your priorities straight.

Qaum, mulk, Sultanat
Painda tabinda baad
i'm glad it came to this, at least France, Germany, and NATO refuse to attack Pakistan, isolating the US.

however, a war won't happen. it will probably be just a small "revenge" strike on afghan bases, a sort of tit-for-tat reaction.

if a war does happen, I firmly believe our armed forces will win. if not quickly, they will definitely win in the long term. expect afghanistan to become another province of Pakistan. something that should have happened a long time ago...
You guys are assuming they will stick to chopper raids.

They would sooner or later shift to air raids and missile attacks if the helicopter route does not work. They will then hit harder.

The idea should be that if we're going to take them out... We'll need to at least have a plan to sink all those ships parked in the vicinity of our coast. That would isolate all the Nato forces in Afghanistan.
i'm glad it came to this, at least France, Germany, and NATO refuse to attack Pakistan, isolating the US.

however, a war won't happen. it will probably be just a small "revenge" strike on afghan bases, a sort of tit-for-tat reaction.

if a war does happen, I firmly believe our armed forces will win. if not quickly, they will definitely win in the long term. expect afghanistan to become another province of Pakistan. something that should have happened a long time ago...

These are strange times, but something tells me the army has sentiments of retaliation but the political institution will keep them at bay...

I really doubt the US wants to go to war with Pakistan, they won't touch North Korea or Iran but they dare tread on our soil? Let's use this leverage and defend our border. I bet they are already pushing the envelope with these limited air raids (which can be easily thwarted, oh so easily thwarted).

If Afghanistan is to become a province of Pakistan, let's include Iran on the deal as well and scrap their government. We will bridge the Middle East and Europe to Asia in a massive economic and defense alliance without any lunatics in power undermining our own sovereignty in the process.
Shifting out vital troops into Afghanistan is a fatal move for Pakistan. We must utilize each and every branch of the military into effectively defending Pakistan. Invading Afghanistan will put all of Nato and Europe against us, even China would be hard pressed to even lend one rifle to us. But if the US does begin invading Pakistan, targeting their bases and supply lines in Afghanistan via deep strike F-16 missions and inserting special forces behind enemy lines and recruit anyone interested in fighting and arming them. We can make this Soviet Part 2. The Afghan forces would be a joke, so their 10,000 strong army will be negated by their enemies from Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, etc.

Also I agree with handing out manpads and atgm's in the case of an emergency but not to the people we are fighting. Only to loyal tribes and paramilitary of Pakistan. India will most definitely attack Pakistan if the US does, but going to Russia will do nothing. China and our allies will have to step up and provide contingency support as well as fighter planes and special forces because Pakistan would win if allies are involved.

Ties with Iran should be beefed up immediately. Special forces should start patrolling the border with armor and mechanized infantry support. All of our UAV's should be there too. We should broker a peace deal with the people who we are fighting and put them on the side or smash them if they do not comply and then show an aggressive stance towards the US, in either case nothing should stop Pakistan from being able to defend itself.

Would the US consider using nukes on Pakistan in a losing situation? We have nothing that can reach them, so might start planning on inserting special forces into the US as well.
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Its time we came up with a policy and should be implemented with whatever resources we have at our disposal.

When it comes to defense related issues armed forces have a major say and normally government does consider their propsoals seriously. PM has already said that the COAS statement of yesterday is the policy of the government. It seems Pakistan finally has had enough and is thinking about serious measures to end US incursions.

Lets wait and see.
thank GOD its too late but ok now we will see who they enter and kill incents in pakistan
This is what the army role is all about " Defend the country on any cost " against any enemy foreign or domestic. The statement which General kiyani gave truly represented the voice of Pakistani people and we should not bow to USA, its better to fight and die as compared to live like a slave. Few months back Our foreign minister said while answering question about USA attack that " we don't have the capability to confront USA and when we will have we will retaliate ". I want to ask him, are your capabilities even less then Vietnam, North Korea and Iran are we just like Iraq and Afghanistan ? why you spend billions of dollars on defense every year and than you say we don't have the capability... what the f....k is this ? Gen kiyani's statement is truly a moral booster and effective at least its better than our foreign minister's statement

Personally what i think is that USA is in "DIRE" need of friends USA cannot afford to have Pakistan on the enemy list ( which is quite long already ) , If USA attacks tribal areas of Pakistan than the terrorists will get the local support which they don't have right now and if they openly confront Pakistan than mark my words " PAKISTAN WILL PROVE TO BE MORE FATAL THAN VIETNAM ".

US marines, Navy Seals and green berets think that they are the world's best and they can do anything in Pakistan than i think they have not learned anything about the Pakistani SSG , who used to be called as Black Strokes during soviet invasion of Afghanistan and what they did to the last superpower same will be the fate of USA.
Mr Zardari should not go to UK to meet British PM so that he can tell him that " WE WILL ATTACK YOUR COUNTRY SO PLEASE DON'T MIND AND LET US DO WHAT WE ( USA & UK ) THINK IS RIGHT " I think He should go to China as he said he would do after he is elected as the president of Pakistan.
" Die like a Warrior's way because Cowards die thousand times a day "

" Life of one day like a lion is better than a life of 100 years like jackal "
i'm glad it came to this, at least France, Germany, and NATO refuse to attack Pakistan, isolating the US.

however, a war won't happen. it will probably be just a small "revenge" strike on afghan bases, a sort of tit-for-tat reaction.

if a war does happen, I firmly believe our armed forces will win. if not quickly, they will definitely win in the long term. expect afghanistan to become another province of Pakistan. something that should have happened a long time ago...

Personally what i think is that USA is in "DIRE" need of friends USA cannot afford to have Pakistan on the enemy list ( which is quite long already ) , If USA attacks tribal areas of Pakistan than the terrorists will get the local support which they don't have right now and if they openly confront Pakistan than mark my words " PAKISTAN WILL PROVE TO BE MORE FATAL THAN VIETNAM ".

US marines, Navy Seals and green berets think that they are the world's best and they can do anything in Pakistan than i think they have not learned anything about the Pakistani SSG , who used to be called as Black Strokes during soviet invasion of Afghanistan and what they did to the last superpower same will be the fate of USA.
US marines, Navy Seals and green berets think that they are the world's best and they can do anything in Pakistan than i think they have not learned anything about the Pakistani SSG , who used to be called as Black Strokes during soviet invasion of Afghanistan and what they did to the last superpower same will be the fate of USA.

Black Storks
I think its time to involve Russia into all this. It would be great if we sign some sort of a defense agreement with them and assure them our support for some issues that we have common vision or Pakistan has nothing to do with, that will create pressure on US.

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