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US asks China to safeguard rights of Uighurs in Xinjiang

We thank concerns from USA and ask them in return to guard the rights of people from Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as people from the next nation on US' to inva...I mean, to spread democracy list.
We should provide them with the same level of rights that the detainees at Guantanamo are provided.

On a related note, it's interesting to see just how opportunistic the US is. When the Boston Bombings occurred, Russia offered a lot of moral and diplomatic support for the US, even though in the past the US has always used Chechen incidents to rub salt in Russia's wounds. And even though the US spent over a decade fighting 'terrorists', they still couldn't pass up this opportunity to get in bed with the terrorists once again to score some cheap points against China. That country is simply too Machiavellian and cunning for its own good, completely untrustworthy.
China should ask the US to safeguard the rights of it's own citizens for free speech abroad, and try not assassinating them.
In US terrorists killed 3 and injured 200..

In India terrorists killed 200...

but in Chinese terrorist attacks, no Chinese is killed but 30-40 Uighars are definately killed... I say the Uighar terrorists are very very inefficient or Chinese kill the civilians and say they are terrorists.. i support the second..
Its up to the Chinese to worry about the rights of their own people. US should worry about the eroding constitutional rights of Americans. America is turning more into China when it comes to rights day after day.
What U.S.'s hypocrite talking has any effect on China??? none.

To be honest, it is also very negative in Chinese People's eyes that U.S. trying again to interfere.

China just does not give a damn about what U.S. thinks or talks.
Are you an idiot or what?

Have you spent a little time reading what the news say???

Among those killed, 15 of them are on CCP side and 6 are on terrorist side.

Among those 15 killed on CCP side, some of them are Han, Some of them are uighurs and some of them are other minorities.
Among those 6 killed on terrorists side, all of them are uighurs.

So what part of the information you have problem with???

Terrorists are not efficient??? I think they have ambushed them quite efficiently.

What a retard.

In US terrorists killed 3 and injured 200..

In India terrorists killed 200...

but in Chinese terrorist attacks, no Chinese is killed but 30-40 Uighars are definately killed... I say the Uighar terrorists are very very inefficient or Chinese kill the civilians and say they are terrorists.. i support the second..
Americans are so hypocritical and double standard.

in fact, the americans are far more dangerous than the extremnist.
the amercans are the worst extremnist in this world.
If the US is such an evil country, why do so many Chinese want US citizenship?
In case people are not aware, this latest incident went down like this:

-- Three "community activists" decided that "suspicious" Uighurs were living in a house.
-- These activists took it upon themselves to enter and search the house, where they discovered some large knives and axes, and which led to the subsequent violence.

China is claiming that the Uighurs were terrorists planning an attack, but the West doesn't buy it.

China could clear up the matter by providing evidence that the Uighurs in the house were indeed terrorists,
because US is still rich.
USD is not evil.
So you are saying that Chinese who came to the US, either for work or tourism or to immigrate, then when they return to China, to visit or to return home for good, every one of them say the US is evil and that they went to American just for the money? Am just trying to clear up some conflicts here.
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