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US asks China to explain why it needs aircraft carrier

Are american feel ashamed when USA asking Chinese this question? USA have 16 aircraft carriers, and you ask china why need one?.
as you can eat 16 bowls of rice, and asked china explain why china need eat a bowl of rice.
Why Americans can ask such disgusting question?
Are american feel ashamed when USA asking Chinese this question? USA have 16 aircraft carriers, and you ask china why need one?.
as you can eat 16 bowls of rice, and asked china explain why china need eat a bowl of rice.
Why Americans can ask such disgusting question?



Yes, you can because of the natural need for growing powers to constantly increase its military capabilities - but you need to be TRANSPARENT about it. Read it again:

It is optional, and do you know why?
America is not known to be TRANSPARENT about their military capabilities, assets and intentions.
A good recent example would be the proposed European missile shield to protect themselves against possible nuclear threats. I don't think the Russians are too pleased with America's response and their level of transparency on the issue. Who are they trying to defend themselves against? North Korea? Afghanistan or Iraq? :lol:

So, if you are in the relationship with US, then you must be at the level of transparency that we would like to see. :lol:

Since America is in a relationship with China and itself fails to do so, she has no rights to ask. Afterall, China is the guy paying for her expensive LV's and Jimmy Choo's. :azn:

What is the big deal then? Do you Chinese have something to hide and that whether the carrier would raise regional tensions?

If you think raising regional tensions will prevent China from increasing its capabilities then you are gravely mistaken. China isn't the only country to possess a carrier, wasn't the first and never the last. America must have forgotten its carriers that are parked all over the world and forgotten about all the other countries that has it. Hypocrisy much? or perhaps they think creating regional tensions > global tensions? :lol:

Only you, China, think that way and may be some of your influenced countries band-wagon about it - NOT the WORLD. :rofl:

So, you are LYING dude! :lol:

Nope, it is just you being ignorant and running away in denial. :rolleyes:
It is optional, and do you know why?

America is not known to be TRANSPARENT about their military capabilities, assets and intentions.
A good recent example would be the proposed European missile shield to protect themselves against possible nuclear threats. I don't think the Russians are too pleased with America's response and their level of transparency on the issue. Who are they trying to defend themselves against? North Korea? Afghanistan or Iraq?

Apparently, against Russia ... duh!!! :lol: So TRANSPARENT isn't it ... :rofl:

Since America is in a relationship with China and itself fails to do so, she has no rights to ask. Afterall, China is the guy paying for her expensive LV's and Jimmy Choo's.

Dude, because we are in a relationship with you as we have the kind of bilateral dialogue where we can get quite specific about the equipment that we have and its intended purposes and its intended movements etc ... Fine, if you don't want US to ask you anything then TERMINATE our relationship then ... :azn:

However, you dare not and that why you people keep pumping money into our economy to keep up the US dollars' value from inflation hehehehe... :rofl: in order to save your investment. So, yes you are paying for our expensive LV's and Jimmy Choo's. :tup: hahaahhaa....

If you think raising regional tensions will prevent China from increasing its capabilities then you are gravely mistaken. China isn't the only country to possess a carrier, wasn't the first and never the last. America must have forgotten its carriers that are parked all over the world and forgotten about all the other countries that has it. Hypocrisy much? or perhaps they think creating regional tensions > global tensions? :lol:

So what, if we want to pick on China ... asking to your face that you need to be TRANSPARENT about it even though we have many ACs that are parked all over the world. It is not your place to compare with US because we are the SuperPower country. Trust me, if and only if you become a SuperPower country yourself will have this authority. There is no hypocrite about this at all, kiddo!

Nope, it is just you being ignorant and running away in denial. :rolleyes:

No!? Have you not known that Japan Calls for China To Explain Aircraft Carrier too? :lol:

AUG 2011 09:37

TOKYO - Japan's defense minister called on China on Aug. 12 to explain why it needs an aircraft carrier, after Beijing sparked increased concerns over its military expansion by starting sea trials for the vessel. "As an aircraft carrier, it is of a highly maneuverable and offensive nature. We want China to explain the reasons why it needs it," Toshimi Kitazawa told reporters. "There is no doubt that it will have a big impact on the region," he added. China put the revamped Soviet-built aircraft carrier Varyag to sea on Aug. 10, prompting the United States to call for an explanation. Beijing has sought to play down the vessel's capability, saying it will mainly be used for training and "research." In its annual defense report last week, Japan expressed concern over China's growing assertiveness and widening naval reach in nearby waters and the Pacific and over what it called the "opaqueness" of Beijing's military budget. China criticized the report as "irresponsible," insisting its drive to modernize its forces was entirely defensive.
Are american feel ashamed when USA asking Chinese this question? USA have 16 aircraft carriers, and you ask china why need one?.
as you can eat 16 bowls of rice, and asked china explain why china need eat a bowl of rice.
Why Americans can ask such disgusting question?

Simple! You are working for US, not to have the potential uprising later on by having potential means. Got it!?

Forget not, we gave you rice to eat in the first place.

米国人中IQ高于106的只占人口的32%,而中国则有一半的人超过这个值。米国的教育强调的不是诚实,而 是如何利用任何手段取得胜利,包括污蔑,撒谎,造谣等。同时,米国的教育和朝鲜一样大肆渲染本国的优越性, 贬低他国,与现代的全球国际化趋势不符合。这种愚民教育,民族主义教育和米国人先天性的IQ不足导致了他们 媒体经常出此类笑话。

:lol: Bragging about your IQ is not going to do you any good. World politics is not depended highly on IQ but methods for achieving political ends. You're just a new kid on the block, so sit back and learn from the experts. :azn:
:lol: Bragging about your IQ is not going to do you any good. World politics is not depended highly on IQ but methods for achieving political ends. You're just a new kid on the block, so sit back and learn from the experts. :azn:

We've been here for 4000 years and are looking at a nice 4000 more. In terms of statesmanship and strategy, the US is just a fat bully with a big mouth using primitive, shoutout strategies against those it can't beat militarily and directly beating up those it can.
We've been here for 4000 years and are looking at a nice 4000 more. In terms of statesmanship and strategy, the US is just a fat bully with a big mouth using primitive, shoutout strategies against those it can't beat militarily and directly beating up those it can.

Fisrt of all, who is the known bully in the East for the last 4000 years? China, man :lol:
Secondly, China's strategy is of Eastern uncomparable to the Western's thinking...
Third, China's military is not up there as the level of US - thus lying about we can't beat militarily and directly beating up those we can like China :rofl: is understandable.

Keep dreaming kiddo! :azn:
Fisrt of all, who is the known bully in the East for the last 4000 years? China, man :lol:
Secondly, China's strategy is of Eastern uncomparable to the Western's thinking...
Third, China's military is not up there as the level of US - thus lying about we can't beat militarily and directly beating up those we can like China :rofl: is understandable.

Keep dreaming kiddo! :azn:

for a supposed "superpower" the US is not very strong at all. lost to vietnam, lost north korea, still in afghanistan for more than a decade now.

your confidence comes from your ignorance :disagree:
for a supposed "superpower" the US is not very strong at all. lost to vietnam, lost north korea, still in afghanistan for more than a decade now.

Lost to Vietnam? We dropped Vietnam ...
Lost to Korea? We did not drop Korea ...
Afghanistan? We are moving out, mission accomplished ...


your confidence comes from your ignorance :disagree:

Ignorance knows not of confidence, you are mistakenly :azn:

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