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US Army chief apprised of Indian strategies

First of all the respective salutes of the three Indian Armed Forcesare simply inherited from the three respective British Armed Forces.

Then the differences between the salutes is even more than what you have written. For instance, the IA salute not only is 'open-palmed' but the trajectory of the hand movement from rest to completion is in a very wide sweeping arc.
While the IN salute incorporates a much constricted and closed direct movement from the side of the body to completion. Undoubtedly; this has to do with confining spaces on board ships.

I beg to diffrer sir,
IA salute is not wide sweeping...... at least not in 14th light maratha infantry. And Idont think it will be diffrent for diffrent regiments

All the forces follow same procedure to bring the hand to head - straight to head cllosed to the body - diffrence is only in how palm rests
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First of all the respective salutes of the three Indian Armed Forcesare simply inherited from the three respective British Armed Forces.

Then the differences between the salutes is even more than what you have written. For instance, the IA salute not only is 'open-palmed' but the trajectory of the hand movement from rest to completion is in a very wide sweeping arc.
While the IN salute incorporates a much constricted and closed direct movement from the side of the body to completion. Undoubtedly; this has to do with confining spaces on board ships.

US style of salute and British type of salute (as adopted by the IA). Interestingly the IN and IAF have different salutes from the IA and each other- the IN's is much like this US style whilst the IAF's is sort of a hybrid between flat hand of the IA and the angled hand of the IN.



The reason for the Navy's US style of salute is because the palm of a sailor is generally dirty(with machinery related work and cleaning) and they dont want to show it to their seniors.
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