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US approves $15 billion THAAD missile defense for Saudi Arabia


The US government has approved the sale to Saudi Arabia of the advanced Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile defense system for $15 billion, the State Department said Friday.

"This sale furthers US national security and foreign policy interests, and supports the long-term security of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region in the face of Iranian and other regional threats," a statement said.

Alarabiya & AFP

These American dummies in Washington only know the language of threatening, well done King Salman.
KSA should not go for THAAD but try S500, king of all of them. It will show US also her place.
We here members comparing THAAD with S-400 ? Saudis are doing rightly to get their hands on both platforms, which may be intended to diversify military equipment deals & political also..

THAAD & S-400 are designed to work differently.

THAAD system is composed by an AN/TPY-2 X-band AESA radar. THAAD is specially designed to intercept long-range missiles (IRBMs or ICBMs) at either before or during the early phase of their reentry, which means their radar systems and system controls should be able to detect targets from long distance (1,200 kilometers for objects with 1 square meter RCS). This forced the size of such system to be relatively large.

S-400 is a whole different thing. Its ability to detect and destroy incoming ballistic missiles is considerably weaker than THAAD. However, as a conventionally designed SAM, it can effectively target incoming aircrafts or other targets while transmitting target information to other less advance friendly anti-aircraft units (such as S-300s). Its maximum range of 400 kilometers allows it to strike before the incoming aircrafts enter the range of their anti-surface weapons.
We (KSA, GCC and the Arab world) might have somewhat close business/economic ties with India but our military cooperation is almost non-existent excluding Oman and Egypt (traditional ally). It was different once, especially with pro-USSR Arab states.

However let's be serious for a while, India has nothing remotely similar to a THAAD missile defense system. Let alone the inferior Russian S-400 (in comparison) which KSA has also acquired.

Anyway what did you have in mind?

PS. This thread should be moved to the Arab section which is purely intended for military-related threads.
I was just kidding for a change....:-) .. but u made some serious comment....cool bro..but, I disagree to call S400 inferior!
Forget about ToT, Anti aircraft & ballistic defence isn't a towed artillery, it's a evolution of thorough long term process & experience...
Its hard to digest but a fact that Money can't buy everything..

However let's be serious for a while, India has nothing remotely similar to a THAAD missile defense system.
You should look at it here, I hope Wikipedia isn't banned in your country.

Let alone the inferior Russian S-400 (in comparison) which KSA has also acquired.

S-400 Triumf is a top-tier anti-aircraft weapon system produced in Russia, has no parallels across the globe in terms of combat capabilities, it is capable of hitting targets at a height of up to 300 kilometers (186 miles). Its second distinctive feature is fire-and-forget capability. the S-400 is the only missile complex in the world capable of hitting targets located beyond the horizon Its missiles are fitted with a homing device which can lock on a target and destroy it. Unlike US systems, the S-400 does not need to track the target.

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