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US and UK Consulates in Quetta: Why


Sep 12, 2008
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While recently announcing plans to open the new US Consulate in Quetta, US Ambassador Anne Patterson had stated: “The Consulate would be set up to monitor the development activities being carried out by the US in Balochistan…also ensure a close liaison between the Baloch people and the US, and would provide visa facility to the people of Balochistan.” But the questions are: Why does the US need to get closer to the Baloch people? Is there some hidden American agenda behind setting up a Consulate in Balochistan? Why has the thought of issuing visas to the Baloch come up after 63 years? Will increased US presence in Balochistan mean enhanced support, funds and weapons for various militant and separatist groups? Or is there a plan to destabilise Iran from the Baloch soil?

The Consulate is likely to further destabilise the province as it would most likely accelerate the notorious Xe’s covert role inside Balochistan, fan the feelings of hatred among different ethnic communities and stren-gthen separatist views. Moreover, the combination of US Consulate in Quetta with a string of Indian Consulates that operate across Balochistan’s border, in Afghanistan, would mean adding fuel to the already raging insurgency in Pakistan’s largest province.

At the same time, Baloc-histan’s Chief Minister, while recently commenting on the strategic location of Baloc-histan, stated that he would “neither allow Balochistan to become a part of the ‘Great Game’, nor will its resources be permitted to be exploited without taking the local people on board.” His remark that international forces and powers were involved in creating law and order problems in Balochistan in the wake of their vested interests, nevertheless, reinforces our fears that something really grave is happening in the province.

In this context, Wayne Madsen a Washington-based investigative journalist made shocking revelations in his article, Pakistan: Blackwater/Xe Hits in Quetta, dated September 13, 2010. He stated that Xe Services operating in Pakistan’s major cities had been conducting “false-flag terrorist attacks” that were later blamed on the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan. Wayne reveals that the responsibility for the recent bomb attack on the pro-Palestine Shia rally in Quetta that killed 54 people was claimed by the Pakistan Taliban, though it was actually carried out by one of the Xe’s covert cells in the country, acting in concert with the CIA, Mossad and RAW. The bombing during the Ashura procession in Karachi last month was also the result of such covert operations. The pattern of violence in Balochistan, including systematic target killing of Punjabi settlers, and Baloch citizens, who are seemingly coordinated by foreign intelligence agencies with the local militant groups, aims to drive a wedge between Islamabad and Baloch nationalists by trumpeting charges against Pakistan’s security apparatus.

Meanwhile, it is the China’s presence in Gwadar that is a nightmare scenario for both Washington and New Delhi. Built with China’s $250 million investment and technical assistance, Gwadar is planned to serve as a major energy hub for storage and transhipment of oil and gas to and from the Central Asian states as well as China. Gwadar could also be ideal port of call for the Chinese navy that is already displaying its flag in the Arabian and Red seas.

In this backdrop, the latest Pakistani move to hand over Gwadar port to China for operation and further infrastructure development could intensify Indo-US sponsored instability in Balochistan. It may be recalled that the first bullet was fired on security forces in 2002, when the Chinese commenced work on the port. By 2005, the insurgency was in full swing when the first phase of the port was completed.

The US opposition to the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline assumes importance when viewed in the context of its plans to not only isolate the Iranians, but also prevent the frequently discussed option in continuing the pipeline to China, through the north-south energy corridor linking Gwadar with Xiankiang. This energy corridor which includes the proposed Kara-koram railway link will provide the shortest and fastest route from the oil rich Gulf to meet China’s growing energy needs. Pakistan and China’s economic interests, too, converge in the north-south corridor. So, the Indo-US nexus would endeavour to keep Balochistan red hot, so that the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project is sabotaged, while other projects are also denied to Pakistan and indirectly to the China.

The Balochistan clock is ticking fast. Serious decision making on an emergent basis is required to sincerely redress the Baloch grievances on priority, so that they are not exploited by the great game players. As a first confidence building step, a general amnesty may be declared for all the Balochs fighting against the state and political dialogue be initiated with their exiled leaders. The Baloch pride and self-respect should be restored and economic conditions improved by implementing the special Aghaz-Haqooq-e-Balochistan package as a matter of national priority. Like the Karzai regime’s decision to ban private foreign security contractors in Afghanistan, the Pakistani government must also expel all such aliens from its soil. If US/NATO helicopter strikes into FATA were meant to gauge the Pakistani response, Baloc-histan may soon be the nation’s ultimate test. Pakistan has resolved that it will not allow the red line to be crossed.

The writer is a retired brigadier. Email: fhkhan54@gmail.com. Farooq Hameed Khan
The Consulate would be set up to monitor the development activities being carried out by the US in Balochistan…also ensure a close liaison between the Baloch people and the US, and would provide visa facility to the people of Balochistan.”

this explains all, kick US arse before the disease gets worse..
BALUCHISTAN save it if you can.

We will.. :pakistan: Americans are bound to loose this this misadventure as well.. But I hope their consulates get closed soon.

Somebody in ISI please listen up!
Pakistan Army & intelligence agencies are in the loop regarding Baluchistan & keeping in regard the defiant stance of Pakistan by blocking the NATO supply routes recently, it seems highly unlikely that Pakistan army will let Americans create another war theater within Pakistan. However i really don't trust zardari & rehman malik these two guys can stoop low to any level & unfortunately Gen Kiyani isn't the one from whom you can expect any wonders.
Long March to the Consulate when its built. Protect our people and our province. If Baluchistan becomes independent, it will suffer greatly, not because it will be young and poor nation sharing a b order with Afghanistan which will probably try to invade it, but because Baluchistan doesn't not have enough farm land to support it. Nor does it have enough water to become independent. Pakistan can only survive as whole, same goes for its provinces.
We will.. :pakistan: Americans are bound to loose this this misadventure as well.. But I hope their consulates get closed soon.

Somebody in ISI please listen up!

Patriotic Pakistanis should stop U.S. from building a consulate in Quetta or anywhere in Balochistan. Pakistani media should make a lot of noise so government is pressured to stop building this consulate in Quetta.

U.S. is interested in Balochistan more than Afghanistan mostly due to Gwadar and warm waters of the Arabian Sea (the same reason why the Soviets invaded Afghanistan).

If Balochis want visas to the U.S., they can just travel to the U.S. consulate in Karachi, which is not too far from Balochistan.
^ but why cant another province have a US or UK consulate. Its a part of a province becoming bigger and more properous. Pakistan does not limit other countries to having only 1 embassy in Pakistan. Does it?
^ but why cant another province have a US or UK consulate. Its a part of a province becoming bigger and more properous. Pakistan does not limit other countries to having only 1 embassy in Pakistan. Does it?

Balochistan is not a stable province. It would not be in Pakistan's interest to allow US a consulate in Balochistan right now.

Besides theres US consulates in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi,and Peshawar thats more than enough.

Moderators please merge this thread with


I didnt realize a thread related to this topic was already posted a while back.
The US sticks (or the Wands) have done their magic. Balochistan is now under their wings. This seems to be a giant leap for them, and a major set back for Pakistani defenses. It is interesting to note that as to how Pakistani media remained muted on this subject. And the matter has been finalized without much ado about it....... The dark alleys of power and conspiracies have caught Pakistanis unawares, yet again. A deja vu feeling somehow.
Well, this question is better posed to Pakistan government - why have Us and UK been allowed consulates in this province?? everyday Pakistanis are killed in B'stan but not any Ferenghi, that is just a coincidence because Pakistani lives are plentiful and cheap and anyway, the Pakistan Fauj cannot protect Pakistanis
Well, this question is better posed to Pakistan government - why have Us and UK been allowed consulates in this province?? everyday Pakistanis are killed in B'stan but not any Ferenghi, that is just a coincidence because Pakistani lives are plentiful and cheap and anyway, the Pakistan Fauj cannot protect Pakistanis

Americans are institutionally so strong that it is not possible to crack them easily whereas the problem on our side is that there is always a one man show way back since medieval times . There is no such thinking as an institution in Pakistan.Consider our government our Pak Fauj.Thats is where we are failing and I think we will always fail until and unless we change the trend.But the problem is changing these sort of things requires drastic or sudden revolution which at least I am not seeing in the coming future.
It is very clear that these consulates are giving cover to CIA/Mosaad secret Terrorist operations within the region...:woot:
giving cover to CIA/Mosaad secret Terrorist operations

Just the kind of hyperbole that makes one think that such comments are intentionally put up so that the position of those who oppose these consulates will be discredited/

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