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US ambassador 'killed in Libya'

If Qadafi was alive, this wouldn't be happening. Think about it America..

alquaeda america's baby which america nurtures for so long doesnt hesitate to back bite his master once in a while

USA's love and hate relation with alquaeda?
A Protester in Libya holds banner in reaction of recent 'Anti-Islam' film Release...

Savages. Who kills an ambassador? Over a video? Pathetic.
The fact they then replaced the US flag when they were mourning 9/11. They are just asking for retaliations.
How can these backwards little people be driven into a frenzy so easily?
Savages. Who kills an ambassador? Over a video? Pathetic.
The fact they then replaced the US flag when they were mourning 9/11. They are just asking for retaliations.
How can these backwards little people be driven into a frenzy so easily?

yea pathetic,just like US marines are on their way to libya over 1 embassador,how can these stonned people be driven into a frenzy so easily:D
If Qadafi was alive, this wouldn't be happening. Think about it America..

I look at these unfolded events this way: firstly and foremost is the inevitable mass and mutual hatred which resulted between the West and the Muslim world, CNN/Fox America focuses primarily on the destruction and chaos caused to their national grounds and the deaths of their officials, defending their citizens' rights to freedom of speech, whereas Al Jazeera carefully directs Muslim eyes to the blasphemy that is the Prophet Mohammed PBUH movie... can't we see a conflict between the West and Muslim world is being deliberately created here?
Pehavior of our Profit :rofl: Sorry,I swear I could not control my laughter.

Yeah I know only Indian and Pakistanis are good at English which shows the slavered mindset of ours. Anyway the motive of the Libyan man was to get across the 'message'... spellings and pronunciation is a total different thing to those people who love their language and culture unlike us Indians and Pakistanis.
yea pathetic,just like US marines are on their way to libya over 1 embassador,how can these stonned people be driven into a frenzy so easily:D

Yes 30 marines are gonna take over Libya
I look at these unfolded events this way: firstly and foremost is the inevitable mass and mutual hatred which resulted between the West and the Muslim world, CNN/Fox America focuses primarily on the destruction and chaos caused to their national grounds and the deaths of their officials, defending their citizens' rights to freedom of speech, whereas Al Jazeera carefully directs Muslim eyes to the blasphemy that is the Prophet Mohammed PBUH movie... can't we see a conflict between the West and Muslim world is being deliberately created here?

Whatever it is, Pakistan needs to be very careful about protecting American personnel in the aftermath. Even the Indian government has scrambled to beef up security.

No dearth of overly sensitive prickly loonies in either country.
yea pathetic,just like US marines are on their way to libya over 1 embassador,how can these stonned people be driven into a frenzy so easily:D
4 men died actually. They have every right to act, I bet US civilians are not storming embassies at the moment.Why did they behave in this way? They have no sense of proportion.
Arguably WW1 was started due to the death of 1 man.
Pehavior of our Profit :rofl: Sorry,I swear I could not control my laughter.

oh come on shivani,at least not on this thread and not like this,you dont want a ban now do you,and then beg our pakistani members to speak to the mods for you:D
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