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US & Afghan Shelter Baluch Terrorists and Assist Escape to Switzerland

forget about the third hand(invisible hand) our establishment always talk about being involved, focus on the what our two hands are doing in all this ? atleast we can change that, rest would itself become insignificant....
Thanks for the article AM. Someone needs to take an objective view on this whole AfPak war thing, besides bashing Pakistan with the conjecture & speculation used by Western journalists to implicate Pakistani authorities, without providing any semblance of an evidence that implicates them. It's sad that most Pakistanis fall for these conspiracies coming from Western "thinkers" & "journalists", scapegoating Pakistan for all their failures.
This is all very strange, Pakistani authorities know where this traitor is and who is providing support and security -- why is it that this individual has not been "secured" and "protective custody" provided for him?? How is it that his hosts and supporters continue to draw breath and continue to pollute our world?

Yes, of course the knee jerk reaction is to blame others for our short comings - but how has that helped anybody other than our enemies?
So what is Pakistan doing to take USA and Afghanistan to task?
Lets see how events unfold in Afghanistan - The evacuation of the US from central, South Asia and Middle East, should be, I think reasonable persons will agree, in the best interest of the US and the societies of Central, South Asia and Middle East.
This is all very strange, Pakistani authorities know where this traitor is and who is providing support and security -- why is it that this individual has not been "secured" and "protective custody" provided for him?? How is it that his hosts and supporters continue to draw breath and continue to pollute our world?

Yes, of course the knee jerk reaction is to blame others for our short comings - but how has that helped anybody other than our enemies?

Expected better from you. You're blaming Pakistan for this as well? Don't start up some other conspiracy theory that Pakistan is responsible for this too! Pathetic.
We need to step up the pressure on Kabul even if we have to choke their supplies and trade through Pakistan.
You're blaming Pakistan for this as well? Don't start up some other conspiracy theory that Pakistan is responsible for this too! Pathetic.

Fair enough, be so kind as to tell me or all of us actually, who is responsible for solving our problem?? Be reasonable, we have to solve our own problems, it may be emotionally satisfying to blame others, but at the end of the day, who other than ourselves is responsible for for solving our problems??

We need to step up the pressure on Kabul even if we have to choke their supplies and trade through Pakistan.

Why use a sledge hammer to get a fly? Look at examples in Pakistan, people are picked up, sometimes these people thought nothing can get at them -- with money and training, a lot is possible - Bramdagh is not sitting alone, people come to see him, he goes to see people, he uses cell phones - there are just so many ways to get at this guy - you allow yourself to be played, so to speak, when you imagine the Pakistani state and her agencies as if they are wearing bangles.... This is a question of will, of asserting pakistani national interests before those of US, India or Afghanistan or Arabia -- Our problems can only be solved our ACTION.
Fair enough, be so kind as to tell me or all of us actually, who is responsible for solving our problem?? Be reasonable, we have to solve our own problems, it may be emotionally satisfying to blame others, but at the end of the day, who other than ourselves is responsible for for solving our problems??

I'm not emotionally charged. You're the one that is satisfying yourself with blaming Pakistan for everything. Others are not immune from criticism. And I think Paksher started pointing in the right direction. Last time the Pakistani Army did that with the US, it got apologies from the US. A harder stance needs to be taken to stop others meddling into the affairs of Pakistan.
If apologies are what you think Pakistan should want, yeah, sure -- I was hoping we may get our hands on this Bramdagh and deliver some "displeasure" to those who have kept him fed and watered.
If apologies are what you think Pakistan should want, yeah, sure -- I was hoping we may get our hands on this Bramdagh and deliver some "displeasure" to those who have kept him fed and watered.

Not apologies, but a harder stance; which would mean stopping the drone attacks, & stopping cross border infiltration into Pakistan.
Well now, that's a different kettle of fish all together - you realize of course that the Pakistani state and the Pak Fauj are partners in the Drone operations, you do realize that, don' t you?

Cross border infiltration -- Well you know the line is that Pakistan have 147,000 soldiers on the western borders and really it's not the responsibility of the infiltrator to respect the Pakistani border, it's the Pakistani armed forces responsibility to punish those who fail to respect the border, isn't that so?

I had signaled that we may look to events in Afghanistan - there is no reason for us to be clumsy and crude and brutish towards the US, they are sensitive and can be made to understand, so long as there is a will to exercise that upon them.
Well now, that's a different kettle of fish all together - you realize of course that the Pakistani state and the Pak Fauj are partners in the Drone operations, you do realize that, don' t you?

Cross border infiltration -- Well you know the line is that Pakistan have 147,000 soldiers on the western borders and really it's not the responsibility of the infiltrator to respect the Pakistani border, it's the Pakistani armed forces responsibility to punish those who fail to respect the border, isn't that so?

I had signaled that we may look to events in Afghanistan - there is no reason for us to be clumsy and crude and brutish towards the US, they are sensitive and can be made to understand, so long as there is a will to exercise that upon them.

Well, the war is being lost in Afghanistan, & it won't be 'won' in Pakistan either by killing everyone in the FATA regions. This war will destroy the country. The best solution is to stop the drone attacks, stop the ground operations in the regions, & America will realize it's time to pack up & leave. This will be good for both Afghanistan & Pakistan. Pakistan is doing a good thing not going into North Waziristan.
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