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US accepts India's request for supplying 6 more C-130J planes

My mistake...........I confused An124 with An 32. You are right, Ruslan is a very big Aircraft, infact the third biggest behind An 225 and a Boeing I think.

Did the IAF not upgrade them recently??? :confused:
Did the IAF not upgrade them recently??? :confused:
Yes but they are old and smaller in capacity to what IAF requires now. This upgrading is just a life extending measure, like the upgrade on the Mig 21 bis to turn it into a bison
My mistake...........I confused An124 with An 32. You are right, Ruslan is a very big Aircraft, infact the third biggest behind An 225 and a Boeing I think.

yeah , but from what i see the an32 is not going to be phased out any time soon . they were just upgraded (its still going on ) so i doubt they will be withdrawn from service.

PS: they received an upgrade which will keep them in service for 15 yrs.
My mistake...........I confused An124 with An 32. You are right, Ruslan is a very big Aircraft, infact the third biggest behind An 225 and a Boeing I think.

IAF is not retiring the AN 32 anytime soon. They just got upgraded and will be in service for another 15 years.
yeah , but from what i see the an32 is not going to be phased out any time soon . they were just upgraded (its still going on ) so i doubt they will be withdrawn from service.
As I said before this upgrade is a life extending one, like the one on MiG 21 or the INS Viraat for that matter. Do you really think that a 10 ton max payload capability aircraft fleet can fulfill IAF's ever growing requirements??

IAF is not retiring the AN 32 anytime soon. They just got upgraded and will be in service for another 30-40 years.
20 of them have already been retired..........
20 years maybe, but 30-40 seems a bit of a stretch for such an aircraft.
Isnt that called an order (of planes) , they mentioned we requested US in the title :woot: It should have been US accepts our order . :lol:
The aircraft will also be used by the Special Forces to carry out operations or rapid deployment in case of incidents such as the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks.

Good for india but how is that even remotely possible to use run-way needing aircraft in terrorist operations like Mumbai attacks? C-130J would carry paratroopers or drop APCs or hover above an area to offer surveillance?
Good for india but how is that even remotely possible to use run-way needing aircraft in terrorist operations like Mumbai attacks? C-130J would carry paratroopers or drop APCs or hover above an area to offer surveillance?

Indian SF units lacked dedicated transports to move them to any location requiring rapid action (like Mumbai). The new aircrafts will allow Indian SF units to be deployed anywhere in India or neighboring countries as required without having to get clearance and necessary support from IAF.
Good for india but how is that even remotely possible to use run-way needing aircraft in terrorist operations like Mumbai attacks? C-130J would carry paratroopers or drop APCs or hover above an area to offer surveillance?

This is related to the NSG which is stationed only in a few cities. If something like 26/11 happens again, cargo planes or airliners will airlift NSG to the hotspot
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