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US a great threat to entire world



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US a great threat to entire world
Published: December 20, 2011

LAHORE - US presence is a great threat to the entire world. The people of Iran, Pakistan and US are facing a common enemy and the only way to oust US forces is cultivation of knowledge and very-close interaction among Pakistan, Iran, China and Russia.
This was mutually agreed in a meeting of Iranian media-delegation with Punjab University Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Mujahid Kamran and senior faculty members at Committee Room of Vice-Chancellor’s office. The Iranian delegation consisted of Hamid Golpira of Tehran Times, Kianouche Amiri of Iran News, Syed Mahdi Seyed Mosavi of Taqhrib News, Ali Raza Nakhehi of Iran Daily and Mr Hossein Amiri of Mehr News.
Dr Kamran said that Iran was a great source of inspiration and had set a standard for all the Muslim countries to take stand against the powers who want to control the world. He said American people were not our enemy but a cabal of international bankers had manipulated wars and brought governments under debt. He said the US Congress and other institutions were their agent and didn’t represent the aspirations of American people. He said through National Defence Authorisation, police state conditions would formulise in the US. He said elite wanted to take control of Iran but Iranians had a government which represented people and it would not be easy for them to run over Iran. Iran stood like a rock, he said.
Prof Dr Hassan Askari Rizvi said we needed to examine our relationship with present day context and geographical realities. He said both the countries could gain a lot with bilateral relations. He said that we should work together on how to exclude the role of external powers from the region.
Hamid Golpira of Tehran Times said he was impressed by the speech of the vice-chancellor and US, England and other countries were colonies of these rich families. He said there was a dire need of civilizational research and promotion of education in the institutes of higher learning. He said that our enemies were destroying our past to control our future. He said that there must be defenses on ideological fronts and stressed that Islamic world had a great threat not on the borders but inside as well.
He said they had introduced “globalization” to control the global resources and they understood that control of Eurasia was to control the world. He said that we would have to work together for cultural defense and promote education because they were controlling minds of our people.
Advisor to Vice-Chancellor Col (r) Ikram Ullah shared an idea that the media and intellectuals of both the countries should work together in a specific direction.
American people are fine its just that their democracy has been subverted by AIPAC. Their foreign policy is run from tel aviv. Recently when by accident sarkosys mike to journalists was still on he was overheard to say to Obama that he disliked Netanyahoo cos he was a liar an Obama said I have to talk to him every day. No doubt Obama gets his instructions from Tel Aviv.
US a great threat to entire world
Published: December 20, 2011
LAHORE - US presence is a great threat to the entire world. The people of Iran, Pakistan and US are facing a common enemy and the only way to oust US forces is cultivation of knowledge and very-close interaction among Pakistan, Iran, China and Russia.

"oust US forces?" From where?

How many "US forces" are in China? Zero!
How many "US forces" are in Iran? Zero!
How many "US forces" are in Russia? Zero!
How many "US forces" are in Pakistan? Zero!

What a total farce. Iran is trying to protect itself by creating a new "axis" that revolves around its evil self --- tah dah! The Iranian Axis of Evil!
American people are fine its just that their democracy has been subverted by AIPAC. Their foreign policy is run from tel aviv. Recently when by accident sarkosys mike to journalists was still on he was overheard to say to Obama that he disliked Netanyahoo cos he was a liar an Obama said I have to talk to him every day. No doubt Obama gets his instructions from Tel Aviv.

I suppose when Obama came into power the Americans were conned into thinking he wasnt going to be a puppet of the zionist wing - sadly like me they were wrong. I agree vast populas of the USA are great people. We have to remember they are simply controlled at the top by the jews.
In fact the people most at risk in the USA is the mass populas of their own country. The sheer hatred and anger internationally is unfortunately aimed at them - and that is so unfair.
American people are fine its just that their democracy has been subverted by AIPAC. Their foreign policy is run from tel aviv. Recently when by accident sarkosys mike to journalists was still on he was overheard to say to Obama that he disliked Netanyahoo cos he was a liar an Obama said I have to talk to him every day. No doubt Obama gets his instructions from Tel Aviv.

Man I love you for that..
Man I love you for that..

you are welcome in america In america if a political leader was to oppose AIPAC he wouldd be frozen out of money to fight elections. Though americans say they have democracy you cant run for election without money in america its true and simple
If the Jews are so powerful and have so much money then why don't they use it to improve Israel?
Stop with this conspiracy rubbish.
"oust US forces?" From where?

How many "US forces" are in China? Zero!
How many "US forces" are in Iran? Zero!
How many "US forces" are in Russia? Zero!
How many "US forces" are in Pakistan? Zero!

What a total farce. Iran is trying to protect itself by creating a new "axis" that revolves around its evil self --- tah dah! The Iranian Axis of Evil!

"shitseeker" america has 1100 bases all our world. America has killed more than any other terrorist has ever done. Is that strange since america was created by killing millions of Indians who were living in america. And now supporting Isreal who is created with same action.
As much as needed for Pakistanis to escape the problems in their country.

Gambit - why do you constantly go off topic? Stop derailing a thread and lets discuss US and what a threat they are to the world. It must burn you and hence your feeble weak attempt to knock a great thread. If you want to talk about Pakistans problem kindly start another thread about it.
On topic - i worry about Americans that are suffering due to the moron decisions their leaders based in Tel Aviv take on their behalf
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