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Urdu words but not Really (^。^)

Video Camera - Mostly Used in Urdu "Video Kemera" drived from English
School - "SAA-Kool" , mispronunciation most common
JHONSA - Common word used by Inzimam Ul Haq instead of using "Jo Bhi"

Inzi : Ye Johnsi Ball , Karai ga khel loonga
Proper : Ye Jo bhi ball , Karai ga khel loonga

Drama - Sound drived from English Darama

The pharase
"How's that?" - I always thought it was "ouzaaaaaaaaaaaat?" used to be used commonly in Cricket for long time
Inzi joke was hilarious hahahahahaa
. .
A lot of foreign words we using ( not common one ) sometime surprised me oww that’s actually was an English word or Turkish Persian Arabic etc.
little different accents but we using it as normal, for example PANTALOON we saying it “ Patloon “ actually an Italian word ( a man ‘s close fitting garment or women’s buggy trousers).

I didn’t knew BAJI is a Turkish word with same meaning we using and BEGUM, YALGAR are also Turkish words.

“ Dekko “ mean a quick glance in Urdu “ Dekho “
“ Charpoy “ known as Charpai meaning light bedstead in English.

I come up with some more words I forget and can’t remember now.

Please share if you guys know any amazing common Urdu word but not actually.
Dont forget kiss my chuddies is also angrezi
How come you forgot "khand" ?

Unlike the Urdu of Ghalib's era we now prefer to borrow words from English.
That is really iritating. Why? Is there no self respect to avoid such bastardisation of a national language. I find same issue with Indians especially from South who cant even speak their own native tongue; for northern indians or Paks - they will try to incorporate to the point, why not just give up and speak English only.
If you travel to Iran, this is not the norm, Farsi is alive and evolving not devoluting like Urdu which is a real pity.

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