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Upgraded INS Sindhurakshak successfully carried out test launches of Club-S


Feb 20, 2012
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Upgraded INS Sindhurakshak successfully carried out test launches of Club-S cruise missiles




Having passed repair and modernization at Zvezdochka shipyard (Severodvinsk, Russia), Indian Navy’s diesel-electric submarine INS Sindhurakshak successfully carried out test launches of Club-S cruise missiles, reported the shipyard’s press service.

The submarine hit sea surface and coast-based targets by cruise missiles 3M-54E and 3M-14E. “Missile test is the closing round of the submarine’s trials”, reports ITAR-TASS referring to the shipyard’s press service.

Upon returning to the outfitting quay, the yard and the crew will jointly prepare the sub for delivery and a transfer to basing site in India.

According to press service of Zvezdochka shipyard, the submarine is equipped with up-to-date missile system Club-S; somewhat ten Indian- and foreign-made systems have been mounted on the sub, including Ushus sonar and CCS-MK-2 radio communication system.

“Upgrade of cooling system, placing of Porpoise radar, and some other works improving the sub’s combat features and safe operation have been done”, pointed out the Zvezdochka spokesman.

On June 23, 2012, INS Sindhurakshak was supposed to leave covered slipway for further launching.

In June 2010, delegation of Zvezdochka and representatives of Indian defense ministry signed the contract for 27-month long repair and modernization of INS Sindhurakshak.

Being specialized in overhaul and dismantling of nuclear-powered submarines, Zvezdochka Ship Repair Center has modernized four Indian subs since 1997 – INS Sindhuvir, INS Sindhuratna, INS Sindhughosh, and INS Sindhuvijay. The shipyard also continues repair and modernization of similar submarine INS Sindukirti in her home base Vishakhapatnam, India.

All these submarines are Russian-made Project 887EKM (Kilo class) developed by Rubin design bureau, St. Petersburg.

They are designed for antisubmarine and antiship warfare; defense of naval bases, coastal and sea lines of communication; reconnaissance and patrol operations.

In the course of modernization under Project 08773, these subs are equipped with advanced Russian Club-S cruise missile system (developed by Novator Design Bureau) with firing range of about 200 km, Indian sonars Ushus and radio communication systems CCS-MK.

INS Sindhurakshak was built in 1997 by Admiralteyskie Verfi shipyard (St. Petersburg) by the order of Indian Navy.

INS Sindhurakshak Tested Cruise Missiles >> Naval Today
I think Club-S supersonic CM range is 275, please correct me if wrong.

Good, the trail launch of CM from Submarine hit the sea and land targets....
I think Club-S supersonic CM range is 275, please correct me if wrong.

Good, the trail launch of CM from Submarine hit the sea and land targets....

Actually it depends on the variants.
I think the 3M-54E has a range of 200km.
club-s does not have a good record...Accuracy isn't good.
Although a very versatile missile,but with limitations...
Some blurb on the missile..

The 3M54E three-stage anti-ship missile consists of a booster, a subsonic cruise low-flying sustainer
stage and a low-flying supersonic terminal stage. For surface vessels of smaller displacement or with
shortened torpedo launchers, the system uses the 3M54E1 anti-ship missile, which has a booster and
a subsonic cruise sustainer stage, but carries a heavier warhead than the 3M54E missile. After launch
from either a vertical or angled deck-mounted launcher or from a submarine torpedo tube, the 3M54E
and 3M54E1 follow similar trajectories. At an altitude of up to 150 metres, the solid-propellant booster
is jettisoned, the under-fuselage air intake is extended, and the air-breathing sustainer engine is
started. At the same time the wings and tail surfaces are extended, and the weapon descends to its
cruising altitude of 10 to 15 metres above sea level. At a distance of up to 30 to 40 km from the
target, the missile climbs to higher altitude and activates its ARGS-54 active homing radar seeker.Developed by the Radar-MMS company of St. Petersburg, the ARGS-54 seeker has a maximum
operational range of 60 km. As the missile continues towards the target at subsonic speed, the seeker
scans from +45º to -45º in azimuth, and from and +10º to -20º in elevation. The ARGS-54 is 70 cm
long, 42 cm in diameter, and weighs 40 kg without the radome. It can operate in precipitation
conditions of up to 4mm/sec and in heavy sea conditions of up to sea state 6. After the target is
detected and the seeker has locked on, the 3M54E1 flies on at high subsonic speed to destroy the
target. The 3M54E, on the other hand, reaches its target in a different manner. At 20 km from the
target, the 3M54E's supersonic solid rocket-powered third-stage terminal 'dart' separates from the
missile, descends to 3 to 5 metres above sea level and accelerates to a supersonic speed of Mach 2.9
in a zigzagging terminal run to hit its target. On the one hand helps in penetration of the enemy ship's
air defenses, but on the other hand, due the high velocity the missile to become aerodynamically
heated, giving it a relatively high infrared signature.
maximum warhead capacity 400KG,but at expense of range which is reduced to 200Km...
Two stages have to be jettisoned,the initial booster and the sustainer air breathing engine and before final approach a rocket motor has to start...

It flies at around 4 meters above sea level, has active radar homing, can speed upto Mach 2.9 at Terminal phase, has very low rcs et cetra.
So it doesn't really seem like it has much to sacrifice for a range of 200km.

Most SLCMs have the same delivery method nothing new or specific to Club-S.

As per your link
An un-named official with the Novotar Design Bureau, when describing the 3M54E variant, said "The Alfa combines aspects of the U.S. Harpoon and French Exocet besides the U.S. Tomahawk. This configuration offers speed, better fuel economy and a greater accuracy rate than the current Western missiles. Once launched from ship, submarine or aircraft, the 1.5 ton missile cruises at subsonic speed 4.5 meters above the sea to evade radar."
Both the 3M54E1 and 3M54E are small weapons which are difficult to detect on radar, especially should even basic radar signature reduction techniques be applied to them. The use of a bandpass radome and minimal absorbent coatings could push the weapon’s head on radar cross section down to that of a large grapefruit.
The official adds, "At around 40 miles to its approach to the target, the forward section of the missile separates and ignites a solid booster, which rockets the missile to a supersonic speed of Mach 2.9. The purpose of this is to defeat current anti-missile systems with the Alfa missile's sheer speed. By the time the missile is within enemy radar range, it is already doing Mach 2.9. Within seconds it will be upon its target, even before existing anti-missile systems can fire their engines. Its ability to attack land targets is enhanced by a new homing and guidance system that put it in the Tomahawk league."
The Klub presents new challenges to Western defenses like Phalanx CIWS and Aegis currently found
aboard many Western-built naval vessels.
The Klub-S ASCM is planned to be incorporated into Russia's next generation Amur Class submarine, reportedly of which the first vessel is being built for the Indian Navy. However, that is yet to be confirmed from reliable sources.

Actually the 3M54/14 series has a pretty good success rate here is why.

Cannot be classed as true Cruise missile as its limited to anti ship and shore based target role..
Does not have TERCOM or Digital scene matching...
But i agree that the accuracy and reliability of the platform has been improved before selling to India...
Cannot be classed as true Cruise missile as its limited to anti ship and shore based target role..
Does not have TERCOM or Digital scene matching...
But i agree that the accuracy and reliability of the platform has been improved before selling to India...

I don't think u really understood the concept of a SLCM or a cruise missile.
Tercom or Terrain Contour Matching is a nav system which has a recorded map of the terrain contours. An on-board radar altimeter measures & compares this during flight.
DSMAC or Digital Scene-Mapping Area Correlator is almost the same. It compares photographs taken earlierby spy planes and satellites and compares this with photos that the missile take in flight thru a computer and processes it for guidance.

So Tercom and DSMAC is used only by LACMs not by SLCMs which fly above plain water not contours like on land.

So yes Club-S is a cruise missile as long it has a variety of guidance systems and trajectories and performs missions specific to cruise missiles.
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