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Upgraded INS Sindhurakshak successfully carried out test launches of Club-S

I don't think u really understood the concept of a SLCM or a cruise missile.
Tercom or Terrain Contour Matching is a nav system which has a recorded map of the terrain contours. An on-board radar altimeter measures & compares this during flight.
DSMAC or Digital Scene-Mapping Area Correlator is almost the same. It compares photographs taken earlierby spy planes and satellites and compares this with photos that the missile take in flight thru a computer and processes it for guidance.

So Tercom and DSMAC is used only by LACMs not by SLCMs which fly above plain water not contours like on land.

So yes Club-S is a cruise missile as long it has a variety of guidance systems and trajectories and performs missions specific to cruise missiles.

My point was that it has limited Land attack capability..Cannot attack deep inland like Tomahawk,Babur or Upcoming Nirbhay..
All the above cane be SLCM and can strike deep inland...
US navy is well known of firing Tomahawks from sea to Strike deep inside Iraq...
Babur can do the same.......Klub-S cannot...
My point was that it has limited Land attack capability..Cannot attack deep inland like Tomahawk,Babur or Upcoming Nirbhay..
All the above cane be SLCM and can strike deep inland...
US navy is well known of firing Tomahawks from sea to Strike deep inside Iraq...
Babur can do the same.......Klub-S cannot...

A low range does not automatically make Klub-S any less potent or not a cruise missile.
Can the babur or Tomahawk strike and evade like the Klub-S?
Do they have as much speed as the Klub-S?
Or can they fly lower than the Klub-S?
Or can they evade anti-missile systems like the Klub-s can?

It does not strike deep inland coz it is made specifically for ship based and shore based targets.
Every cruise missile has different purposes.
And cruise missile like Klub-S which is basically an anti-ship missile can attack more effectively than a Tomahawk can.
You are comparing a long ranged maximum impact cruise missile to a short ranged tactical interdiction cruise missile, there will hardly be any commonalities.
Try to compare any other cruise missile with the same function as Klub-S, we'll see how good they are?

And no, Babur can not do the same it is yet to be even tested in a platform other than a land variant.

And if you are so stuck up on range then try the RK-55 SLCM, a 0.6 Mach 3000km ranged monster.
A low range does not automatically make Klub-S any less potent or not a cruise missile.
Can the babur or Tomahawk strike and evade like the Klub-S?
Do they have as much speed as the Klub-S?
Or can they fly lower than the Klub-S?
Or can they evade anti-missile systems like the Klub-s can?

It does not strike deep inland coz it is made specifically for ship based and shore based targets.
Every cruise missile has different purposes.
And cruise missile like Klub-S which is basically an anti-ship missile can attack more effectively than a Tomahawk can.
You are comparing a long ranged maximum impact cruise missile to a short ranged tactical interdiction cruise missile, there will hardly be any commonalities.
Try to compare any other cruise missile with the same function as Klub-S, we'll see how good they are?

And no, Babur can not do the same it is yet to be even tested in a platform other than a land variant.

And if you are so stuck up on range then try the RK-55 SLCM, a 0.6 Mach 3000km ranged monster.

Why are you wasting your time and energy on explaining?

Since India has it, it is inferior to every tom dick and harry missile in the world. Its as simple as that !!!

Some butt-heart nutcases can't understand that teaching Russians about missile technology is like teaching Dharma to Lord Krishna !!!

Just accept club S is inferior and move on.
My point was that it has limited Land attack capability..Cannot attack deep inland like Tomahawk,Babur or Upcoming Nirbhay..
All the above cane be SLCM and can strike deep inland...
US navy is well known of firing Tomahawks from sea to Strike deep inside Iraq...
Babur can do the same.......Klub-S cannot...

There is dedicated land attack variant of Klub S missile, just not sure if IN has them or not.
A low range does not automatically make Klub-S any less potent or not a cruise missile.
Can the babur or Tomahawk strike and evade like the Klub-S?
Do they have as much speed as the Klub-S?
Or can they fly lower than the Klub-S?
Or can they evade anti-missile systems like the Klub-s can?

It does not strike deep inland coz it is made specifically for ship based and shore based targets.
Every cruise missile has different purposes.
And cruise missile like Klub-S which is basically an anti-ship missile can attack more effectively than a Tomahawk can.
You are comparing a long ranged maximum impact cruise missile to a short ranged tactical interdiction cruise missile, there will hardly be any commonalities.
Try to compare any other cruise missile with the same function as Klub-S, we'll see how good they are?

And no, Babur can not do the same it is yet to be even tested in a platform other than a land variant.

And if you are so stuck up on range then try the RK-55 SLCM, a 0.6 Mach 3000km ranged monster.

Technically yes.
Any missile that does not follow a ballistic path and is powered all the way,is a cruise missile.
Comparable to klub-s are varients of Harpoon missile with similar capabilities.
PN already has proven capability of firing Harpoon missiles from Khslid class subs.

This Indo-Russian deal took 4 years to complete so i cant be too sure if these klub-class are standard or modified/enhanced.They may well be imprioved versions.
If you find exact details on any improvements to the missiles provided to india,post here.
For standard characteristics of these missiles i already posted a detailed link.
also i think the actual range of these missiles can be above 300 km also,as russia cannot disclose it due to MTCR..in that case,it could become a leathal land attacker also
It's actually not news, as we have this capability already in IN. The report just shows that it was added to another modernised Kilo class and so far these subs will be the biggest threat for PN. Be it their vessels, port or even naval air bases alongside the costline, these would be the weapons used at first if IN would attack and not a carrier or the surface fleet with Brahmos.
The subs will be way harder to detect and can get closer to the costlines, would take out several important targets in the first strikes and leaves the surface fleet with Sea Control roles, to block re-supply.
With P75I and a possible win of Scorpene again, things could get even more interesting, if sub launched Scalp cruise missiles would be part of the package too, since land attack is a prime requirement of the competition.
Which other Indian submarines can launch cruise / anti ship missiles?
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Which other Indian submarines can launch cruise / anti ship missiles?


Each upgrade costs $80 million and involves complete overhaul of the submarine and its hull structures; installation of an improved control system, sonar, electronic warfare system, and an integrated weapon control system. Additionally the subs are being equipped to launch Club-S missiles from its torpedo tubes.

Two submarines - INS Sindhuvir and INS Sindhuraj - were modernized at the Admiralty Shipyard in St. Petersburg.

Later, four subs - INS Sindhukesari, INS Sindhuratna, INS Sindhugosh and INS Sindhuvijay - were modernized at - Zvyozdochka Shipyard in Severodvinsk.

A fifth submarine - INS Sindhurakshak - has been overhauled at Zvyozdochka Shipyard and is currently undergoing trials.

Of the remaining 3 subs, one has already been overhauled in India, and another two are in the process of being overhauled.
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@<u><a href="http://www.defence.pk/forums/member.php?u=13746" target="_blank">sancho</a></u>.
Which other Indian submarines can launch cruise / anti ship missiles?

Only the Kilos and the Akula SSN so far can use cruise missiles like Klub S, the Scorpenes as reported so far can only use Exocet anti ship missiles, but as I said, if the 2nd competition goes to the French as well, I wouldn't be surprised if naval Scalp will be added to the whole Scorpene fleet.

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Any truth in this?

"It is believed that an air-launched variant will be purchased to arm the
Tu-142s currently in service and the six to eight additional aircraft being
sought by the Navy. If an air-launched version of the Alfa is procured, it is
anticipated that India's Tu-22M3s will eventually be equipped to fire them."
Technically yes.
Any missile that does not follow a ballistic path and is powered all the way,is a cruise missile.
Comparable to klub-s are varients of Harpoon missile with similar capabilities.
PN already has proven capability of firing Harpoon missiles from Khslid class subs.

This Indo-Russian deal took 4 years to complete so i cant be too sure if these klub-class are standard or modified/enhanced.They may well be imprioved versions.
If you find exact details on any improvements to the missiles provided to india,post here.
For standard characteristics of these missiles i already posted a detailed link.

Max range of UGM-84 variants is not more than 140km and neither is the speed more than Mach-1 nor it can carry a greater warhead.
India too will have the UGM variants for its Shishumar class submarine and the AGM variants for the P8I-Neptune.

India has been using both Klub-S and Klub-N in its Talwar and Shivalik class frigates, the Akula class submarine et cetra.
It is believed that Tu-142s will be armed with an air launched version when its developed.

I don't think there has been any changes on the variants of the Klub.
Any truth in this?

"It is believed that an air-launched variant will be purchased to arm the
Tu-142s currently in service and the six to eight additional aircraft being
sought by the Navy. If an air-launched version of the Alfa is procured, it is
anticipated that India's Tu-22M3s will eventually be equipped to fire them."

we don't operate Tu-22M3
good news

we should upgrade rest of our kilo subs with clubs
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