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[Updated May 2023] Israel Strikes Gaza Again

Will the ongoing escalation develop into a full blown 3rd Intifida?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 36.6%
  • No

    Votes: 26 63.4%

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  • Poll closed .
I don't really give a shit lmao

Perhaps as a Pakistani, you should concentrate more on your clown show of a country, the riots, the political calamity, the corruption, the stagnant economy and your ultimate destination as a failed state.

Maybe the terrorats shouldn't have fired 100 missiles into Israel the other week LOL

I remember the cheers on here and from 'palestinians' that Israel had not retaliated and that Iron Dome was failing. It was such a "victory"

Well, Israel bid its time and retaliated, smoking 4 top rats of Iran's little tin pot terrorist group who haven't achieved a single thing since their founding LOL
Our destiny may be a failed state but certainly, your destiny is '' No state at all". Kaboooom.
Ask Benny how pigs are hunted when they destroy fields. They run, directionless.... hiding in bushes, trees, and behind stones but are slaughtered eventually.
Even trees and stones won't hide them. :azn:
If by 'apartheid' you mean Jews living apart from IslamoNazi fascists, then this will be achieved. Wall them off, choke their economies, vaporise their leaderships. etc.

And die

The Jews are thriving. The only 'western' country with a massive population replacement rate

The IslamoNazis will forever be under the boot of the IDF. This is your destiny willed by Allah himself.

Your wrong Jew,,

It's only a change of the circumstances that is required,,

We have time and we have numbers, why do you think Israel is so eager to start working and teaching out to countries in the Muslim world?
Because they see the writing on the wall.

Our duty is to keep the hostility going and the hatred bubbling, keep the population rising and memory of the Jew crimes fresh and alive in the minds of the youth

That youth is EVERYTHING
And Islam now 2 BILLION with median age of 23/24,, If we can keep that hatred of the Jew fresh and alive then I am telling you clearly ITS A MATTER OF TIME before the Jews trip
Your wrong Jew,,

It's only a change of the circumstances that is required,,

We have time and we have numbers, why do you think Israel is so eager to start working and teaching out to countries in the Muslim world?
Because they see the writing on the wall.

Our duty is to keep the hostility going and the hatred bubbling, keep the population rising and memory of the Jew crimes fresh and alive in the minds of the youth

That youth is EVERYTHING
And Islam now 2 BILLION with median age of 23/24,, If we can keep that hatred of the Jew fresh and alive then I am telling you clearly ITS A MATTER OF TIME before the Jews trip
Eventually, Zios will be culled like scattered pigs. After spreading much chaos and disturbance they will meet their end (punished like before they were many times, only this time will be their complete end and they will be wiped from the surface of the earth completely) .... Running here and there and EVEN THE TREES AND STONES WON'T HIDE THEM.
Your wrong Jew,,

It's only a change of the circumstances that is required,,

We have time and we have numbers, why do you think Israel is so eager to start working and teaching out to countries in the Muslim world?
Because they see the writing on the wall.

Our duty is to keep the hostility going and the hatred bubbling, keep the population rising and memory of the Jew crimes fresh and alive in the minds of the youth

That youth is EVERYTHING
And Islam now 2 BILLION with median age of 23/24,, If we can keep that hatred of the Jew fresh and alive then I am telling you clearly ITS A MATTER OF TIME before the Jews trip
Groomer, your people seem almost as obsessed with Jews as you are with pre-teen white girls.

I can see how much Jews and Israel consume you and your thoughts. The calories you burn just hating on a people that have always been more successful than you and will continue to be so.

You see your problem is that Israel isn't a pre-teen white girl that you can get drunk and then r@pe. Israel is the only country, perhaps bar India, that truly understands the mentality of the Muslim. This species is very well known to Israel and they know exactly how to control pests. All these other countries in the world think that the muslim can be negotiated with, can be coddled or satiated with some concessions. Israel knows that the muslim only understands one thing, and that's force. The boot on the neck.

It is very frustrating for you that you have managed to pillage the middle east and North Africa, but for such a long time you've been unable to handle the Jews or Israel. You have thrown everything you had against them. Multi-national armies, multi-pronged wars, terrorism etc. All the tactics that you savages have used against others, does not work against Jews.

You will continue to rot in your bedsit while Israel thrives and you will never live to see Israel fall.

We on the other hand, get to see Muslim countries fall all the time LOL. Currently hugely enjoying the spectacle in Pakistan.
Groomer, your people seem almost as obsessed with Jews as you are with pre-teen white girls.

I can see how much Jews and Israel consume you and your thoughts. The calories you burn just hating on a people that have always been more successful than you and will continue to be so.

You see your problem is that Israel isn't a pre-teen white girl that you can get drunk and then r@pe. Israel is the only country, perhaps bar India, that truly understands the mentality of the Muslim. This species is very well known to Israel and they know exactly how to control pests. All these other countries in the world think that the muslim can be negotiated with, can be coddled or satiated with some concessions. Israel knows that the muslim only understands one thing, and that's force. The boot on the neck.

It is very frustrating for you that you have managed to pillage the middle east and North Africa, but for such a long time you've been unable to handle the Jews or Israel. You have thrown everything you had against them. Multi-national armies, multi-pronged wars, terrorism etc. All the tactics that you savages have used against others, does not work against Jews.

You will continue to rot in your bedsit while Israel thrives and you will never live to see Israel fall.

We on the other hand, get to see Muslim countries fall all the time LOL. Currently hugely enjoying the spectacle in Pakistan.

Obsession 😂😂😂

Your an enemy oppressing Muslims,, what would you do ignore Jews😂😂😂

It's only been 75 years, there is plenty of time

Like I said think why so many societies have attempted to wipe Jews off the face of the earth..
Think why human beings thought it reasonable to think that the only way to deal with Jews was to lock you and your children up in actual freaking ovens and burn and gas you

I used to think why so much hatred against Jews and then we all realised ahhhhhh it's because Jews are insidious from the inside and they will create so much hatred for themselves because of their crimes that people and societies will just send them to ovens eventually

And it's not just us, multiple states and societies just went 'Yep these Jews need to be eradicated "

Around 20% of Israel is Arab/Muslim, your surrounded by growing populations of Muslims

Tick tock, your children will face the consequences of your crimes
Obsession 😂😂😂

Your an enemy oppressing Muslims,, what would you do ignore Jews😂😂😂

It's only been 75 years, there is plenty of time

Like I said think why so many societies have attempted to wipe Jews off the face of the earth..
Think why human beings thought it reasonable to think that the only way to deal with Jews was to lock you and your children up in actual freaking ovens and burn and gas you

I used to think why so much hatred against Jews and then we all realised ahhhhhh it's because Jews are insidious from the inside and they will create so much hatred for themselves because of their crimes that people and societies will just send them to ovens eventually

And it's not just us, multiple states and societies just went 'Yep these Jews need to be eradicated "

Around 20% of Israel is Arab/Muslim, your surrounded by growing populations of Muslims

Tick tock, your children will face the consequences of your crimes
These are the ramblings of a Walter Mitty type sitting in his bedsit with a lot of free time on his hands due to the authorities stopping him from playing with little white girls.

You seem to think that Israel is alone. LOL don't forget Israel has some powerful allies. Even if the Muslim manages to make it out of the stone age and threaten Israel, there are many countries that would be more than happy to squash that bug.

It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside to know that not only is the IDF boot on the 'palestinians', but that Israel also cooperates with India to make sure the Indians can keep the boot on the necks of the Pakistani squatters in Kashmir.

You use squatters very liberally... it is synonymous with jews... squatting their 5000 year history. Only now using a proxy, bandits have started stealing and occupying land from natives... not unlike colonial powers. So, aping imitating them and using their shoulders to perpetuate and establish it...

Calm down. Enjoy your time!
These are the ramblings of a Walter Mitty type sitting in his bedsit with a lot of free time on his hands due to the authorities stopping him from playing with little white girls.

You seem to think that Israel is alone. LOL don't forget Israel has some powerful allies. Even if the Muslim manages to make it out of the stone age and threaten Israel, there are many countries that would be more than happy to squash that bug.

It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside to know that not only is the IDF boot on the 'palestinians', but that Israel also cooperates with India to make sure the Indians can keep the boot on the necks of the Pakistani squatters in Kashmir.

We are all alone in this world and relying on idol worshippers 😂😂😂 really is that your plan, get together with pagans so you can oppress Palestinians and they can oppress Kashmiri 😂😂😂

Remember that Jew hatred still exists across the west and the world and all you require is a little scratch under the surface

Obviously we all hate Jews and we're open about it, your horrible, horrendous, evil people that deserved what you got for thousands of years

I've always said hindutva extremism was our best weapon,, because it taught Indian Muslims that we were right about Hindus

So you see the Israeli eagerness to try and open up with the Muslim world and make allies
Of course you do,, and both of us know why Israel is forced to do it

So the resistance inciting the Jew to act like A Jew in order to utilise your behaviour to keep Muslims inside and outside of Israel on track is EVERYTHING in terms of the long term plan against Israel and Jews

That may not make sense, but stopping any positive relations between Jews and Muslims/Arabs is vital

Hatred is all cleansing
Oh Islamists and groomers, please stay on topic.

And the topic is the liquidation of 'palestinian' squatters.

We can add another to the list. May the gates of hell await him.

A short while ago, the IDF targeted an additional senior operative of the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization, Ahmed Abu-Deka, a senior member of the Islamic Jihad rocket launching force.

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